Standard Code | Standard Title | Standard Class | Order |
GB 51022-2015 |
Technical code for steel structure of light-weight building with gabled frames 门式刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB 51093-2015 |
Technical code for hydrochloric acid regeneration engineering according to spraying and roasting technology of iron and steel enterprises 钢铁企业喷雾焙烧法盐酸废液再生工程技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB/T 51050-2014 |
Technical code for energy measuring and monitoring engineering in the iron and steel enterprises 钢铁企业能源计量和监测工程技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB 50936-2014 |
Technical code for concrete filled steel tubular structures 钢管混凝土结构技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB/T 50938-2013 |
Technical code for low temperature steel storage tanks in petrochemical engineering 石油化工钢制低温储罐技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB 50923-2013 |
Technical code for concrete-filled steel tube arch bridges 钢管混凝土拱桥技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB/T 50912-2013 |
Technical code for application of ground iron and steel slag concrete 钢铁渣粉混凝土应用技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB/T 50214-2013 |
Technical code for composite steel-form 组合钢模板技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB/T 29038-2012 |
Engineering technical code for light gauge stainless steel pipes 薄壁不锈钢管道技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB/T 50756-2012 |
Technical code for ground treatment of steel tanks 钢制储罐地基处理技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB 50393-2008 |
Technical code for anticorrosive engineering of the steel petroleum tank 钢质石油储罐防腐蚀工程技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
GB 50018-2002 |
Technical code for design of cold-formed thin-wall steel structures 冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical code steel |
English PDF |
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