China National Standards

China Determination the Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China "Determination the " Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    HS/T 74-2023 Determination of industrial fatty acids and their salts and esters {译}
    China Customs Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5658.1-2023 Methods for quality identification of distilled spirits Part 1: Determination of the content of 18 volatile components Gas chromatography {译}
    蒸馏酒质量鉴别方法 第1部分:18种挥发性成分含量的测定 气相色谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5643.5-2023 Rapid detection method for chemical contaminants in exported food Part 5: Determination of the content of four mycotoxins Biochip kit method {译}
    出口食品中化学污染物的快速检测方法 第5部分:4种真菌毒素含量的测定 生物芯片试剂盒法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5518-2023 Determination of the residues of methicillin and its metabolites in food of plant origin for export Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry {译}
    出口植物源食品中棉隆及其代谢物残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5517-2023 Determination of methylmercury in exported aquatic products and their products Fully automatic methylmercury analyzer method {译}
    出口水产品及其制品中甲基汞的测定 全自动甲基汞分析仪法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 5833-2023 Determination of the content of six chlorophenols preservatives in toothpaste for oral cleaning and care products: p-chloro-m-cresol, hexachlorophenol, dichlorophenol, bromoclofen, benzylchlorophenol and chloroxylenol by high performance liquid chromatography {译}
    口腔清洁护理用品 牙膏中p-氯-m-甲酚、六氯酚、双氯酚、溴氯芬、苄氯酚、氯二甲酚6种氯酚类防腐剂含量的测定 高效液相色谱法
    China Light Industry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 5806-2023 Determination of sea cucumber polysaccharides in sea cucumbers and their products by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method {译}
    海参及其制品中海参多糖的测定 液相色谱-质谱联用法
    China Light Industry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YC/T 594-2023 Determination of the shape of threshed tobacco leaves and slices Image method {译}
    打叶烟叶 片烟形状的测定 图像法
    China Tobacco Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5578-2023 Determination of methylcyclosiloxanes in leather by headspace-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry {译}
    皮革中甲基环硅氧烷的测定 顶空-气相色谱-质谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5511-2023 Determination of papaverine, narcotine, thebaine, morphine and codeine in seasonings, seasoned flour products and meat products for export by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry {译}
    出口调味料、调味面制品及肉制品中罂粟碱、那可丁、蒂巴因、吗啡和可待因的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5492-2023 Determination of polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in polymer materials of electronic and electrical products - pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry qualitative screening method {译}
    电子电气产品聚合物材料中多溴联苯、多溴二苯醚的测定 裂解-气相色谱-质谱定性筛选法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 2249-2023 Determination of 34 plasticizers in plastic raw materials and their products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry {译}
    塑料原料及其制品中34种增塑剂的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 4355-2023 Determination of purines in agricultural products and their products - High performance liquid chromatography {译}
    农产品及其制品中嘌呤的测定 高效液相色谱法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YD/T 4196-2023 Determination of spatial average peak specific absorption rate (SAR) in the human body General requirements for wireless communication equipment (30MHz-6GHz) Finite element method (FEM) calculation of SAR {译}
    确定人体内空间平均峰值比吸收率(SAR) 无线通信设备(30MHz-6GHz) 有限元法(FEM)计算SAR的通用要求
    China Telecommunication Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HJ 1289-2023 Soil and Sediment Determination of 15 Ketones and 6 Ethers Headspace/Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry {译}
    土壤和沉积物 15种酮类和6种醚类化合物的测定 顶空/气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 2131-2022 Determination and Calculation Method of Thermal Balance and Thermal Efficiency of Daily Ceramic Chain Dryer {译}
    China Light Industry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 2130-2022 Determination and Calculation Method of Thermal Balance and Thermal Efficiency of Kundao Kiln for Daily-use Ceramics {译}
    China Light Industry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    FZ/T 60048—2022 Determination and evaluation method of pinholes on the surface of film-coated nonwoven fabrics {译}
    China Textile Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    FZ/T 01163—2022 Determination of total lead and total cadmium content in textiles and their accessories X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) analysis method {译}
    纺织品及其附件总铅和总镉含量的测定 X射线荧光光谱(XRF)分析法
    China Textile Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    FZ/T 01158—2022 Textiles - Determination of the itching sensation of fabrics - Vibration audio analysis method {译}
    纺织品 织物刺痒感的测定 振动音频分析法
    China Textile Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SC/T 9441-2023 Determination of malachite green, crystal violet and their metabolite residues in aquaculture environment (water body, sediment) by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry {译}
    水产养殖环境(水体、底泥)中孔雀石绿、结晶紫及其代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法
    China Aquaculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 4308-2023 Technical specifications for the determination of progeny of young bulls for meat {译}
