China National Standards

China 202 GB Standards List

GB standards are the China national standards; Prefix code GB are Mandatory standards, GB/T are Recommended standards; All products or service must be compliance with GB standards; If you want to export products or services to huge Chinese market, need ensure they are meet the requirements of GB china national standards;  We provide Chinese GB standards and English version GB standards  Lookup, Translate, Download, Imported Commodity GB standards Testing and Compliance review services.
  •  China "202" GB Standards List:
  • China National Standards
    GB-4717-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Fire alarm controllers {译}
    China National Standards
    GB-30180-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Energy consumption limits per unit product of coal-to-olefins, coal-to-natural gas and coal-to-oil {译}
    China National Standards
    GB-32051-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Energy consumption limits per unit product of titanium dioxide and iron oxide pigments {译}
    China National Standards
    GB-14102.2-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Fire shutters - Part 2: Rolling door machines for fire shutters {译}
    China National Standards
    GB-14102.1-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Fire shutters - Part 1: General technical conditions {译}
    China National Standards
    GB-21257-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Energy consumption limits per unit product of caustic soda, polyvinyl chloride resin and methane chloride {译}
    China National Standards
    GB-14102.3-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Fire shutters - Part 3: Fire shutter controllers {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 18369-2022 - English Version of China National Standard
    Glass fiber roving {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 14048.24-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Low-voltage switchgear and control equipment - Part 7-5: Auxiliary devices - Terminal blocks for aluminum conductors {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 29014.3-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Cut Cutting tool data expression and exchange - Part 3: Tool project reference dictionary {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 3480.22-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears - Part 22: Calculation of load capacity of micropitting {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 3480.4-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears - Part 4: Calculation of load capacity of tooth surface fracture {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 42151.77-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Electric power automation communication networks and systems - Part 7-7: IEC-61850 related data model machine-processable format for tools {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 43963-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Guide to determining the values ​​of electrical clearances, creepage distances and solid insulation requirements for equipment with rated voltages above 1000V to 2000V AC and above 1500V to 3000V DC {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 43973-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Sensing devices for non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) systems {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 43996.2-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Microbubble technology - Agricultural applications - Part 2: Test method for evaluating the germination promotion effect on barley seeds {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 43998-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Nanotechnology - Methods for measuring the concentration of nanoscale carbon black and amorphous silica in the air of mixed dust manufacturing environments {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 44002-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Space environment - Methods for determining solar energy proton injection and peak flux {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/Z 44005.1-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Nanotechnology - Clay nanomaterials - Part 1: Properties and measurement methods of layered clays {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 10395.28-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Agricultural machinery - Safety - Part 28: Mobile grain screw conveyors {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 10932-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Thread micrometer {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 11066.12-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Methods for chemical analysis of gold - Part 12: - Determination of silver, copper, iron, lead, bismuth, antimony, magnesium, nickel, manganese, palladium, chromium, platinum, rhodium, titanium, zinc, arsenic, tin, silicon, cobalt, calcium, potassium, lit {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 11091-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Copper foil for cable {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 11420-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Enamel products and porcelain glazes - Gloss test method {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 12690.12-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Non-rare earth impurities in rare earth metals and their oxides - Chemical analysis methods - Part 12: Determination of thorium and uranium content - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 12705.2-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Textiles - Test method for anti-drilling down - Part 2: Box transfer method {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 12916-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Technical requirements for marine metal propellers {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 12959-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Method for determination of heat of hydration of cement {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 13077-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    Periodic inspection and evaluation of seamless aluminum alloy gas cylinders {译}
    China National Standards
    GB/T 13210-2024 - English Version of China National Standard
    General quality rules for canned citrus {译}

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    China National Standards