China National Standards
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  •  China "SN" Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard English Title Standard Class Order
    SN/T 2011-2007 Electronic (capacitive) testing method for raw silk

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 2010-2007 Method for elimination of phytoplasma

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 2009-2007 Identification of Vesperus luridus Rossi, V.strepeus Fabricius, V.xatarti Dufour

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 2008-2007 Determination of patulin in fruit juice for import and export. HPLC method

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1999-2007 Protocol of antigen captured enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for bovine viral diarrhoea-muscosal disease

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1998-2007 Protocol of inspection and quarantine for entry-exit wild animals

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1997-2007 Quarantine protocol for import-export sheep and goats

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1996-2007 Detemination of diarrhetic shellfish poison in shellfish. ELISA method

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1995-2007 Hygienic specifications of refrigerated containers for export and import food

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1994.2-2007 Rules for the inspection of boilers and pressure vessels for import and export. Part 2: Domestic pressure regulators for liquefied petroleum gas cylinders

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1993.2-2007 Rules for the inspection of dynamic machinery for import and export. Part 2: Small and medium power diesel engines

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1992-2007 Phytosanitary requirements for the importation of grapevine propagation materials into China

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1991-2007 Rules for the inspection of power-driven vehicles for import and export. Four wheeled all-terrain vehicles

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1884.2-2007 Hygienic specification of storage and transportation for export and import fruit. Part2:Transportation

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1883.1-2007 Hygienic specifications of storage and transportation for export and import meat. Part 1: Storage

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1882.1-2007 Hygienic specifications of storage and transportation for export and import grain. Part 1: Storage

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1880.5-2007 Hygienic specification of export and import food packaging. Part 5: Metal packagi

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1795.3-2007 Rules for the inspection of used electrical and mechanical products for import. -Part 3: hydraulic excavators

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1737.2-2007 Determination of herbicides residues. Part 2: Determination of diphenyl ether herbicides residues in cereal and oilseed by GC/MS method

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1667.3-2007 Methods for the test of import and export mechanical and electrical commodity. Part 3: Measurement of standby power for household electrical appliances

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1631.4-2007 Rules for the inspection of machine tools for import and export. Part 4: Grinder

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1589.10-2007 Rules for the inspection of household and similar electrical appliances for import and export. Part 10: Electric shoe polishers

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1429.8-2007 Rules for the inspection of information technology equipment for import and export. Part 8: Interphones

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1135.5-2007 Identification of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.sepedonicus

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 1128-2007 Protocol of quarantine for akabane

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 0813.3-2007 Rules for the inspection of metalforming machine for import and export. Part 3: folder and slitter

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 0323.3-2007 Rules for the inspection of medical equipment for import and export. Part 3: Plastics collapsible containers for human blood. Blood components conventional containers

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 0323.2-2007 Rules for the inspection of medical equipment for import and export. Part 2: Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 0323.1-2007 Rules for the inspection of medical equipment for import and export. Part 1: Infusion and transfusion sets for single use

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

    SN/T 0248.1-2007 Rules for the inspection of bicycle and parts of bicycle for import and export. Part 1: General requirements

    China Import Export Inspection - SN Standards

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