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1563.7-2022 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum-rhenium alloys - Part 7: Determination of hydrogen content - Inert gas fusion - infrared absorption method and thermal conductivity method {译}
    钼铼合金化学分析方法 第7部分:氢含量的测定 惰性气体熔融-红外吸收法和热导法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1563.6-2022 Molybdenum-rhenium alloy chemical analysis methods - Part 6: Determination of oxygen and nitrogen content - Inert gas fusion - infrared absorption method and thermal conductivity method {译}
    钼铼合金化学分析方法 第6部分:氧和氮含量的测定 惰性气体熔融-红外吸收法和热导法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1075.11-2022 Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium-aluminum and molybdenum-aluminum master alloys—Part 11: Determination of nitrogen content—Inert gas fusion thermal conductivity method {译}
    钒铝、钼铝中间合金化学分析方法 第11部分:氮含量的测定 惰性气体熔融热导法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1525-2022 Nickel-platinum alloy chemical analysis method Determination of oxygen and nitrogen content Pulse-infrared absorption method and thermal conductivity detection method {译}
    镍铂合金化学分析方法 氧和氮含量测定 脉冲-红外吸收法和热导检测法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SC/T 3057-2022 Determination of phospholipid content in aquatic products and their products by liquid chromatography {译}
    水产品及其制品中磷脂含量的测定 液相色谱法
    China Aquaculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 4262-2022 Determination of 7 synthetic red pigments in meat and meat products by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry {译}
    肉及肉制品中7种合成红色素的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 4184-2022 Determination of 57 pesticides and their metabolite residues in bees by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry {译}
    蜜蜂中57种农药及其代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱联用法和气相色谱-质谱联用法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4452-2022 Auxiliaries for textile dyeing and finishing - Determination of the flammability of liquid products {译}
    纺织染整助剂 液体产品易燃性的测定
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 2709-2022 Plastics - Determination of the hydroxyl value of polyester polyols used in the production of polyurethanes {译}
    塑料 用于生产聚氨酯的聚酯多元醇羟值的测定
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HJ 1270-2022 Determination of 26 polybrominated diphenyl ethers in ambient air by high-resolution gas chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry {译}
    环境空气 26 种多溴二苯醚的测定 高分辨气相色谱-高分辨质谱法
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YB/T 6048-2022 Determination method of thermal weight loss of coal tar pitch {译}
    China Metallurgy Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YB/T 6046-2022 Method for determination of thermal expansion coefficient of isostatic graphite {译}
    China Metallurgy Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YB/T 6044-2022 Method for determination of thermal resistivity of carbon materials {译}
    China Metallurgy Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YB/T 6036-2022 Method for Determination of Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Thermal Spraying Superalloy Coating {译}
    China Metallurgy Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 4119-2022 General analytical method for the determination of active ingredients in pesticide products - High performance liquid chromatography {译}
    农药产品中有效成分含量测定通用分析方法 高效液相色谱法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0809.10-2022 Surgical implants - Partial and total hip prostheses - Part 10: Determination of the static load resistance of the combined femoral head {译}
    外科植入物 部分和全髋关节假体 第10部分:组合式股骨头抗静载力测定
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0719.5-2022 Ophthalmic optics - Contact lens care products - Part 5: Determination of the physical compatibility of contact lenses and contact lens care products {译}
    眼科光学 接触镜护理产品 第5部分:接触镜与接触镜护理产品物理相容性的测定
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5443-2022 Determination of fenpyroxam, fenpyroxate (containing fencarboxyfen) and the residues of their conjugates in food of plant origin for export - Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry{译} {译}
    出口植物源食品中氟吡禾灵、氟吡禾灵酯(含氟吡甲禾灵)及共轭物残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5440-2022 Determination of residues of various amide fungicides such as dipropamid, ethaboxam, indazolamide and other amide fungicides in food for export by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry{译} {译}
    出口食品中双炔酰菌胺、噻唑菌胺、吲唑磺菌胺等多种酰胺类杀菌剂残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5288-2022 Import and export of functional textiles - Determination of the total amount of extractable rare earth elements{译} {译}
    进出口功能性纺织品 可萃取稀土元素总量的测定
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 1805.3-2022 Tissue engineering medical device products - Collagen - Part 3: Detection of collagen content based on the determination of characteristic peptides - Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry{译} {译}
    组织工程医疗器械产品 胶原蛋白 第3部分:基于特征多肽测定的胶原蛋白含量检测——液相色谱-质谱法
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    WS/T 783-2021 Standard for the determination of iodine in serum by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry {译}
    血清中碘的测定标准 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Hygiene Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 3868-2021 Determination of the gelatinization properties of corn and cornstarch - Rapid viscometer method {译}
