Standard Code | Standard Title | Standard Class | Order |
GB/T 29371.5-2012 |
Technical rules for seed production system of two-line hybrid rice - Part 5: Technical rules for identification of variety purity & male sterility of MS line 两系杂交水稻种子生产体系技术规范 第5部分:种子纯度鉴定和不育系育性监测技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical rules seed |
English PDF |
GB/T 29371.4-2012 |
Technical rules for seed producing system of two-line hybrid rice - Part 4: Technical rules for F1 seed production 两系杂交水稻种子生产体系技术规范 第4部分:杂交制种技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical rules seed |
English PDF |
GB/T 29371.3-2012 |
Technical rules for seed producing system of two-line hybrid rice - Part 3: Technical rules for seed multiplication of photo/thermo-sensitive genic male sterile line 两系杂交水稻种子生产体系技术规范 第3部分:不育系大田用种繁殖技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical rules seed |
English PDF |
GB/T 29371.2-2012 |
Technical rules for seed producing system of two-line hybrid rice - Part 2: Technical rules for foundation seed production of photo/thermo-sensitive genic male sterile line 两系杂交水稻种子生产体系技术规范 第2部分:不育系原种生产技术规范 |
China National Standards Technical rules seed |
English PDF |
GB/T 29371.1-2012 |
Technical rules for seed producing system of two-line hybrid rice - Part 1:Terminology 两系杂交水稻种子生产体系技术规范 第1部分:术语 |
China National Standards Technical rules seed |
English PDF |
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