Standard Code | Standard Title | Standard Class | Order |
GB/T 51344-2019 |
Technical standard for anti-leakage retrofits of in-service fuel storage tanks in filling stations 加油站在役油罐防渗漏改造工程技术标准 |
China National Standards Technical standard anti |
English PDF |
GB/T 50538-2010 |
Technical standard for anti-corrosion and insulation coatings of buried steel pipeline 埋地钢质管道防腐保温层技术标准 |
China National Standards Technical standard anti |
English PDF |
GB/T 23474-2009 |
Technical standard for quarantine Hyphantria cunea (Drury) 美国白蛾检疫技术规程 |
China National Standards Technical standard anti |
English PDF |
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