China National Standards

China Zinc, copper Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China " Zinc, copper" Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    NY/T 4363-2023 Determination of copper, zinc, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, lead and mercury in solid manure of livestock and poultry by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry {译}
    畜禽固体粪污中铜、锌、砷、铬、镉、铅汞的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    NY/T 4313-2023 Determination of content of arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium, copper and zinc in biogas slurry by microwave digestion-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry {译}
    沼液中砷、镉、铅、铬、铜、锌元素含量的测定 微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1512.10-2022 Methods for chemical analysis of copper smelting dust - Part 10: Determination of copper, lead, zinc, bismuth, arsenic, indium, silver, cadmium, antimony, calcium, magnesium and iron - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    铜冶炼烟尘化学分析方法 第10部分:铜、铅、锌、铋、砷、铟、银、镉、锑、钙、镁和铁含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1585.3-2022 Silver-tungsten alloy chemical analysis methods - Part 3: Determination of cobalt, chromium, copper, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, tin, nickel, silicon, zinc content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    银钨合金化学分析方法 第3部分:钴、铬、铜、镁、铁、钾、钠、锡、镍、硅、锌含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 536.14-2022 Methods for chemical analysis of bismuth - Part 14: Determination of copper, lead, zinc, iron, silver, arsenic, tellurium and antimony - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    铋化学分析方法 第14部分:铜、铅、锌、铁、银、砷、碲和锑含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1562.3-2022 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten-copper alloys - Part 3: Determination of cobalt, iron, nickel, zinc content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    钨铜合金化学分析方法 第3部分:钴、铁、镍、锌含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    HG/T 6117-2022 Determination of copper, nickel, lead, zinc and cadmium in high-salt wastewater by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry {译}
    高盐废水中铜、镍、铅、锌、镉含量测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1512.3-2021 Methods for chemical analysis of copper smelting smoke and dust - Part 3: Determination of zinc content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry and Na2EDTA titration{译} {译}
    铜冶炼烟尘化学分析方法 第3部分:锌含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法和Na2EDTA滴定法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1416-2021 Methods for chemical analysis of nickelous oxide - Determination of copper, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, sodium, cobalt, cadmium, manganese and sulfur content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    氧化亚镍化学分析方法 铜、铁、锌、钙、镁、钠、钴、镉、锰和硫含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1502-2021 Chemical analysis method of ruthenium compounds Determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, gold, silver, copper, iron, nickel, magnesium, manganese, lead, zinc, calcium, sodium content Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry{译 {译}
    钌化合物化学分析方法 铂、钯、铑、铱、金、银、铜、铁、镍、镁、锰、铅、锌、钙、钠含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1472.4-2021 Chemical analysis method of lithium-rich manganese-based cathode materials? Part 4: Determination of lithium, nickel, cobalt, sodium, potassium, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, silicon content? Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission {译}
    富锂锰基正极材料化学分析方法? 第4部分:锂、镍、钴、钠、钾、铜、钙、铁、镁、锌、铝、硅含量的测定? 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 461.11-2021 Methods for chemical analysis of mixed lead-zinc concentrates - Part 11: Determination of arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, copper, nickel and antimony content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry{译} {译}
    混合铅锌精矿化学分析方法 第11部分:砷、铋、镉、钴、铜、镍和锑含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1445.3-2021 Methods for chemical analysis of nickel-cobalt-aluminum three-element composite hydroxides-Part 3: Determination of aluminum, copper, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, sodium and manganese content-Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry{译} {译}
    镍钴铝三元素复合氢氧化物化学分析方法 第3部分:铝、铜、铁、锌、钙、镁、钠、锰含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 5266-2020 Determination of copper, iron, arsenic, zinc, cadmium, mercury and silver content in mixed lead-zinc ores Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry {译}
    混合铅锌矿中铜、铁、砷、锌、镉、汞和银含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 5255-2020 Determination of lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, copper, chromium, nickel, manganese, barium, selenium, zinc, tin, titanium, antimony, cobalt, aluminum, beryllium, vanadium, silver, molybdenum content in coal Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry {译}
    煤中铅、镉、砷、汞、铜、铬、镍、锰、钡、硒、锌、锡、钛、锑、钴、铝、铍、钒、银、钼含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 5249-2020 Determination of iron, manganese, copper, aluminum, titanium, lead, chromium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium content in precipitated hydrated silica-inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    沉淀水合二氧化硅中铁、锰、铜、铝、钛、铅、铬、钙、镁、锌、钾、钠含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 833-2020 Ammonium rhenate chemical analysis method Determination of beryllium, magnesium, aluminum, potassium, calcium, titanium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, copper, zinc, molybdenum, lead, tungsten, sodium, tin, nickel, silicon content Inductively coupled {译}