    玉米及玉米淀粉糊化特性测定 快速粘度仪法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 3902-2021 Determination of arabinose, galactose, glucose, fructose, maltose and sucrose in fruits, vegetables and their products by ion chromatography {译}
    水果、蔬菜及其制品中阿拉伯糖、半乳糖、葡萄糖、果糖、麦芽糖和蔗糖的测定 离子色谱法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YB/T 4726.3-2021 Determination of the content of titanium dioxide in iron-bearing dust and sludge by diantipyridine methane spectrophotometric method {译}
    含铁尘泥 二氧化钛含量的测定 二安替吡啉甲烷分光光度法
    China Metallurgy Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 5585-2021 Plastic anti-theft bottle caps - Determination of tearing force {译}
    塑料防盗瓶盖 开启撕力的测定
    China Light Industry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YB/T 4908.6-2021 Vanadium aluminum alloys - Determination of oxygen and nitrogen content - Inert gas fusion infrared absorption method and thermal conductivity method {译}
    钒铝合金 氧、氮含量的测定 惰性气体熔融红外吸收法和热导法
    China Metallurgy Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YB/T 4908.4-2021 Vanadium aluminium alloys - Determination of hydrogen content - Inert gas fusion infrared absorption method or thermal conductivity method {译}
    钒铝合金 氢含量的测定 惰性气体熔融红外吸收法或热导法
    China Metallurgy Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 5841-2021 Method for determination of thermal decomposition temperature of chlorinated paraffin {译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 3041.1-2021 Calibration method for determination of silver in metal ores, concentrates and corresponding materials by fire assay method - Part 1: Method of recovery rate in the whole process {译}
    火试金法测定金属矿石、精 矿及相应物料中银量的 校正方法 第 1 部分:全流程回收率法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 5657-2021 Method for the determination of the setting speed of offset printing inks{译} {译}
    China Light Industry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1502-2021 Chemical analysis method of ruthenium compounds Determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, gold, silver, copper, iron, nickel, magnesium, manganese, lead, zinc, calcium, sodium content Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry{译 {译}
    钌化合物化学分析方法 铂、钯、铑、铱、金、银、铜、铁、镍、镁、锰、铅、锌、钙、钠含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1482-2021 Sintered metallic porous materials - Determination of the strength of tubular compacts{译} {译}
    烧结金属多孔材料 管状压坯强度的测定
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1467.2-2021 Methods for chemical analysis of hafnium - Part 2: Determination of the amount of uranium{译} {译}
    铪化学分析方法 第2部分:铀量的测定
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1434-2021 Determination of the content of hexachlorodisilane components? gas chromatography{译} {译}
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1505-2021 High-purity ruthenium chemical analysis method? Determination of impurity element content? glow discharge mass spectrometry{译} {译}
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 445.18-2021 What is the chemical analysis method of silver concentrate? Part 18: Determination of iron content? Na2EDTA titration{译} {译}
    银精矿化学分析方法?第18部分:铁含量的测定?Na2EDTA 滴定法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 445.17-2021 What is the chemical analysis method of silver concentrate? Part 17: Determination of silica content? Molybdenum Blue Spectrophotometry{译} {译}
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5323-2021 Food contact materials - Polymer materials - Determination of the migration of parabens in plastics - Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry{译} {译}
    食品接触材料 高分子材料 塑料中对羟基苯甲酸酯类物质迁移量的测定 液相色谱串联质谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5319-2021 Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in leather by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry{译} {译}
    皮革中多氯联苯的测定 气相色谱-质谱联用法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5317-2021 Determination of Organophosphorus Flame Retardants in Imported and Exported Leather and Its Products-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry{译} {译}
    进出口皮革及其制品中有机磷阻燃剂的测定 气相色谱-质谱联用法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3125-2021 Determination of the heat of combustion of liquid hydrocarbon fuels Bomb calorimeter method{译} {译}
    液态烃燃料燃烧热的测定 弹式量热计法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SF/T 0095-2021 Guidelines for the determination of the causal relationship between personal injury and disease{译} {译}
    China Judicial industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SF/T 0094-2021 Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for determination of seven synthetic cannabinoid-like new psychoactive substances including 5F-MDMB-PICA in hair{译} {译}
    China Judicial industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NB/T 10762-2021 Method for the determination of lignocellulose components in starch-rich raw materials: Determination of cellulose, hemicellulose and acid-insoluble lignin{译} {译}
    China Energy Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 3942-2021 Determination of L-malic acid and D-malic acid in fruits and their products - High performance liquid chromatography {译}
    水果及其制品中L-苹果酸和D-苹果酸的测定 高效液相色谱法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 5244-2020 Import and export of textile processing detergents - Determination of alkylphenols and alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ethers - High performance liquid chromatography {译}
    进出口纺织加工洗涤剂 烷基苯酚及烷基苯酚聚氧乙烯醚的测定 高效液相色谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 3675-2020 Determination of thearubigin and theabrownin content in black tea spectrophotometric method {译}
