CNS 15576 K5174
- 英文版 牛膝草油 Oil of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L. ssp. officinalis) - English version |
CNS 11728 K2146
- 英文版 建築用防火塗料 Fire-retardant paints for buildings - English version |
CNS 12963 A2250
- 英文版 裝飾混凝土磚 Decorated concrete blocks - English version |
CNS 15927 K61247
- 英文版 非壓力地下用熱塑性塑膠配管系統-彈性密封環接頭之密封性試驗法 Thermoplastics piping systems for underground non-pressure applications ? Test method for leaktightness of elastomeric sealing ring type joints - English version |
CNS 13273 G3254
- 英文版 延性鑄鐵管及管件內面用環氧樹脂粉體塗裝 Epoxy-powder coating for interior of ductile iron pipes and fittings - English version |
CNS 8399 G3162
- 英文版 彈簧用冷軋不銹鋼鋼帶 Cold rolled stainless steel strip for springs - English version |
CNS 15918-1 K61238-1
- 英文版 熱塑性塑膠管-抗拉性能測定第1 部:一般試驗法 Thermoplastics pipes ? Determination of tensile properties ? Part 1: General test method - English version |
CNS 12514-5 A3305-5
- 英文版 建築物構造構件耐火試驗法-第5 部:承重水平區劃構件特定要求 Fire-resistance tests – Elements of building construction – Part 5: Specific requirements for loadbearing horizontal separating elements - English version |
CNS 15448-2 T1089-2
- 英文版 眼科光學-未切邊之眼鏡鏡片成品-第2部:漸進多焦點眼鏡鏡片規格 Ophthalmic optics - Uncut finished spectacle lenses - Part 2: Specifications for progressive lenses - English version |
CNS 15435 K5168
- 英文版 玫瑰油 Oil of rose (Rosa × damascena Miller) - English version |
CNS 3592 Z7042
- 英文版 鎳及鎳合金被覆銲條 Nickel and nickel alloy covered electrodes - English version |
CNS 12593 S1218
- 英文版 攜帶式保冷箱 Portable cookers attached to liquefied petroleum gas cylinde - English version |
CNS 15926 K61246
- 英文版 非壓力用熱塑性塑膠配管系統-耐升溫循環試驗法 Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure applications ? Test method for resistance to elevated temperature cycling - English version |
CNS 485 A3004
- 英文版 粒料取樣法 Standard practice for sampling aggregate - English version |
CNS 14919 K0066
- 英文版 硫酸離子標準液 Sulfate ion standard solution - English version |
CNS 5298 B2440
- 英文版 低壓軟管夾 Hose Clamps for the Lower Pressure - English version |
CNS 1494-6 L3027-6
- 英文版 紡織品-色牢度試驗法-耐家庭與商業洗滌色牢度 Textiles ? Tests for colour fastness ? Colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering - English version |
CNS 11619 K0028
- 英文版 螢光X射線分析法總則 General Rules for X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Analysis - English version |
CNS 15591-1 C4528-1
- 英文版 可燃性粉塵環境用電機設備-第1部:外殼保護〝tD〞 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 1: Protection by enclosures〝tD〞 - English version |
CNS 4173 B2156
- 英文版 輪送機鏈條、配件及鏈輪 Conveyor Chains, Attachments and Chain Wheels - English version |
CNS 11384 C2170
- 英文版 聚胺酯尼龍被覆漆包銅線 Polyurethane wood paint - English version |
CNS 11625 C7180
- 英文版 交直流分路射頻干擾衰減用紙介質電容器 Paper Dielectric Capacitors for AC and DC By-Pass Radio-Interference Reduction - English version |
CNS 13447 R2200
- 英文版 熱處理增強玻璃 Heat-strengthened glass - English version |
CNS 13474 K3106
- 英文版 化學工業及一般用丙烯?–丁二烯–苯乙烯(ABS)塑膠管及接頭配件 Acrylonitrile - Butadiene - Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipes and Fittings for Chemical Industrial and General Uses - English version |
CNS 366-9 B7011-9
- 英文版 自行車安全要求-第9部:座墊及座桿測試法 Safety requirements for cycles ? Part 9: Saddles and seat-post test methods - English version |
CNS 8411-1 H2064-1
- 英文版 鋁及鋁合金之陽極氧化膜耐磨耗性試驗法- 第1部:磨輪磨耗試驗法 Test methods for abrasion resistance of anodic oxide coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys - Part 1: Wheel wear test - English version |
CNS 14638 K61078
- 英文版 超純水中有機碳﹝TOC﹞之試驗法 Methods of test for total organic carbon in highly purified water - English version |
CNS 13446 N1126
- 英文版 稻米詞彙 Rice glossary - English version |
CNS 15582 O1059
- 英文版 針葉樹底材用製材分等 Grading rules of softwood sawn lumber for unexposed materials use in building - English version |
CNS 5002 B3303
- 英文版 螺釘及螺帽之裝配工具-機動套筒扳手(E級扭矩) Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Machine-operated square drive sochet wrenches, test torques series E - English version |
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