China National Standards

China Levels GB Standards List

  •  China "Levels" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    GB/T 44051-2024 Non-destructive testing of welds-Phase-controlled array ultrasonic testing of thin-walled steel components-Acceptance Levels {译}
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 34877.2-2023 Industrial fans - Determination of fan sound power Levels under standard laboratory conditions - Part 2: Reverberation chamber method {译}
    工业风机 标准实验室条件下风机声功率级的测定 第2部分:混响室法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 34877.1-2023 Industrial fans - Determination of fan sound power Levels under standard laboratory conditions - Part 1: General requirements {译}
    工业风机 标准实验室条件下风机声功率级的测定 第1部分:通用要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 43630-2023 Tower and rack server energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency Levels {译}
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28869.3-2023 Magnetic cores made of soft magnetic materials - Measurement methods - Part 3: Magnetic properties at high excitation Levels {译}
    软磁材料制成的磁心 测量方法 第3部分:高励磁水平下的磁特性
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28869.2-2023 Magnetic cores made of soft magnetic materials - Methods of measurement - Part 2: Magnetic properties at low excitation Levels {译}
    软磁材料制成的磁心 测量方法 第2部分:低励磁水平下的磁特性
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 11345-2023 Weld non-destructive testing Ultrasonic testing technology, testing Levels and assessments {译}
    焊缝无损检测 超声检测 技术、检测等级和评定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 43073-2023 Pneumatics - Test method for measuring sound pressure Levels of exhaust mufflers {译}
    气动 测量排气消声器声压级的试验方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4798.4-2023 Classification of environmental conditions Classification of environmental parameter groups and their severity Levels Part 4: Stationary use in places without weather protection {译}
    环境条件分类 环境参数组分类及其严酷程度分级 第4部分:无气候防护场所固定使用
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 13277.1-2023 Compressed air - Part 1: Pollutant purification Levels {译}
    压缩空气 第1部分:污染物净化等级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 42581-2023 Information Technology Services - Evaluation Criteria for Data Center Business Continuity Levels {译}
    信息技术服务 数据中心业务连续性等级评价准则
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 42468.1-2023 Specifications for rescue and restoration of paper archives Part 1: Classification of damage Levels {译}
    纸质档案抢救与修复规范 第1部分:破损等级的划分
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1094.101-2023 Power transformers - Part 101: Determination of sound Levels - Application guidelines {译}
    电力变压器 第101部分:声级测定 应用导则
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 3222.2-2022 Acoustics—Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise—Part 2: Determination of sound pressure Levels
    声学 环境噪声的描述、测量与评价 第2部分:声压级测定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4854.3-2022 Acoustics—Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment—Part 3:Reference equivalent threshold vibratory force Levels for pure tones and bone vibrators
    声学 校准测听设备的基准零级 第3部分: 骨振器纯音基准等效阈振动力级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17248.1-2022 Acoustics—Noise emitted by machinery and equipment—Guidelines for the use of basic standards for the determination of emission sound pressure Levels at a work station and at other specified positions
    声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 测定工作位置和其他指定位置发射声压级的基础标准使用导则
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/Z 42244-2022 Space environment. Procedure for obtaining worst-case and confidence Levels of the Earth's radiation belt fluence using quasi-dynamic models {译}
    空间环境 利用准动态模型获得地球辐射带注量的最劣情况和置信水平的程序
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 42254-2022 Ice regime Levels in the Bohai Sea and the northern part of the Yellow Sea {译}
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1094.10-2022 Power transformers - Part 10: Determination of sound Levels {译}
    电力变压器 第10部分:声级测定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18663.4-2022 Mechanical construction of electronic equipment - Tests for metric and imperial series - Part 4: Combinations of performance Levels for modular cabinets {译}
    电子设备机械结构 公制系列和英制系列的试验 第4部分:模数机柜的性能等级组合
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 41116-2021 Non-destructive testing of welds—Time-of-flight diffraction technique (TOFD)—Acceptance Levels
    焊缝无损检测 衍射时差技术(TOFD) 验收等级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 40734-2021 Non-destructive testing of welds—Phased array ultrasonic testing(PAUT)—Acceptance Levels
    焊缝无损检测 相控阵超声检测 验收等级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 39095-2020 Aerospace—Hydraulic fluid components—Expression of particulate contamintion Levels
    航空航天 液压流体零部件 颗粒污染度等级的表述
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 39157-2020 Classification and definition of the technology readiness Levels for targets
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 37910.2-2019 Non-destructive testing of welds — Acceptance Levels for radiographic testing — Part 2: Aluminium and its alloys
    焊缝无损检测 射线检测验收等级 第2部分: 铝及铝合金
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 37910.1-2019 Non-destructive testing of welds—Acceptance Levels for radiographic testing—Part 1:Steel,nickel,titanium and their alloys
    焊缝无损检测 射线检测验收等级 第1部分:钢、镍、钛及其合金
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 37033.1-2018 Information security technology—Technical requirements for cryptographic application for radio frequency identification systems—Part 1: Cryptographic protection framework and security Levels
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 37264-2018 Classification and definition of the technology readiness Levels for new materials