    红茶中茶红素和茶褐素含量的测定 分光光度法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    RB/T 034-2020 Guidelines for the Determination and Adjustment of Calibration Periods for Measuring Equipment {译}
    China Certification and Accreditation Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0719.6—2020 Ophthalmic optics - Contact lens care products - Part 6: Guidelines for the determination of expiration date {译}
    眼科光学 接触镜护理产品 第6部分:有效期测定指南
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0292.1—2020 Medical diagnostic X-ray radiation protection devices - Part 1: Determination of the attenuation properties of materials {译}
    医用诊断X射线辐射防护器具 第1部分:材料衰减性能的测定
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 1705-2020 Surgical implants - Method for determination of impact resistance of ceramic femoral head of hip joint prosthesis {译}
    外科植入物 髋关节假体陶瓷股骨头抗冲击性能测定方法
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 1697-2020 Test method for determination of strength and curing time of synthetic water-activated polyurethane fiberglass orthopedic bandages {译}
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0809.13-2020 Surgical implants - Partial and total hip joint prostheses - Part 13: Determination of torsional moments of fixation of the head of a stemmed femoral component {译}
    外科植入物 部分和全髋关节假体 第13部分:带柄股骨部件头部固定抗扭转力矩的测定
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 5758-2020 Determination of reduction degree of ammonia synthesis catalyst {译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 5700-2020 Determination of prohibited and restricted alcohol ether solvents in textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries {译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1379-2020 Chemical analysis method of pure platinum Determination of palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, gold, silver, aluminum, bismuth, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead, magnesium, manganese, tin, zinc, silicon content Inductively coupled plasma atomic em {译}
    纯铂化学分析方法 钯、铑、铱、钌、金、银、铝、铋、铬、铜、铁、镍、铅、镁、锰、锡、锌、硅含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YS/T 1378-2020 Chemical analysis method of pure palladium Determination of platinum, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, gold, silver, aluminum, bismuth, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead, magnesium, manganese, tin, zinc, silicon content Inductively coupled plasma atomic em {译}
    纯钯化学分析方法 铂、铑、铱、钌、金、银、铝、铋、铬、铜、铁、镍、铅、镁、锰、锡、锌、硅含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    XB/T 629.2-2020 Methods for chemical analysis of rare earth-aluminum master alloys-Part 2: Determination of the total amount of rare earths {译}
    稀土铝中间合金化学分析方法 第2部分:稀土总量的测定
    China Rare Earth Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SH/T 1549-2020 Determination of Moisture in Light Olefins for Industrial Use - Guidelines for the Use of On-Line Analyzers {译}
    工业用轻质烯烃中水分的测定 在线分析仪使用导则
    China Petrochemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SH/T 1832-2020 Determination of the microstructure of isoprene rubber by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy {译}
    异戊二烯橡胶微观结构的测定 核磁共振氢谱法
    China Petrochemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NY/T 3806-2020 Natural raw rubber, concentrated natural latex and their products-Determination of magnesium content-Atomic absorption spectrometry {译}
    天然生胶、浓缩天然胶乳及其制品 镁含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SY/T 7607-2020 Rapid Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide and Tetrahydrothiophene in Natural Gas by Gas Chromatography with Miniature Thermal Conductivity {译}
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SY/T 6107-2020 Determination method of reservoir thermophysical parameters {译}
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 1465.6—2019 Methods for evaluating the immunogenicity of medical devices - Part 6: Determination of animal spleen lymphocyte subsets by flow cytometry {译}
    医疗器械免疫原性评价方法 第6部分:用流式细胞术测定动物脾脏淋巴细胞亚群
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HJ 828-2017 Water quality -- Determination of the chemical oxygen demand -- Dichromate method
    水质 化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸盐法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 5070-2017 (Artificial leather - Synthetic leather - Test method - Determination of resistance to contamination)
    人造革合成革试验方法 耐污染性的测定
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 5068-2017 (Artificial leather - Synthetic leather - Test method - Determination of fogging property)
    人造革合成革试验方法 成雾性的测定
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NB/SH/T 0933-2016 (Determination of the content of orthostructured low carbonates in Fischer - Tropsch synthetic oil by liquid - liquid extraction - ion chromatography)
    费托合成油中正构低碳酸含量的测定 液液萃取-离子色谱法
    China Energy industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NB/SH/T 0930-2016 (Determination of gas - producing properties of insulating liquids under thermal stress)
    China Energy industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    DL/T 1656-2016 (Determination of Mercury in Fly Ash and Slag in Thermal Power Plant)
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NB/T 13005-2016 (Method for the determination of cellulase activity of ethanol for biofuel preparation)
    China Energy industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    DL/T 955-2016 (Water and steam - Test methods for thermal power plants - Determination of copper and iron - Atomic absorption spectrophotometric method)
