China National Standards

China High temperature test GB Standards List

  •  China "High temperature test" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    GB/T 44030-2024 Metallic materials-High temperature compression test methods {译}
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 43853-2024 High-temperature Friction and Wear Performance Test of Laser Repair Layer-Ball-disc Method {译}
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    English PDF
    GB/T 43118-2023 Corrosion of metals and alloys Test method for high-temperature corrosion of metallic materials under the action of deposits of salt, ash or other substances {译}
    金属和合金的腐蚀 金属材料在盐、灰烬或其他物质的沉积物作用下进行高温腐蚀的试验方法
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 43092-2023 Electrochemical performance testing of lithium-ion battery cathode materials High temperature performance testing method {译}
    锂离子电池正极材料电化学性能测试 高温性能测试方法
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    English PDF
    GB/T 42653-2023 Glass high temperature viscosity test method {译}
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    GB/T 42655-2023 Test method for high temperature compression properties of continuous fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites {译}
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    GB/T 42910-2023 Test method for high temperature compression shear strength of inorganic adhesives {译}
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    English PDF
    GB/T 42913-2023 Corrosion of metals and alloys Test methods for high-temperature corrosion of metallic materials embedded in salt, ash or other solids {译}
    金属和合金的腐蚀 金属材料嵌入在盐、灰烬或其他固体中的高温腐蚀试验方法
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 42912-2023 Corrosion of metals and alloys Test methods for high-temperature corrosion of metallic materials under static immersion in molten salts or other liquids {译}
    金属和合金的腐蚀 金属材料在静态浸入熔盐或其他液体条件下的高温腐蚀试验方法
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 42900-2023 High strain rate and high temperature compression test method for metallic materials {译}
    金属材料 高应变速率高温压缩试验方法
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    English PDF
    GB/T 4937.23-2023 Semiconductor devices - Mechanical and climatic test methods - Part 23: High temperature operating life {译}
    半导体器件 机械和气候试验方法 第23部分:高温工作寿命
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    English PDF
    GB/T 10592-2023 High and low temperature test chamber technical conditions {译}
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    English PDF
    GB/T 2406.3-2022 Plastics - Determination of combustion behavior by the oxygen index method - Part 3: High temperature test {译}
    塑料 用氧指数法测定燃烧行为 第3部分:高温试验
    China National Standards
    High temperature test

    English PDF
    GB/T 12085.23-2022 Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 23: Combined test for low pressure and low temperature, atmospheric temperature, high temperature or damp heat {译}
    光学和光子学 环境试验方法 第23部分:低压与低温、大气温度、高温或湿热综合试验
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    English PDF
    GB/T 12085.22-2022 Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 22: Combined test of low temperature, high temperature or temperature change with impact or random vibration {译}
    光学和光子学 环境试验方法 第22部分: 低温、高温或温度变化与碰撞或随机振动综合试验
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 12085.2-2022 Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 2: Low temperature, high temperature, damp heat {译}
    光学和光子学 环境试验方法 第2部分:低温、高温、湿热
    China National Standards
    High temperature test

    English PDF
    GB/T 38924.3-2020 Environmental test methods for civil small and light unmanned aircraft system—Part 3: High-temperature test
    民用轻小型无人机系统环境试验方法 第3部分:高温试验
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    English PDF
    GB/T 38804-2020 Test method for oxidation of metallic materials exposed in high-temperature steam
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    English PDF
    GB/T 5137.3-2020 Test methods of safety glazing materials used on road vehicles—Part 3:Radiation,high temperature,humidity,fire and simulated weathering resistance tests
    汽车安全玻璃试验方法 第3部分:耐辐照、高温、潮湿、燃烧和耐模拟气候试验
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    English PDF
    GB/T 23711.3-2019 Test method for pressure vessels lined with plastics—Part 3:High-temperature inspection
    塑料衬里压力容器试验方法 第3部分:耐高温检验
    China National Standards
    High temperature test

    English PDF
    GB/T 38430-2019 Corrosion of metals and alloys—Test method for isothermal-exposure oxidation testing under high-temperature corrosion conditions for metallic materials
    金属和合金的腐蚀 金属材料在高温腐蚀条件下的等温暴露氧化试验方法
    China National Standards
    High temperature test

    English PDF
    GB/T 23711.3-2019 Test method for pressure vessels lined with plastics—Part 3:High-temperature inspection
    塑料衬里压力容器试验方法 第3部分:耐高温检验
    China National Standards
    High temperature test

