China National Standards
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China's National Food Safety Standard System:


Framework of the China’s National Food Safety Standards



   General Standards


No. Date of issuance Effective Date GB Number Standard-in Chinese Standard-in English
1 3/17/2017 9/17/2017 GB 2761-2017 食品中真菌毒素限量 Maximum Levels of Mycotoxins in Foods
2 3/17/2017 9/17/2017 GB 2762-2017 食品中污染物限量 Maximum Levels of Contaminants in Foods
3 12/18/2016 6/18/2017 GB 2763-2016 食品中农药最大残留限量 Maximum Residue Level of Pesticides in Foods
4 12/26/2013 7/1/2014 GB 29921-2013 食品中致病菌限量 Pathogen Limits for Food
5 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 2760-2014 食品添加剂使用标准 Standards for Uses of Food Additives
6 10/19/2016 10/19/2017 GB 9685-2016 食品接触材料及制品用添加剂使用标准 Standards for Uses of Additives in Food Containers and Packaging Materials
7 3/15/2012 1/1/2013 GB 14880-2012 食品营养强化剂使用标准 Standard Regarding Nutritional Fortification Substances in Foods
8 4/20/2011 4/20/2012 GB 7718-2011 预包装食品标签通则 Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
9 10/12/2011 1/1/2013 GB 28050-2011 预包装食品营养标签通则 Standard for Nutrition Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
10 12/26/2013 5/1/2015 GB 13432-2013 预包装特殊膳食用食品标签 The Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods for Special Dietary Uses
11 11/29/2013 6/1/2015 GB 29924-2013 食品添加剂标识通则 General Standard for the Labeling of Food Additives



  Food Products 


No. Date of issuance Effective Date GB Number Standard-in Chinese Standard-in English
1 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 5420-2010 干酪 Cheese
2 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 11674-2010 乳清粉和乳清蛋白粉 Whey Powder and Whey Protein Powder
3 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 13102-2010 炼乳 Evaporated Milk and Sweetened Condensed Milk
4 3/26/2010 6/1/2010 GB 19301-2010 生乳 Raw Milk
5 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 19302-2010 发酵乳 Fermented Milk
6 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 19644-2010 乳粉 Milk Powders
7 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 19645-2010 巴氏杀菌乳 Pasteurized Milk
8 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 19646-2010 稀奶油、奶油和无水奶油 Cream, butter and anhydrous milkfat
9 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 25190-2010 灭菌乳 Sterilized  Milk
10 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 25191-2010 调制乳 Modified Milk
11 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 25192-2010 再制干酪 Process(ed) Cheese
12 12/21/2010 2/21/2011 GB 25595-2010 乳糖 Lactose
13 4/20/2011 10/20/2011 GB 14963-2011 蜂蜜 Honey
14 11/21/2011 12/21/2011 GB 19295-2011 速冻面米制品 Quick Frozen Flour and Rice Products
15 9/15/2011 3/15/2012 GB 26878-2011 食用盐碘含量 Iodine Content in Edible Salt
16 8/6/2012 2/1/2013 GB 2757-2012 蒸馏酒及其配制酒 Distilled Spirits and Their Integrated Alcoholic Beverages
17 8/6/2012 2/1/2013 GB 2758-2012 发酵酒及其配制酒 Fermented Alcoholic Beverages and their Integrated Alcoholic Beverages
18 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 2711-2014 面筋制品 Gluten  Products
19 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 2712-2014 豆制品 Bean Products
20 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 2718-2014 酿造酱 Fermented Sauces
21 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 7096-2014 食用菌及其制品 Edible Fungi and their Products
12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 9678.2-2014 巧克力、代可可脂巧克力及其制品 Chocolate, Cocoa Butter Replacer and Its Products
23 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 10133-2014 水产调味品 Aquatic Dressing
24 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 13104-2014 食糖 National Food Safety Standard Sugars
25 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 15203-2014 淀粉糖 Starch Sugar
26 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 16740-2014 保健食品 Health Food
27 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 17401-2014 膨化食品 Puffed Foods
28 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 19298-2014 包装饮用水 Packaged Drinking Water
29 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 19300-2014 坚果与籽类食品 Nuts and Seeds Products
30 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 2713-2015 淀粉制品 Starch Products
31 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 2714-2015 酱腌菜 Preserved Vegetables
32 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 2720-2015 味精 Gourmet Powder
33 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 2721-2015 食用盐 Food Grade Salt
34 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 2730-2015 腌腊肉制品 Cured meat products
35 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 2733-2015 鲜、冻动物性水产品 Fresh and frozen aquatic animal products
36 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 2749-2015 蛋与蛋制品 Eggs and Their Products
37 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 2759-2015 冷冻饮品和制作料 Frozen Beverages and Its Materials
38 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 7098-2015 罐头食品 Canned Food
39 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 7099-2015 糕点、面包 Pastries and Bread
40 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 7100-2015 饼干 Cookies and Crackers
41 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 7101-2015 饮料 Beverages
42 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 10136-2015 动物性水产制品 Processed aquatic products of animal origin
43 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 10146-2015 食用动物油脂 Edible  Animal Oils
44 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 14967-2015 胶原蛋白肠衣 National Food Safety Standard for Collagen Casings
45 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 15196-2015 食用油脂制品 Edible Oil Products
46 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 17325-2015 食品工业用浓缩液(汁、浆) Concentrated Liquid (Juice, Plasm) for Food Industry
47 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 17400-2015 方便面 Instant Noodles
48 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 19299-2015 果冻 Jellies
49 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 19641-2015 食用植物油料 Edible Vegetable Oil Seeds
50 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 31602-2015 干海参 Dried Sea Cucumber
51 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 2707-2016 鲜(冻)畜、禽产品 Fresh and Frozen Livestock and Poultry Products
52 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 2715-2016 粮食 Grains
53 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 2726-2016 熟肉制品 Cooked meat products
54 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 14884-2016 蜜饯 Preserved Fruits
55 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 14932-2016 食品加工用粕类 Food Processing Meal
56 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 17399-2016 糖果 Candies
57 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 19640-2016 冲调谷物制品 Reconstituted cereal products
58 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 19643-2016 藻类及其制品 Algae and algae products
59 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 20371-2016 食品加工用植物蛋白 Vegetable Protein for Food Processing
60 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 31636-2016 花粉 Pollen
61 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 31637-2016 食用淀粉 Food Starch
62 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 31638-2016 酪蛋白 Casein
63 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 31639-2016 食品加工用酵母 Yeasts used for food processing
64 12/23/2016 6/23/2017 GB 31640-2016 食用酒精 Edible alcohol