    火力发电厂水、汽试验方法 铜、铁的测定 原子吸收分光光度法
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    DL/T 567.9-2016 (Methods of test for fuel in thermal power plants - Part 9: Determination of carbon and hydrogen elements in fuels)
    火力发电厂燃料试验方法 第9部分:燃油中碳和氢元素的测定
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    DL/T 567.6-2016 (Methods of test for fuels used in thermal power plants - Part 6: Methods for determination of combustibles from fly ash and slag)
    火力发电厂燃料试验方法 第6部分:飞灰和炉渣可燃物测定方法
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SH/T 1799-2016 (Synthetic rubber latex Determination of glass transition temperature Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC))
    合成橡胶胶乳 玻璃化转变温度的测定 差示扫描量热法(dsc)
    China Petrochemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 5018-2016 Determination methods of the major components and trace metal elements in waste etching liquor containing copper
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 5019-2016 (General methods for the determination of ammonium in the salt industry (salt and salt chemical products))
    制盐工业(盐及盐化工产品)通用检测方法 铵的测定
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    JGJ/T 384-2016 (Technical specification for the determination of concrete strength by drill core method (with description))
    China Building & Construction Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SJ/T 3328.10-2016 (Determination of high-purity quartz sand section 10 of the electronic products with lead)
    电子产品用高纯石英砂 第10部分 铅的测定
    China Electronics Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HJ 800-2016 Ambient air-Determination of the water soluble cations (Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) from atmospheric particles-Ion chromatography
    环境空气 颗粒物中水溶性阳离子(li+、na+、nh4+、k+、ca2+、mg2+)的测定 离子色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HJ 799-2016 Ambient Air - Determination of the water soluble anions (F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-, SO32-, SO42-) from atmospheric particles - Ion chromatography
    环境空气 颗粒物中水溶性阴离子(f-、cl-、br-、no2-、no3-、po43-、so32-、so42-)的测定 离子色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4963.3-2016 Determination of the content of harmful substances in pigment printing paste products Part 3: Determination of formaldehyde
    涂料印花色浆产品中有害物质的测定 第3部分:甲醛的测定
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4963.2-2016 Determination of the content of harmful substances in pigment printing paste products Part 2: Determination of 4-aminoazobenzene Gas chromatography-mass spectrography
    涂料印花色浆产品中有害物质的测定 第2部分:4-氨基偶氮苯的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4963.1-2016 Determination of the content of harmful substances in pigment printing paste products Part 1: Determination of 23 harmful aromatic amines Gas chromatography-mass spectrography
    涂料印花色浆产品中有害物质的测定 第1部分:23种有害芳香胺的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SJ/T 11635-2016 (Determination of the electronics industry with the developer carbonate ions automatic potentiometric titration)
    电子工业用显影液中碳酸根离子的测定 自动电位滴定法
    China Electronics Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 1416.1-2016 (Disposable human venous blood specimen collection method for the determination of the amount of the additive container - Part 1: ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) salt)
    一次性使用人体静脉血样采集容器中添加剂量的测定方法 第1部分:乙二胺四乙酸(edta)盐
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 1457-2016 (The method of determination of oligomeric siloxane-based substances active surgical implants silicone gel-filled breast implants)
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 1416.2-2016 (One-time use of human blood sample collection container determination of the amount of additives Part 2: sodium citrate)
    一次性使用人体静脉血样采集容器中添加剂量的测定方法 第2部分: 柠檬酸钠
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0616.2-2016 (Disposable medical gloves - Part 2: Determination of the shelf life requirements and tests)
    一次性使用医用手套 第2部分:测定货架寿命的要求和试验
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4918-2016 Textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries. Determination of epoxy value of the epoxy silicone
    纺织染整助剂 环氧硅油 环氧值的测定
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    DL/T 1495-2016 Determination of water-soluble fluoride of FGD gypsum and slurry in thermal power plants
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4393-2015 (Determination of the import and export cosmetics quinolone liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry)
    进出口化妆品中喹诺酮药物测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4372-2015 (Determination of oxidation induction time of the polyolefin differential scanning calorimetry)
    聚烯烃氧化诱导时间的测定 差示扫描量热法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3078.2-2015 (Determination of thermal stability of chemicals - Part 2: Thermal gravimetric analysis)
    化学品热稳定性测定 第2部分:热重分析法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 1495-2015 (Determination of the import and export cosmetic terephthalate o)
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 0901-2015 (Import and export of synthetic filament network of networks, network fastness determination)
    进出口合成纤维 网络丝网络度、网络牢度测定方法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 0840-2015 (Determination of the import and export of urea nitrogen content)
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 4853-2015 Determination of the oxygen isotope ratio(18O/16O) of water in wines. Method using isotopic equilibrium exchange reaction