    English PDF
    GB/T 37783-2019 Metallic materials—High strain rate tensile test method at elevated temperature
    金属材料 高应变速率高温拉伸试验方法
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    English PDF
    GB/T 36264-2018 Test method for tensile strength of fiber composites under ultrahigh temperature and oxidizing environment
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    English PDF
    GB/T 34520.7-2017 Test methods for continuous silicon carbide fiber—Part 7 :High temperature strength retention rate
    连续碳化硅纤维测试方法 第7部分:高温强度保留率
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    English PDF
    GB/T 34551-2017 Test method for alkali resistance of glass fiber reinforced polymer bars in high temperature condition
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    English PDF
    GB/T 5565.3-2017 Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing—Measurement of flexibility and stiffness—Part 3:Bending tests at high and low temperatures
    橡胶和塑料软管及非增强软管 柔性及挺性的测量 第3部分:高温和低温弯曲试验
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 34228-2017 Dipped heat-resistant canvas―Test method for adhesion strength at high temperature
    耐热浸胶帆布 高温粘合性能试验方法
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    English PDF
    GB/T 34108-2017 Metallic materials—High strain rate compression test method at ambient temperature
    金属材料 高应变速率室温压缩试验方法
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    English PDF
    GB/T 4194-2017 Creep testing, high temperature treatment and metallographic examination of the tungsten wire
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    English PDF
    GB/T 5541-2017 Disperse dyes—Determination of stability of dispersion at high temperature—Filter test of double filter papers
    分散染料 高温分散稳定性的测定 双层滤纸过滤法
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 5170.10-2017 Inspection methods for environmental testing equipments—Part 10:Combined high and low temperature/low air pressure testing equipments
    环境试验设备检验方法 第10部分:高低温低气压试验设备
    China National Standards
    High temperature test

    English PDF
    GB/T 32967.1-2016 Metallic materials—Torsional test method at high strain rates—Part 1: Method of test at room temperature
    金属材料 高应变速率扭转试验 第1部分:室温试验方法
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    English PDF
    GB/T 31544-2015 Test method for elastic properties of glass at high temperatures—Impulse excitation of vibration
    玻璃材料高温弹性性能试验方法 脉冲激振法
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    English PDF
    GB/T 30651-2014 Test method of flowability of petrolatum tape at high temperature
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    English PDF
    GB/T 18851.5-2014 Non-destructive testing―Penetrant testing―Part 5: Penetrant testing at temperatures higher than 50 ℃
    无损检测 渗透检测 第5部分:温度高于50℃的渗透检测
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 9292-2012 Surface active agents method of testing of the migration action of levelling agents for disperse dyes on dyeing polyester textiles under high temperature condition
    表面活性剂 高温条件下分散染料染聚酯织物用匀染剂的移染性测试法
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 23711.3-2009 High temperature test method for pressure vessels lined with fluoroplastics
    氟塑料衬里压力容器 耐高温试验方法
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    English PDF
    GB/T 16991-2008 Textiles - Test for colour fastness - Colour fastness and ageing to artificial light at high temperatures: Xenon arc
    纺织品 色牢度试验 高温耐人造光色牢度及抗老化性能 氙弧
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    English PDF
    GB/T 11158-2008 Specifications for High temperature test chambers
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    English PDF
    GB/T 2951.31-2008 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 31:Methods specific to PVC compounds - Pressure test at high temperature - Test for resistance to cracking
    电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第31部分:聚氯乙烯混合料专用试验方法 高温压力试验-抗开裂试验
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    English PDF
    GB/T 3903.18-2008 Footwear - Test methods for uppers - High temperature behaviour
    鞋类 帮面试验方法 高温性能
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    English PDF
    GB/T 5170.10-2008 Inspection methods for environmental testing equipments for electric and electronic products - Combined high and low temperature/low air pressure testing equipments
    电工电子产品环境试验设备检验方法 高低温低气压试验设备
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 9291-2008 Surface active agents - Method of testing of the restraining effect of levelling agents for disperse dyes on dyeing polyester textile under high temperature conditions
    表面活性剂 高温条件下分散染料染聚酯织物时匀染剂的抑染作用测试法
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 10592-2008 Specification for low/High temperature test chambers
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 5541-2007 Disrerse dyes - Determination of stability of dispersion at high temperature - Filter test of double filter papers
    分散染料 高温分散稳定性的测定 双层滤纸过滤法
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 10591-2006 Specifications for high temperature/low air pressure testing chambers
    高温/ 低气压试验箱技术条件
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 10590-2006 Specifications for high and low temperature/low air pressure testing chambers
    高低温/ 低气压试验箱技术条件
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    English PDF
    GB/T 8243.3-2003 Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines--Part 3: Resistance to high differential pressure and to elevated temperature
    内燃机全流式机油滤清器试验方法 第3部分: 耐高压差和耐高温特性
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 5137.3-2002 Road vehicles--Safety glazing materials--Part 3:Test methods for resistance to radiation,high temperature,humidity,fire and simulated weathering
    汽车安全玻璃试验方法 第3部分:耐辐照高温潮湿燃烧和耐模拟气候试验
    China National Standards
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    English PDF
    GB/T 18310.18-2001 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components--Basic test and measurement procedures--Part 2-18:Tests--Dry heat--High temperatureendurance
    纤维光学互连器件和无源器件 基本试验和测量程序 第2-18部分:试验 干热 高温耐久性
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    English PDF
    GB/T 3309-1989 Mechanical test at ambient temperature for high-voltage switchgear
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    English PDF
    GB/T 4194-1984 Creep testing,high temperature treatment and metallographic examination of the tungsten wires
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