Standard Code | Standard Title | Standard Class | Order |
GB/T 43158-2023 |
Quarantine and Identification Methods for Potato BlackLeg {译} 马铃薯黑胫病菌检疫鉴定方法 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 27914-2023 |
Risk Management Legal Risk Management Guide {译} 风险管理 法律风险管理指南 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 42495.1-2023 |
Financial Services Global Legal Entity Identifier Part 1: Code Description {译} 金融服务 全球法人识别编码 第1部分:编码说明 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 41475-2022 |
1: Specification for color and Legend of 25000 ~ 1:500000 soil nutrient map {译} 1:25 000~1:500 000土壤养分图用色与图例规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 41278-2022 |
Grain and Legume storage. Guidance for trap detection of pests in storage {译} 谷物和豆类储存 仓储害虫的诱捕检测指导 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 41960-2022 |
Leg docking buffer device {译} 桩腿对接缓冲装置 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 42182-2022 |
Financial Services Global Institutions Legal Forms {译} 金融服务 全球机构法律形式 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 40392-2021 |
Detection of Legionella in circulating cooling water 循环冷却水中军团菌的检测 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 40840-2021 |
Construction and management requirement of the unified social credit identifier database for Legal entities and other organizations 法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码数据库建设和管理要求 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 37339-2019 |
Design guidelines for Leg structure of self-elevating drilling units 自升式钻井平台桩腿结构设计指南 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 36501-2018 |
Soil mapping—Specifications for color and Legend of soil maps of China at the scale of 1:25000 1:50000 and 1:100000 土壤制图 1:25000 1:50000 1:100000中国土壤图用色和图例规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 36610-2018 |
Service interface specification for microblogs of Legal entities and other organizations certification by unified social credit identifier 用于微博客的法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码实名认证服务接口规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 36107-2018 |
Data exchange interface of the unified social credit identifier for Legal entities and other organizations 法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码数据交换接口 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 36106-2018 |
Data management specification of the unified social credit identifier for Legal entities and other organizations 法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码数据管理规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 36105-2018 |
Code allocation specification of the unified social credit identifier for Legal entities and other organizations 法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码赋码操作规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 36104-2018 |
Basic data elements of the unified social credit identifier for Legal entities and other organizations 法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码基础数据元 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 29618.61-2017 |
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification—Part 61: Device type manager (DTM) styLeguide for common object model 现场设备工具(FDT)接口规范 第61部分:通用对象模型的设备类型管理器样式指南 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 33667-2017 |
Specification of career guidance service for university and colLege graduates 高校毕业生就业指导服务规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 33738-2017 |
Mobile Payment—Technical requirements for intelLegent card based on 2.45GHz RRC(range controlled communication) technology 手机支付 基于2.45GHz RCC(限域通信)技术的智能卡技术要求 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 33737-2017 |
Mobile payment—Test methods for intelLegent card based on 2.45GHz RRC(range controlled communication) technology 手机支付 基于2.45GHz RCC(限域通信)技术的智能卡测试方法 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 29618.62-2017 |
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification—Part 62: Field device tool (FDT) styLeguide 现场设备工具(FDT)接口规范 第62部分:现场设备工具(FDT)样式指南 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 33310-2016 |
Agricultural service—ColLeges and universities service specifications 农业社会化服务 高等院校服务规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 32079-2015 |
Leg fixation system for jack-up 自升式海洋平台齿条式桩腿锁紧装置 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 32067-2015 |
Map Legends and symbols of marine features 海洋要素图式图例及符号 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB 32100-2015 |
The coding rule of the unified social credit identifier for Legal entities and other organizations 法人和其他组织统一社会信用代码编码规则 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 31945-2015 |
Steel plate for self-elevating drilling units Leg structure 自升式平台桩腿用钢板 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 958-2015 |
Geological Legends used for regional geological maps 区域地质图图例 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 30890-2014 |
Technical regulations for larval rearing of whiteLeg shrimp 凡纳滨对虾育苗技术规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 30237-2013 |
Ancient wall painting deterioration and Legends 古代壁画病害与图示 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 29243-2012 |
Information security technology - Specifications of deLegated certification path construction and delegated validation for digital certificate 信息安全技术 数字证书代理认证路径构造和代理验证规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 28835-2012 |
International logistics Legal liability insurance - Basic elements of international freight forwarding legal liability insurance 国际物流责任保险 国际货运代理人责任险基本要素 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 28834-2012 |
International logistics Legal liability insurance - Basic elements of international freight forwarding B/L legal liability insurance 国际物流责任保险 国际货运代理提单责任险基本要素 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 28833-2012 |
Insuring and claiming procedures for international logistics Legal liability insurance 国际物流责任保险投保、索赔规则 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 27914-2011 |
Guidelines on enterprise Legal risk management 企业法律风险管理指南 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 6159.5-2011 |
Micrographics - Vocabulary - Part 5: Quality of images,Legibility,inspection 缩微摄影技术 词汇 第5部分:影像的质量、可读性和检查 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB 4404.2-2010 |
Seed of food crops - Part 2:Legume 粮食作物种子 第2部分:豆类 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB 25974.2-2010 |
Powered support for coal mine - Part 2: Specification for power set Legs and rams 煤矿用液压支架 第2部分:立柱和千斤顶技术条件 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 23416.7-2009 |
The safety technical specification of pest control for vegetables - Part 7: Vegetable Legumes 蔬菜病虫害安全防治技术规范 第7部分:豆类 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 19545.4-2008 |
Walking aids manipulated by one arm - Requirements and test methods - Part 4: Walking sticks with three or more Legs 单臂操作助行器具 要求和试验方法 第4部分:三脚或多脚手杖 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB 6141-2008 |
Quality grading of Legume seeds 豆科草种子质量分级 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/Z 20650-2006 |
Micrographics - Legal admissibility of microforms 缩微摄影技术 缩微品的法律认可性 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 20519-2006 |
Information security technology - Public key infrastructures - PriviLege Management Center technical specification 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 特定权限管理中心技术规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 19562-2004 |
Rules for investigation and forecast of soybeanmoth [Leguminivora glycinivorella (Masts.)] 大豆食心虫测报调查规范 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB 18436-2001 |
Engine log book and record book of engine order teLegraph 轮机日志和车钟记录簿 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 14733.5-1993 |
Terminology fortelecommunications--Telecommunications using discrete signals, teLegraphy, facsimile and data communication 电信术语 使用离散信号的电信方式、电报、传真和数据通信 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 14538-1993 |
Legend and color standard for comprehensive hydrogeologic maps 综合水文地质图图例及色标 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 12328-1990 |
Legend and color standard for comprehensive engineering geological map 综合工程地质图图例及色标 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 7514-1987 |
Conversion between the 7-bit coded character set for information processing interchange and the 5-unit code for the teLegraph service 信息处理交换用七位编码字符集与电报用五单位电码之间的转换 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 7554-1987 |
Protected 5-unit numerical code for teLegram service 电报用五单位数字保护码 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
GB/T 7436-1987 |
Specifications of TDM equipment operating on an analog telephone-type circuit for teLegraph and lower-speed data 在模拟电话电路上开放电报及低速数据的时分复用设备技术要求 |
China National Standards Leg |
English PDF |
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