    葡萄酒中水的稳定氧同位素比值(18o/16o)测定方法 同位素平衡交换法
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 4852-2015 Determination of the carbon isotope ratio(13C/12C)of CO2 in sparkling wines. Method using isotope ratio mass spectrometry
    起泡葡萄酒中二氧化碳的稳定碳同位素比值(13c/12c)测定方法 稳定同位素比值质谱法
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    FZ/T 50027-2015 Man-made fibres - Test method for determination of the titanium dioxide content
    化学纤维 二氧化钛含量试验方法
    China Textile & Garment industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    FZ/T 20009-2015 Determination of the dimensional changes of wool fabrics. Water immersion
    毛织物尺寸变化的测定 静态浸水法
    China Textile & Garment industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    FZ/T 20002-2015 Determination of ether extractable matter in wool textiles
    China Textile & Garment industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 4855-2015 Determination of the oxygen isotope ratio (180/160) of water in fruit juices. Method using isotopic equilibrium exchange reaction
    果汁中水的稳定氧同位素比值(18o/16o)测定方法 同位素平衡交换法
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 4854-2015 Determination of the carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) of total sugar and pulp in orange juice. Method using isotope ratio mass spectrometry
    橙汁中总糖和果肉的稳定碳同位素比值(13c/12c)测定方法 稳定同位素比值质谱法
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4263-2015 (Determination of the export of food in many appetite suppressant liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry / mass spectrometry)
    出口食品中多种食欲抑制剂的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4249-2015 (Paper moisture content of the wood chips and basic density determination)
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4242-2015 (Determination of the import and export of NdFeB permanent magnet materials by inductively coupled plasma atomic neodymium, dysprosium, praseodymium, lanthanum, cobalt, boron, aluminum emission spectrometry)
    进出口钕铁硼永磁材料中钕、镝、镨、镧、钴、硼、铝的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4240-2015 (Electronic and Electrical Products metal parts plated determination of lead, cadmium content of the nickel layer by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry)
    电子电气产品 金属部件表面镀镍层中铅、镉含量测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 2763.9-2015 (Laterite nickel ore for chemical analysis - Part 9: Determination of moisture content of the consignment)
    红土镍矿化学分析方法 第9部分:交货批水分含量的测定
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 0838.5-2015 (Import and export of boric acid and borax in the determination of copper content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry)
    进出口硼酸和硼砂中铜含量测定方法 火焰原子吸收分光光度法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 0838.4-2015 (Import and export of boric acid and borax in the determination of manganese content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry)
    进出口硼酸和硼砂中锰含量测定方法 火焰原子吸收分光光度法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 0838.3-2015 (Import and export of boric acid and borax in the determination of nickel content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry)
    进出口硼酸和硼砂中镍含量测定方法 火焰原子吸收分光光度法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 0838.2-2015 (Import and export of boric acid and borax in the determination of cobalt content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry)
    进出口硼酸和硼砂中钴含量测定方法 火焰原子吸收分光光度法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 0838.1-2015 (Import and export of boric acid and borax in the determination of chromium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry)
    进出口硼酸和硼砂中铬含量测定方法 火焰原子吸收分光光度法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 1286.1-2015 Platelets storage container performances. Part 1:Determination of gas permeability of the film. Differential-pressure method
    血小板贮存袋性能 第1部分:膜材透气性能测定 压差法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4147-2015 (Determination of the import and export cosmetic lidocaine, tetracaine, dibucaine liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry / mass spectrometry)
    进出口化妆品中利多卡因、丁卡因、辛可卡因的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4131-2015 (Determination of the amount of daily ceramic barium dissolution)
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4129-2015 (Determination of plywood and their products formaldehyde emission HPLC)
    人造板及其制品中甲醛释放量的测定方法 高效液相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HJ 734-2014 Stationary source emission. Determination of volatile organic compounds. Sorbent adsorption and thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry method
    固定污染源废气 挥发性有机物的测定 固相吸附-热脱附/气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HJ 733-2014 Guideline for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks and Uncovered Liquid Surface Emissions
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4769.3-2014 Pigments and extenders. Testing of colouring materials in plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P). Part 3: Determination of the relative lightening power of white pigments
    颜料和体质颜料 增塑聚氯乙烯中着色剂的试验 第3部分:白色颜料相对消色力的测定
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4731.3-2014 Textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries.Determination of the application performance of polyamide levelling agent.Part 3-Color change in dyeing
    纺织染整助剂 锦纶匀染剂应用性能的测定 第3部分:消色性