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17248.2-2018 Acoustics—Noise emitted by machinery and equipment—Determination of emission sound pressure Levels at a work station and at other specified positions in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane with negligible environmental corrections
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17248.3-2018 Acoustics—Noise emitted by machinery and equipment—Determination of emission sound pressure Levels at a work station and at other specified positions applying approximate environmental corrections
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17248.5-2018 Acoustics—Noise emitted by machinery and equipment—Determination of emission sound pressure Levels at a work station and at other specified positions applying accurate environmental corrections
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 36301-2018 Pre-processing product Levels for spaceborne hyperspectral imaging data
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6378.4-2018 Samling procedures for inspection by variables—Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality Levels for mean
    计量抽样检验程序 第4部分:对均值的声称质量水平的评定程序
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 11346-2018 Radiograpial testing for aluminum alloy castings—Defect Levels
    铝合金铸件射线照相检测 缺陷分级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6881.2-2017 Acoustics—Determination of sound power Levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure—Engineering methods for small movable sources in reverberant fields—Comparison method for a hard-walled test room
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级和声能量级 混响场内小型可移动声源工程法 硬壁测试室比较法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 34877.3-2017 Industrial fans—Determination of fan sound power Levels under standardized laboratory conditions—Part3:Enveloping surface methods
    工业风机 标准实验室条件下风机声功率级的测定 第3部分:包络面法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 34834-2017 Acoustics—Framework for calculating a distribution of sound exposure Levels for impulsive sound events for the purposes of environmental noise assessment
    声学 环境噪声评价中脉冲声事件暴露声级分布的计算方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 34388-2017 Foundry machinery—Noise measurement method of sound power Levels
    铸造机械 噪声声功率级测量方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 33981-2017 Standard practice for the measurement of sound pressure Levels on high-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1859.4-2017 Reciprocating internal combustion engines—Measurement of sound power Levels using sound pressure—Part 4:Survey method using a reference sound source
    往复式内燃机 声压法声功率级的测定 第4部分:使用标准声源简易法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 35673-2017 Industrial communication networks—Network and system security—System security requirements and security Levels
    工业通信网络 网络和系统安全 系统安全要求和安全等级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18039.4-2017 Electromagnetic compatibility—Environment—Compatibility Levels in industrial plants for low-frequency conducted disturbances
    电磁兼容 环境 工厂低频传导骚扰的兼容水平
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 3768-2017 Acoustics—Determination of sound power Levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure—Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级和声能量级 采用反射面上方包络测量面的简易法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18039.3-2017 Electromagnetic compatibility—Environment—Compatibility Levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems
    电磁兼容 环境 公用低压供电系统低频传导骚扰及信号传输的兼容水平
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1094.3-2017 Power transformers—Part 3:Insulation Levels,dielectric tests and external clearances in air
    电力变压器 第3部分:绝缘水平、绝缘试验和外绝缘空气间隙
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 20438.5-2017 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems—Part 5: Examples of methods for the determination of safety integrity Levels
    电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统的功能安全 第5部分:确定安全完整性等级的方法示例
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17625.9-2016 Electromagnetic compatibility—Limits—Signaling on low-voltage electrical installations—Emission Levels, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbance levels
    电磁兼容 限值 低压电气设施上的信号传输 发射电平、频段和电磁骚扰电平
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 33214-2016 Laser-arc hybrid welding joints of steels, nickel and nickel alloys—Quality Levels for imperfections
    钢、镍及镍合金的激光-电弧复合焊接接头 缺欠质量分级指南
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 33138-2016 Levels and test method for storage and backup system
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 32577-2016 Measurement procedures of magnetic field Levels generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in the railway environment with respect to human exposure
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4854.9-2016 Acoustics—Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment—Part 9: Preferred test conditions for the determination of reference hearing threshold Levels
    声学 校准测听设备的基准零级 第9部分:确定基准听阈级的优选测试条件
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 3767-2016 Acoustics—Determination of sound power Levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure—Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级和声能量级 反射面上方近似自由场的工程法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6882-2016 Acoustics—Determination of sound power Levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure—Precision methods for anechoic rooms and hemi-anechoic rooms
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级和声能量级 消声室和半消声室精密法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 22715-2016 Impulse voltage withstand Levels of form-wound stator coils for rotating a.c. machines
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 14255-2015 Household sewing machines head—Method of sound power Levels of noise emitted
