China National Standards

China Fixed water supply GB Standards List

  •  China "Fixed water supply" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    GB 27898.5-2011 Fixed water supply equipment for fire-protection - Part 5: Dual power fixed water supply equipment used for fire-protection
    固定消防给水设备 第5部分:消防双动力给水设备
    China National Standards
    Fixed water supply

    English PDF
    GB 27898.4-2011 Fixed water supply equipment used for fire-protection - Part 4: Gas driven fixed water supply equipment used for fire-protection
    固定消防给水设备 第4部分:消防气体顶压给水设备
    China National Standards
    Fixed water supply

    English PDF
    GB 27898.3-2011 Fixed water supply equipment used for fire-protection - Part 3: Pressure boosting and stabilizing type water supply equipment used for fire-protection
    固定消防给水设备 第3部分:消防增压稳压给水设备
    China National Standards
    Fixed water supply

    English PDF
    GB 27898.2-2011 Fixed water supply equipment used for fire-protection - Part 2: Constant pressure automatic water supply equipment used for fire-protection
    固定消防给水设备 第2部分:消防自动恒压给水设备
    China National Standards
    Fixed water supply

    English PDF
    GB 27898.1-2011 Fixed water supply equipment used for fire-protection - Part 1: Gas pressure fixed water supply equipment used for fire-protection
    固定消防给水设备 第1部分:消防气压给水设备
    China National Standards
    Fixed water supply

    English PDF

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