China National Standards

China Ships marine technology—Computer GB Standards List

  •  China "Ships marine technology—Computer" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    GB/T 38293-2019 Ships and marine technology—Computer applications—General principles for the development and use of programmable electronic systems in marine applications
    船舶和海上技术 计算机应用 船用可编程电子系统开发及使用总则
    China National Standards
    Ships marine technology—Computer

    English PDF
    GB/T 38293-2019 Ships and marine technology—Computer applications—General principles for the development and use of programmable electronic systems in marine applications
    船舶和海上技术 计算机应用 船用可编程电子系统开发及使用总则
    China National Standards
    Ships marine technology—Computer

    English PDF
    GB/T 38293-2019 Ships and marine technology—Computer applications—General principles for the development and use of programmable electronic systems in marine applications
    船舶和海上技术 计算机应用 船用可编程电子系统开发及使用总则
    China National Standards
    Ships marine technology—Computer

    English PDF

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