    铼酸铵化学分析方法 铍、镁、铝、钾、钙、钛、铬、锰、铁、钴、铜、锌、钼、铅、钨、钠、锡、镍、硅量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 341.5-2020 Methods for chemical analysis of nickel concentrates - Part 5: Determination of copper, lead, zinc, magnesium, cadmium and arsenic content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    镍精矿化学分析方法 第5部分: 铜、铅、锌、镁、镉和砷含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    HG/T 5747-2020 Water treatment agent - Determination of nickel, manganese, copper and zinc content - Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) method {译}
    水处理剂 镍、锰、铜、锌含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)法
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1379-2020 Chemical analysis method of pure platinum Determination of palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, gold, silver, aluminum, bismuth, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead, magnesium, manganese, tin, zinc, silicon content Inductively coupled plasma atomic em {译}
    纯铂化学分析方法 钯、铑、铱、钌、金、银、铝、铋、铬、铜、铁、镍、铅、镁、锰、锡、锌、硅含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1378-2020 Chemical analysis method of pure palladium Determination of platinum, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, gold, silver, aluminum, bismuth, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead, magnesium, manganese, tin, zinc, silicon content Inductively coupled plasma atomic em {译}
    纯钯化学分析方法 铂、铑、铱、钌、金、银、铝、铋、铬、铜、铁、镍、铅、镁、锰、锡、锌、硅含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    YS/T 1363-2020 Chemical analysis method of tellurium dioxide - Determination of copper, silver, magnesium, nickel, zinc, calcium, iron, bismuth, selenium, lead, sodium, antimony and arsenic content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    二氧化碲化学分析方法 铜、银、镁、镍、锌、钙、铁、铋、硒、铅、钠、锑和砷含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    HG/T 5005-2016 (Determination of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper content of boiler water and cooling water - Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-OES))
    锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 钙、镁、铁、锌、铜含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(icp-oes)测定法
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 2297.9-2015 (Import and export of gypsum and gypsum products analysis - Part 9: lead, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, mercury, copper, zinc, manganese, nickel, cobalt Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry)
    进出口石膏及石膏制品分析方法 第9部分:铅、镉、铬、砷、汞、铜、锌、锰、镍、钴的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    DL/T 1458-2015 (Mineral insulating oil in copper, iron, aluminum, zinc metal content by atomic absorption spectrometry)
    矿物绝缘油中铜、铁、铝、锌金属含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 4116-2015 (Determination of photoelectric direct reading Xiqianhanliao tin, lead, antimony, bismuth, silver, copper, zinc, cadmium and arsenic emission spectrometry)
    锡铅焊料中锡、铅、锑、铋、银、铜、锌、镉和砷的测定 光电直读发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 4026-2014 (Daily glass products, aluminum, measuring inductance iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, titanium, lead, cadmium, silicon, zinc, copper, coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry)
    日用玻璃产品中铝、铁、钙、镁、钠、钾、钛、铅、镉、硅、锌、铜的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    NB/SH/T 0880-2014 Standard test method for determination of caldmm, chlorine, copper, magnesium, phospehorus, sulfur, and zinc in unused lubricating ails and additives by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectromefry (mathematical correction procedure)
    润滑油及添加剂中的钙、氯、铜、镁、磷、硫和锌含量的测定 波长色散X射线荧光光谱法
    China Energy industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 3915-2014 Determination of magnesium,silicon,titanium,manganese,iron,nickel,copper,zinc,gallium in aluminum alloy. X ray fluorescence spectrometry
    铝及铝合金中镁、硅、钛、锰、铁、镍、铜、锌、镓的测定 x射线荧光光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 2763.6-2014 (Laterite nickel ore for chemical analysis - Part 6: Determination of inductively coupled plasma atomic nickel, calcium, titanium, manganese, copper, chromium, zinc, phosphorus content of emission spectrometry)
    红土镍矿化学分析方法 第6部分:镍、钙、钛、锰、铜、铬、锌、磷含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 3796-2014 Determination of acid soluble impurity elements (lead, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, mercury, copper, zinc, manganese, nickel, cobalt) in talc powder. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method (ICP-MS)
    滑石粉中酸溶杂质元素(铅、镉、铬、砷、汞、铜、锌、锰、镍、钴)的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 3604-2013 Determination of copper,silicon,manganese,zinc,aluminum and iron in zinc concentrate ore. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
    锌精矿中铜、硅、镁、锌、铝、铁含量的测定 X射线荧光光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 3595-2013 Zinc waste. Determination of ferrum,aluminum,calcium,magnesium,manganese,copper, titanium,chromium,nickel,vanadium and cadmium. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
    含锌废料 铁、铝、钙、镁、锰、铜、钛、铬、镍、钒和镉的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 3594-2013 Aluminum waste. Determination of ferrum,copper,calcium,magnesium,manganese,zinc,tjtanium,chromium, nickel, vanadium and cadmium. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
    含铝废料 铁、铜、钙、镁、锰、锌、钛、铬、镍、钒和镉的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 2763.5-2013 Chemical analysis of nickel laterite ore. Part 5: Determination of copper,zinc and chrome content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
    红土镍矿化学分析方法 第5部分:铜、锌和铬含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 3516-2013 Determination of lead iron cadmium copper tin antimony in high-purity zinc. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