    家用缝纫机机头 噪声声功率级的测试方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4854.6-2014 Acoustics―Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment―Part 6: Reference hearing threshold Levels for test signals of short duration
    声学 校准测听设备的基准零级 第6部分:短时程测试信号的基准听阈
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 30988-2014 Methods of genomic DNA extraction from plants with high Levels of polyphenols
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18039.9-2013 Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment - Compatibility Levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public medium-voltage power supply systems
    电磁兼容 环境 公用中压供电系统低频传导骚扰及信号传输的兼容水平
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 29712-2013 Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Acceptance Levels
    焊缝无损检测 超声检测 验收等级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 11345-2013 Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Techniques, testing Levels, and assessment
    焊缝无损检测 超声检测 技术、检测等级和评定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 7333-2012 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric d.c.capacitors - Assessment Levels E and EZ
    电子设备用固定电容器 第2-1部分:空白详细规范 金属化聚乙烯对苯二甲酸酯膜介质 直流固定电容器 评定水平E和EZ
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 10191-2011 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 16-1: Blank detail specification:Fixed metallized polypropylene film dielectric d.c.capacitors - Assessment Levels E and EZ
    电子设备用固定电容器 第16-1部分:空白详细规范 金属化聚丙烯膜介质直流固定电容器 评定水平E和EZ
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 27760-2011 Test method for calibrating the z-magnification of an atomic force microscope at subnanometer displacement Levels using si (111) monatomic steps
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26953-2011 Non-destructive testing of welds - Penetrant testing of welds - Acceptance Levels
    焊缝无损检测 焊缝渗透检测 验收等级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26952-2011 Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic particle testing of welds - Acceptance Levels
    焊缝无损检测 焊缝磁粉检测 验收等级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 13236-2011 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Equipment for measurement of liquid Levels in storage tanks - Manual method
    石油和液体石油产品 储罐液位手工测量设备
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 2761-2011 National Food Safety Standards – Maximum Levels of mycotoxins in foods
    食品安全国家标准 食品中真菌毒素限量
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 25982-2010 Permissible Levels and test methods of bus internal noise
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 24961-2010 Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Measurement of liquid Levels in tanks containing liquefied gases - Float-type level gauges
    冷冻轻烃流体 液化气储罐内液位的测量 浮子式液位计
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 24960-2010 Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Measurement of liquid Levels in tanks containing liquefied gases - Electrical capacitance gauges
    冷冻轻烃流体 液化气储罐内液位的测量 电容液位计
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 24734.11-2009 Technical product documentation - Digital product definition data practices - Part 11: Levels of geometrical detail
    技术产品文件 数字化产品定义数据通则 第11部分:模型几何细节层级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/Z 24636.4-2009 Geometrical product specifications(GPS) - Statistical tolerance - Part 4: Statistical tolerance design based on given confidence Levels
    产品几何技术规范(GPS) 统计公差 第4部分:基于给定置信水平的统计公差设计
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6865-2009 Codes for Levels of language proficiency and foreign language test grades
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 3222.2-2009 Acoustics - Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise - Part 2: Determination of environmental noise Levels
    声学 环境噪声的描述、测量与评价 第2部分:环境噪声级测定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23282-2009 Metal forming machinery - Noise measurement method of sound power Levels
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23281-2009 Metal forming machinery -noise measurement method of sound pressure Levels
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17567-2009 Clearance Levels for recycle and reuse of steel、aluminum、nickel and copper from nuclear facilities
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 5980-2009 Regulation on noise Levels on board inland ships
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 22715-2008 Impulse voltage withstand Levels of form-wound stator coils for rotating a.c. machines
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 16306-2008 Re-inspection and re-test procedures for assessment of declared quality Levels
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 2828.4-2008 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality Levels
    计数抽样检验程序 第4部分:声称质量水平的评定程序
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6378.4-2008 Sampling procedures for inspection by variables - Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality Levels for mean
    计量抽样检验程序 第4部分:对均值的声称质量水平的评定程序
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 2828.11-2008 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes Part 11: Procedures for assessment of declared quality Levels for small population
    计数抽样检验程序 第11部分: 小总体声称质量水平的评定程序
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4854.5-2008 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment- Part 5: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure Levels for pure tone in the frequency range 8 kHz to 16 kHz
    声学 校准测听设备的基准零级 第5部分:8kHz-16kHz频率范围纯音基准等效阈声压级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6882-2008 Acoustics - Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources using pressure - Precision methods for anechoic and hemi-anechoic rooms