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4731.2-2014 Textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries. Determination of the application performance of polyamide levelling agent. Part 2: Migration property
    纺织染整助剂 锦纶匀染剂应用性能的测定 第2部分:移染性
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4731.1-2014 Textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries. Determination of the application performance of polyamide levelling agent. Part 1: Retarding property
    纺织染整助剂 锦纶匀染剂应用性能的测定 第1部分:缓染性
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 2879.5-2014 Rubber compounding ingredients. Kaolin clay. Part 5: Determination of the total iron content
    橡胶配合剂 陶土 第5部分:总铁含量的测定
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4083-2014 (Determination of the import and export of textiles SCCP)
    进出口纺织品 短链氯化石蜡的测定
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4034-2014 (Determination of the import and export cosmetics naphthol liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry)
    进出口化妆品中萘酚的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 1590-2014 (Determination of the import and export of food in Sudan I, II, III, IV)
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 0697-2014 (Determination of the export of meat and meat products oxamyl residues)
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 4705-2014 Household and similar electrical appliances. Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise. Particular requirements for massage chairs
    家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 按摩椅的特殊要求
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NB/T 20292-2014 Test method for determination of reference temperature, T0, for ferritic steels in the ductile-to-brittle transition range for nuclear power plants
    China Energy industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NB/SH/T 0880-2014 Standard test method for determination of caldmm, chlorine, copper, magnesium, phospehorus, sulfur, and zinc in unused lubricating ails and additives by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectromefry (mathematical correction procedure)
    润滑油及添加剂中的钙、氯、铜、镁、磷、硫和锌含量的测定 波长色散X射线荧光光谱法
    China Energy industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    NB/SH/T 0663-2014 Standard test method for determination of alcohols and ethers in gasoline by gas chromatography
    汽油中醇类和醚类含量的测定 气相色谱法
    China Energy industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0809.10-2014 Implants for surgery. Partial and total hip joint prostheses. Part 10: Determination of resistance to static load of modular femoral heads
    外科植入物 半髋和全髋关节假体 第10部分:组合式股骨头抗静载力测定
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0642-2014 Ultrasonics. Field characterization. Test methods for the determination of thermal and mechanical indices related to medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields
    超声声场特性 确定医用诊断超声热场和机械指数的试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SH/T 1503-2014 (Determination of the content of the acrylonitrile butadiene latex binding)
    China Petrochemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SH/T 1156-2014 (Determination of surface tension of synthetic rubber latex)
    China Petrochemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SH/T 1152-2014 (Determination of apparent viscosity synthetic rubber latex)
    China Petrochemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SH/T 1050-2014 (Determination of synthetic raw rubber gel content)
    China Petrochemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4659-2014 Textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries-Determination of glass transition temperature of the polymer-Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
    纺织染整助剂 聚合物玻璃化转变温度的测定 差示扫描量热法(DSC)
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4658-2014 Textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries-Determination of the active hydrogen in hydrogen containing silicone
    纺织染整助剂 含氢硅油中活泼氢含量的测定
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    JC/T 2213-2014 Dielectric ceramic materials of barium zirconate titanate-Determination of the zirconium, titanium and barium content-X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
    介电陶瓷材料锆钛酸钡 锆、钛和钡含量的测定 x射线荧光光谱法
    China Building Materials Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    JT/T 887-2014 Determination of the center of gravity for bus
    China Highway & Transportation Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3958-2014 (Total arsenic, lead, cadmium, copper content determination of the import and export of plant extracts)
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3926-2014 (Exports of milk, eggs, beans in the determination of protein content Coomassie brilliant blue)
    出口乳、蛋、豆类食品中蛋白质含量的测定 考马斯亮蓝法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    AQ 1102-2014 (Coal determination and decision rules after toxic gas in the amount of explosives)
    China Safety & Security Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3863-2014 (Export of food coloring in the water-soluble alkali - Determination - liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry)
    出口食品中水溶性碱性着色剂的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3845-2014 Determination of multiple synthetic dyes in bottom material of chafing dish for export
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3819-2014 (Liquid cleaning supplies in diethylene glycol monomethyl ether - Determination - Gas Chromatography)
    液态清洁用品中二乙二醇单丁醚的测定 气相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3817-2014 (Determination of the antioxidant D- sensitive adhesive - liquid chromatography)