    高纯锌中铅、铁、镉、铜、锡、锑的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 3510-2013 Determination of arsenic, cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc in lead ore for import and export. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spctrometric method
    进出口铅矿中砷、镉、铜、镍、铅、锌的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 3365-2012 Determination of lead,iron,titanium,copper,manganese,zinc,chromium,aluminium content in quartz sand. Inductively couple plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
    石英砂中铅、铁、钛、铜、锰、锌、铬、铝含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    HG/T 4326-2012 Reclaimed water. Determination of nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead. Atomic absorption spectromic methods
    再生水中镍、铜、锌、镉、铅含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 3106-2012 Determination of iron,lead,zinc,arsenic,cadmium,aluminum,calcium,magnesium,molybdenum,antimony and mercury in imported sintered copper material of coarse smelting. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
    进口粗炼含铜烧结物料中铁、铅、锌、砷、镉、铝、钙、镁、钼、锑、汞含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    HG/T 3534-2011 Industrial circulating cooling water. Determination of undissolved material in acid, phosphorus, ferrum, aluminium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper for sludge and corrosion products
    China Chemical Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 2945-2011 Determination of lead,cadmium,chromium,copper,manganese and zinc in rubber and rubber products. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
    橡胶及其制品中铅、镉、铬、铜、锰、锌含量测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 0736.13-2011 Test method of import and export fertilizers. Part 13: Determination of copper,zinc,iron,manganese,magnesium,cobalt and nickel. Atomic absorption spectrometer method
    进出口化肥检验方法 第13部分:火焰原子吸收光谱法测定铜、锌、铁、锰、镁、钴、镍的含量
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 2686-2010 Determination of beryllium,chromium,nickel,copper,antimony,cobalt,barium,cadmium,zinc and bismuth in used mechanical and electrical products. Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry
    旧机电产品中铍、铬、镍、铜、锑、钴、钡、镉、锌、铋的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 2638.2-2010 Determination of iron,aluminum,magnesium,calcium,titanium,phosphorus,nickel,copper,zinc in manganese oers for import and export. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
    进出口锰矿石中铁、铝、镁、钙、钛、磷、镍、铜、锌的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 2262-2009 Determination of aluminum,arsenic,calcium,copper,magnesium,manganese,phosphorus,lead,zincum in iron ores. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
    铁矿中铝、砷、钙、铜、镁、锰、磷、铅、锌含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 2208-2008 Determination of sodium,magnesium,aluminium,calcium,chromium,iron,nickel,copper,zinc,arsenic,strontium,molybdenum,cadmium,lead,mercury,selenium,in aquatic products. Microwave digestion. ICP/MS method
    水产品中钠、镁、铝、钙、铬、铁、镍、铜、锌、砷、锶、钼、镉、铅、汞、硒的测定 微波消解-电感耦合等离子体-质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 1650-2005 Determination of iron, aluminium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, titanium, chromium, nickel, vanadium in metal silicon. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
    金属硅中铁、铝、钙、镁、锰、锌、铜、钛、铬、镍、钒含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    NY/T 890-2004 Determination of available zinc, manganese, iron and copper content in soil Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) leaching method {译}
    土壤中有效态锌、锰、铁、铜含量的测定 二乙三胺五乙酸(DTPA)浸提法
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    NY 861-2004 Limits of eight elements including lead, chromium, cadmium, mercury, selenium, arsenic, copper, and zinc in grains (including grains, beans, and potatoes) and products {译}
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    DL/T 867-2004 Analysis methods on arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc in fly ash (Atomic absorption spectrometry)
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SN/T 1326-2003 Determination of aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, lead in zinc concentrates for import and export. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method (ICP-AES)
    进出口锌精矿中铝、砷、镉、钙、铜、镁、锰、铅的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(icp-aes)法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    QC/T 273-1999 (Automotive zinc alloy, aluminum alloy, copper alloy die castings)
    China Automobile & Vehicle industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SJ/T 11026-1996 Analytical methods for silver copper brazing for electron device Determination of iron, cadmium and zinc by atomic absorption spectrophotometry
    电子器件用银铜钎焊料的分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定铁、镉、锌
    China Electronics Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    QB/T 2030-1994 (Zinc, copper low-carbon steel flat wire)
    China Light Industry Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    SJ/T 10557.4-1994 Chemical anlytical methods for aluminium foil for the electrolytic capacitor. Determination of copper, iron, zinc, manganese and magnesium with atomic absorption spectrophotometry
    电解电容器用铝箔化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定 铜、铁、锌、锰和镁量
    China Electronics Standards
    Zinc, copper

    English PDF
    DL 430-1992 Test method of trace copper in oil (zinc reagent spectrophotometric method)
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    Zinc, copper

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