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 消声室和半消声室精密法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 16538-2008 Acoustics - Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Comparison method in situ
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 现场比较法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1094.101-2008 Power transformers - Part 10.1: Determination of sound Levels - Application guide
    电力变压器 第10.1部分: 声级测定 应用导则
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 22087-2008 Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloys - Guidance on quality Levels for imperfection
    铝及铝合金的弧焊接头 缺欠质量分级指南
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 22085.2-2008 Electron and laser beam welded joints - Guidance on quality Levels for imperfections - Part 2:Aluminium and its weldable alloys
    电子束及激光焊接接头 缺欠质量分级指南 第2部分:铝及铝合金
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 22085.1-2008 Electron and laser beam welded joints - Guidance on quality Levels for imperfactions - Part 1:Steel
    电子束及激光焊接接头 缺欠质量分级指南 第1部分:钢
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 17888.1-2008 Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 1: Choice of a fixed means of access between two Levels
    机械安全 进入机械的固定设施 第1部分:进入两级平面之间的固定设施的选择
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4854.8-2007 Acoustics - Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment - Part 8: Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure Levels for pure tone and circumaural earphones
    声学 校准测听设备的基准零级 第8部分:耳罩式耳机纯音基准等效阈声压级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 21229-2007 Acoustics - Determination of sound power Levels of noise from air-terminal devices,air-terminal units,dampers and valves by measurement in a reverberation room
    声学 风道末端装置、末端单元、风道闸门和阀噪声声功率级的混响室测定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17248.6-2007 Acoustics - Noise emitted by machinery and equipment - Engineering method for the determination of emission sound pressure Levels in situ at the work station and at other specified positions using sound intensity
    声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 声强法现场测定工作位置和其它指定位置发射声压级的工程法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 21111-2007 Projection in indoor rooms - Classification of transmitting projection screens and measurement of their transmitted luminance Levels
    室内放映 透射放映银幕的分类和亮度测定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 21109.3-2007 Functional safety-Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 3: Guidance for the determination of the required safety integrity Levels
    过程工业领域安全仪表系统的功能安全 第3部分:确定要求的安全完整性等级的指南
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 20438.5-2006 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems―Part 5: Examples of methods for the determination of safety integrity Levels
    电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统的功能安全 第5部分: 确定安全完整性等级的方法示例
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 14367-2006 Acoustics―Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources―Guidelines for the use of basic standards
    声学 噪声源声功率级的测定 基础标准使用指南
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 50168-2006 Erection works of electrical installations Code for construction and acceptance of cable Levels
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 20248-2006 Acoustics - Measurement of sound pressure Levels in the interior of aircraft during flight
    声学 飞行中飞机舱内声压级的测量
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 20246-2006 Acoustics - Determination of sound power Levels of multisource industrial plants for evaluation of sound pressure levels in the environment - Engineering method
    声学 用于评价环境声压级的多声源工厂的声功率级测定 工程法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 16404.3-2006 Acoustics - Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources using sound intensity - Part 3: Precision method for measurement by scanning
    声学 声强法测定噪声源声功率级 第3部分:扫描测量精密法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/Z 19511-2004 Industrial,scientific and medical equipment(ISM)--Guidelines for emission Levels within the bands designated by the ITU
    工业、科学和医疗设备(ISM) 国际电信联盟(ITU)指定频段内的辐射电平指南
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4854.1-2004 Acoustics--Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment--Part1:Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure Levels for pure tones and supra-aural earphones
    声学 校准测听设备的基准零级 第1部分:压耳式耳机纯音基准等效阈声压级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19418-2003 Arc-welded joints in steel--Guidance on quality Levels for imperfections
    钢的弧焊接头 缺陷质量分级指南
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1094.10-2003 Power transformers--Part 10: Determination of sound Levels
    电力变压器 第10部分:声级测定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 1094.3-2003 Power transformers--Part 3: Insulation Levels,dielectric tests and external clearances in air
    电力变压器 第3部分: 绝缘水平、绝缘试验和外绝缘空气间隙
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4129-2003 Acoustics--Requirements for the performance and calibration of reference sound sources used for the determination of sound power Levels
    声学 用于声功率级测定的标准声源的性能与校准要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18039.4-2003 Electromagnetic compatibility--Environment--Compatibility Levels in industrial plants for low-frequency conducted disturbances
    电磁兼容 环境 工厂低频传导骚扰的兼容水平
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18039.3-2003 Electromagnetic compatibility--Environment--Compatibility Levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems
    电磁兼容 环境 公用低压供电系统低频传导骚扰及信号传输的兼容水平
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6881.3-2002 Acoustics--Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources-using sound pressure--Engineering methods for small,movable sources in reverberant fields--Part 2:Methods for special reverberation test rooms