  Special Foods   



No. Date of issuance Effective Date GB Number Standard-in Chinese Standard-in English
1 3/26/2010 4/1/2011 GB 10765-2010 婴儿配方食品 Infant Formula
2 3/26/2010 4/1/2011 GB 10767-2010 较大婴儿和幼儿配方食品 Older infants and young children formula
3 3/26/2010 4/1/2011 GB 10769-2010 婴幼儿谷类辅助食品 Cereal-Based Complementary Foods for Infants and Young Children
4 3/26/2010 4/1/2011 GB 10770-2010 婴幼儿罐装辅助食品 Canned Complementary Foods for Infant and Young Children
5 12/21/2010 1/1/2012 GB 25596-2010 特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品通则 General Standard of Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants
6 12/26/2013 7/1/2014 GB 29922-2013 特殊医学用途配方食品通则 Formulas for Special Medical Purposes
7 4/29/2014 11/1/2014 GB 22570-2014 辅食营养补充品 Complementary Food Supplement
8 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 24154-2015 运动营养食品通则 General Standard for Sports Nutritional Food
9 11/13/2015 11/13/2016 GB 31601-2015 孕妇及乳母营养补充食品 Multi-nutrient supplementary food for pregnant and lactating women

  Food Additive Quality Specifications 


No. Date of issuance Effective Date GB Number Standard-in Chinese Standard-in English
1 7/15/2011 9/5/2011 GB 26687-2011 复配食品添加剂通则 Standard for Blended Food Additives
2 11/29/2013 6/1/2014 GB 29938-2013 食品用香料通则 General Standard for Flavoring Substances and Natural Flavoring Complexes
3 4/29/2014 11/1/2014 GB 30616-2014 食品用香精 Food additive Flavourings (compounded flavours)