    压敏胶中防老剂D的测定 液相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3814-2014 (Rubber and plastic products in the short-chain chlorinated paraffins - Determination - gas chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry)
    橡胶和塑料制品中短链氯化石蜡的测定 气相色谱-串联质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3812-2014 (The water content of petroleum products - Determination - Karl Fischer coulometric titration)
    石油产品水含量的测定 卡尔费休库仑滴定法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3792-2014 Determination of the azo colorants in electrical and electronic products . High performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method
    电子电气产品中偶氮染料的测定 液相色谱-质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3791-2014 Determination of the primary aromatic amines in the electrical and electronic products . High performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method
    电子电气产品中芳香族伯胺的测定 液相色谱-质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3877-2014 Food contact materials. Polymers. Determination of the 2-aminobenzamide in food simulants. High performance liquid chromatography
    食品接触材料 高分子材料 食品模拟物中2-氨基苯甲酰胺的测定 高效液相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3839-2014 (Determination - carbon generated during the import and export of candles burning)
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3815-2014 Determination of tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate in the rubber and plastic products. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
    橡胶和塑料制品中磷酸三(2-氯乙基)酯的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3694.4-2014 (Import and export of industrial products in the determination of perfluoroalkyl compounds - Part 4: Paraffin - liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry)
    进出口工业品中全氟烷基化合物测定 第4部分:石蜡 液相色谱-串联质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 1802-2014 (Interior paint glycol ethers and esters - Determination - Gas Chromatography)
    室内涂料中乙二醇醚及其酯类的测定 气相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0809.10-2014 Surgical implants - Partial and total hip prostheses - Part 10: Determination of the static load resistance of the combined femoral head{译} {译}
    外科植入物 部分和全髋关节假体 第10部分:组合式股骨头抗静载力测定
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    YY/T 0119.5-2014 Spinal implants - Components of spinal internal fixation systems - Part 5: Test methods for the determination of static and fatigue bending strength of metallic spinal screws{译} {译}
    脊柱植入物 脊柱内固定系统部件 第5部分:金属脊柱螺钉静态和疲劳弯曲强度测定试验方法
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 4557-2013 Footwear. Test method for the determination of the resistance of elastic materials for footwear to repeated extension. Fatigue resistance(ISO 10768, IDT)
    鞋类 弹性材料试验方法 抗疲劳性
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    QB/T 2674-2013 Footwear. Rules for determination of the suitability
    China Light Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SY/T 6296-2013 Determination of the strength of gels used for oil production. Test method on rheological parameters
    采油用冻胶强度的测定 流变参数法
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SY/T 6132-2013 Determination of the methane isothermal adsorption quantity in coal. Capacity method of dry basis
    煤岩中甲烷等温吸附量测定 干燥基容量法
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SY/T 5343-2013 Determination method for testing the amount of filtrate invading core
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3732-2013 Chemicals-Determination of the state: liquid or solid
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3694.11-2013 Determination of perfluorinated alkyl compounds in industrial products for import and export. Part 11: Leather-LC-MS/MS method
    进出口工业品中全氟烷基化合物测定 第11部分:皮革 液相色谱-串联质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 4006-2013 Determination of phthalates in leather products
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    FZ/T 50018-2013 Determination of the protein content of the protein viscose fiber
    China Textile & Garment industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    FZ/T 10022-2013 Test method for determination of chemical oxygen demand/biochemical oxygen demand after 5 days of the sizes used in textile warp sizing
    China Textile & Garment industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HG/T 4550.1-2013 Determination of cadmium in the waste chemicals. Part 1: Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
    废弃化学品中镉的测定 第1部分:石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    HJ 659-2013 Water quality. Determination of cyanide and others by vaccum testing tube-electric colorimeter
    水质 氰化物等的测定 真空检测管-电子比色法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3617-2013 Determination of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate in leather
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3600-2013 Determination of residual monomers and other volatile low-molecular-mass compounds in raw rubber. Dynamic headspace-gas chromatography method
    生胶中残留单体和其他挥发性低分子量化合物的测定 动态顶空-气相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3593-2013 Determination of the volatile matter content in high-carbon graphite electrode broken and carbon additive
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF
    SN/T 3588-2013 Determination of linear density of yarn removed from the knitted fabric
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Determination the

    English PDF

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