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 混响场中小型可移动声源工程法 第2部分:专用混响测试室法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6881.2-2002 Acoustics--Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources--Engineering methods for small,movable sources in reverberant field--Part 1:Comparison method for hard-walled test rooms
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 混响场中小型可移动声源工程法 第1部分:硬壁测试室比较法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6881.1-2002 Acoustics--Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources using sound pressure--Precision methods for reverberation rooms
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 混响室精密法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18492-2001 Information technology--System and software inte-grity Levels
    信息技术 系统及软件完整性级别
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/Z 18039.2-2000 Electromagneticcompatibility -- Environment --Assessment of the emission Levels in the power supply of industrial plants as regards low-frequency conducted disturbances
    电磁兼容 环境 工业设备电源低频传导骚扰发射水平的评估
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17248.1-2000 Acoustics--Noise emitted by machinery and equipment--Guidelines forthe use of basic standards for the determination of emission sound pressure Levels at a work station and at other specified positions
    声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 测定工作位置和其他指定位置发射声压级的基础标准使用导则
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 7584.2-1999 Acoustics--Hearing protectors--Part 2:Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure Levels when hearing protectors are worn
    声学 护听器 第2部分:戴护听器时有效的A计权声压级估算
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4854.4-1999 Acoustics--Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment--Part 4:Reference Levels for narrow-band masking noise
    声学 校准测听设备的基准零级 第4部分:窄带掩蔽噪声的基准级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17248.5-1999 Acoustics--Noise emitted by machinery and equipment--Measurement of emission sound pressure Levels at a work station and at other specified positions--Method requiring environmental corrections
    声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 工作位置和其他指定位置发射声压级的测量 环境修正法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17248.3-1999 Acoustics--Noise emitted by machinery and equipment--Measurement of emission sound pressure Levels at a work station and at other specified positions--Survey method in situ
    声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 工作位置和其他指定位置发射声压级的测量 现场简易法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17248.2-1999 Acoustics--Noise emitted by machinery and equipment--Measurement of emission sound pressure Levels at a work station and at otherspecified positions--Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane
    声学 机器和设备发射的噪声 工作位置和其他指定位置发射声压级的测量 一个反射面上方近似自由场的工程法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 16404.2-1999 Acoustics--Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources using sound intensity--Part 2:Measurement by scanning
    声学 声强法测定噪声源的声功率级 第2部分:扫描测量
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4854.3-1998 Acoustics--Reference zero for the calibration of audiometric equipment--Part 3:Reference equivalent threshold force Levels for pure tones and bone vibrators
    声学 校准测听设备的基准零级 第3部分:骨振器纯音基准等效阈力级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 16539-1996 Acoustics--Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources using vibration velocity--Measurement for seal machinery
    声学 振速法测定噪声源声功率级 用于封闭机器的测量
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 3768-1996 Acoustics--Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources using sound pressure--Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 反射面上方采用包络测量表面的简易法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 3767-1996 Acoustics--Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources using sound pressure--Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane
    声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 反射面上方近似自由场的工程法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 16404-1996 Acoustics--Determination of sound power Levels of noise sources using sound intensity--Part 1:Measurement at discrete points
    声学 声强法测定噪声源的声功率级 第1部分:离散点上的测量
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 16402-1996 Acoustics--Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure Levels for pure tones and insert earphones
    声学 插入式耳机纯音基准等效阈声压级
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 9662-1988 Guideline on intervention Levels and medical management in the event of radiological accident
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 9627-1988 Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 3:Blank detail specification--Magnetic oxide cores for broad-band transformers--Assessment Levels A and B
    通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第三部分:空白详细规范 宽带变压器用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平 A和B (可供认证用)
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 9068-1988 Determination of sound power Levels for noise emitted by heating,ventilating and air conditioning equipments--Engineering method
    采暖通风与空气调节设备噪声声功率级的测定 工程法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 5979-1986 Regulation on noise Levels on board sea-going ships
    China National Standards

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    GB 5044-1985 Classification of health hazard Levels fromoccup-ational exposure to toxic substances
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4215-1984 Determination of sound power Levels of noise emitted by metal cutting machine tools
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 3238-1982 Acoustical Levels and refrence quantities
    China National Standards

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