Food-related Products


No. Date of issuance Effective Date GB Number Standard-in Chinese Standard-in English
1 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 14930.1-2015 洗涤剂 Detergent
2 4/25/2012 10/25/2012 GB 14930.2-2012 消毒剂 Disinfectant
3 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 31604.1-2015 食品接触材料及制品迁移试验通则 General Rules for Migration Testing of Food Contacting Materials and Products
4 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.1-2016 食品接触材料及制品通用安全要求 General Safety Requirements of Food Contact Materials and Articles
5 9/22/2015 9/22/2016 GB 4806.2-2015 奶嘴 Nipple
6 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.3-2016 搪瓷制品 Enamel Products
7 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.4-2016 陶瓷制品 Ceramic Products
8 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.5-2016 玻璃制品 Glass Products
9 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.6-2016 食品接触用塑料树脂 Resins for Food Contact Plastic Materials and Articles
10 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.7-2016 食品接触用塑料材料及制品 Food Contact Plastic Materials and Articles
11 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.8-2016 食品接触用纸和纸板材料及制品 Food Contact Paper and Paper Board Materials and Articles
12 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.9-2016 食品接触用金属材料及制品 Food Contact Metal Materials and Articles
13 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.10-2016 食品接触用涂料及涂层 Food-contact Coating and Coating Layers
14 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 4806.11-2016 食品接触用橡胶材料及制品 Food Contact Rubber Materials and Articles
15 10/19/2016 4/19/2017 GB 14934-2016 消毒餐(饮)具 Disinfected Tableware


Production and Operation GMP


No. Date of issuance Effective Date GB Number Standard-in Chinese Standard-in English
1 5/24/2013 6/1/2014 GB 14881-2013 食品生产通用卫生规范 General Hygiene Regulation for Food Production
2 12/24/2014 5/24/2015 GB 31621-2014 食品经营过程卫生规范 Hygienic Practice for Food Operation
3 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 12693-2010 乳制品良好生产规范 Good Manufacturing Practice for Dairy Products
4 3/26/2010 12/1/2010 GB 23790-2010 粉状婴幼儿配方食品良好生产规范 Good Manufacturing Practice for Powdered Formulae for Infants and Young Children
5 12/26/2013 1/1/2015 GB 29923-2013 特殊医学用途配方食品良好生产规范 Good Manufacturing Practice for Food for Special Medical Purpose
6 9/21/2015 9/21/2016 GB 31603-2015 食品接触材料及制品生产通用卫生规范 General Hygiene Regulation for Food contacting Materials and Their Products
7 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 8950-2016 罐头食品生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Canned Foods
8 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 8951-2016 蒸馏酒及其配制酒生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Distilled Liquor and Formulated Liquor
9 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 8952-2016 啤酒生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Beer
10 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 8954-2016 食醋生产卫生规范 Hygienic Specification for Vinegar Production
11 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 8955-2016 食用植物油及其制品生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Edible Vegetable Oil
12 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 8956-2016 蜜饯生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Preserved Fruits
13 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 8957-2016 糕点、面包卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Pastry and Bread
14 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB12694-2016 畜禽屠宰加工卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Livestock and Poultry Slaughtering Enterprise
15 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 12695-2016 饮料生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Beverages
16 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 13122-2016 谷物加工卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for Grain Processing
17 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 17403-2016 糖果巧克力生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Candy and Chocolate
18 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 17404-2016 膨化食品生产卫生规范 Code of Sanitation Practice for the Production of Puffed Food
19 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 18524-2016 食品辐照加工卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for Radiation Processing of Food
20 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 21710-2016 蛋与蛋制品生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Egg and Egg Products
21 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 12696-2016 发酵酒及其配制酒生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for Fermented Alcoholic Beverages and their Integrated Alcoholic Beverages
22 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 22508-2016 原粮储运卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Storage and Transport of Unprocessed Food Grains
23 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 20941-2016 水产制品生产卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the Production of Aquatic Products
24 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 20799-2016 肉和肉制品经营卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for the storage, distribution and sale of meat and meat products
25 12/23/2016 12/23/2017 GB 31641-2016 航空食品卫生规范 Code of Hygienic Practice for Airline Meals



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