China National Standards

China Urban power GB Standards List

  •  China " Urban power" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    GB/T 17626.19-2022 Electromagnetic compatibility-Testing and measurement techniques-Part 19: 2kHz~150kHz differential mode conducted disturbance and communication signal immunity test of AC power port {译}
    电磁兼容 试验和测量技术 第19部分:交流电源端口2kHz~150kHz差模传导骚扰和通信信号抗扰度试验
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/Z 42004-2022 Consideration of the reference impedance and public power supply network impedance used to determine the disturbance characteristics of electrical equipment (rated current per phase less than or equal to 75A) {译}
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 6113.103-2021 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods—Part 1-3:Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus—Ancillary equipment—Disturbances power
    无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第1-3部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备 辅助设备 骚扰功率
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 40779-2021 Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Low-voltage power line communication protocol for urban street light access
    信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 应用于城市路灯接入的低压电力线通信协议
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 33014.7-2020 Road vehicles—Component test methods for electrical/electronic disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy—Part 7:Direct radio frequency power injection
    道路车辆 电气/电子部件对窄带辐射电磁能的抗扰性试验方法 第7部分:射频功率直接注入法
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 25122.5-2018 Railway applications—Power converters installed on board rolling stock—Part 5:Traction converter for urban rail vehicle
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 6113.202-2018 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods—Part 2-2: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity—Measurement of disturbance power
    无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第2-2 部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量方法 骚扰功率测量
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 18039.3-2017 Electromagnetic compatibility—Environment—Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems
    电磁兼容 环境 公用低压供电系统低频传导骚扰及信号传输的兼容水平
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 31983.11-2015 Narrow band power line communication over low-voltage mains—Part 11: 3 kHz to 500 kHz frequency bands and classifications, limits of output level and electromagnetic disturbances
    低压窄带电力线通信 第11部分:3 kHz~500 kHz频带划分、输出电平和电磁骚扰限值
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 50293-2014 Code for planning of urban electric power
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 18039.9-2013 Electromagnetic compatibility - Environment - Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public medium-voltage power supply systems
    电磁兼容 环境 公用中压供电系统低频传导骚扰及信号传输的兼容水平
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 28429-2012 DC Traction power cables and accessories up to 1500V for urban rail transit
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 6113.202-2008 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods-Part2-2:Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity-Measurement of disturbance power
    无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第2-2部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量方法 骚扰功率测量
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 6113.103-2008 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-3: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus-Ancillary equipment - Disturbances power
    无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第1-3部分: 无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备 辅助设备 骚扰功率
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 14598.19-2007 Electrical relays - Part 22-7: Electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment - Power frequency immunity tests
    电气继电器 第22-7部分:量度继电器和保护装置的电气骚扰试验-工频抗扰度试验
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 10411-2005 D.C.traction power supply system for urban rail transit
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/Z 18039.5-2003 Electromagnetic compatibility--Environment--Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public power supply systems
    电磁兼容 环境 公用供电系统低频传导骚扰及信号传输的电磁环境
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/T 18039.3-2003 Electromagnetic compatibility--Environment--Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems
    电磁兼容 环境 公用低压供电系统低频传导骚扰及信号传输的兼容水平
    China National Standards
    Urban power

    English PDF
    GB/Z 18039.2-2000 Electromagneticcompatibility -- Environment --Assessment of the emission levels in the power supply of industrial plants as regards low-frequency conducted disturbances
    电磁兼容 环境 工业设备电源低频传导骚扰发射水平的评估
    China National Standards
    Urban power

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