China National Standards

China Technical specifications pollution Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China "Technical specifications pollution" Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    SF/T 0129-2023 Technical specifications for pollution prevention and control in forensic evidence laboratories {译}
    China Judicial industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    SY/T 7682-2023 Technical specifications for dehydration, drying and pollution control of high water content oil sludge {译}
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 1266-2022 Technical Specifications for Pollution Control of Biomass Waste Composting {译}
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    NY/T 4154-2022 Technical specifications for emergency monitoring of environmental pollution in agricultural product production areas {译}
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 364-2022 Technical Specifications for Waste Plastic Pollution Control {译}
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 1200—2021 Technical Specifications for Application and Issuance of Pollution Discharge Permits Industrial Solid Waste (Trial){译} {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 工业固体废物(试行)
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ1119-2020 Technical Specifications for Pollution Discharge Permit Application and Issuance Manufacture of Graphite and Other Non-metallic Mineral Products {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 石墨及其他非金属矿物制品制造
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 1118-2020 Technical Specifications for Pollution Discharge Permit Application and Issuance Oil Storage, Gas Station {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 储油库、加油站
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ1116-2020 Technical Specifications for Application and Issuance of Pollution Discharge Permit {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 涂料、油墨、颜料及类似产品制造业
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ1124-2020 Technical Specifications for Pollution Discharge Permit Application and Issuance Railway, Ship, Aerospace and Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ1122-2020 Technical Specifications for Pollution Discharge Permit Application and Issuance Rubber and Plastic Products Industry {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 橡胶和塑料制品工业
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 1109-2020 Technical Specifications for Application and Issuance of Pollution Discharge Permits Agricultural and sideline food processing industry - aquatic product processing industry {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 农副食品加工工业—水产品加工工业
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 1107-2020 Technical Specifications for Pollution Discharge Permit Application and Issuance {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 码头
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 1105-2020 Technical Specifications for Pollution Discharge Permit Application and Issuance Medical Institutions {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 医疗机构
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 1103-2020 Technical Specifications for Pollution Discharge Permit Application and Issuance Special Chemical Products Manufacturing Industry {译}
    排污许可证申请与核发技术规范 专用化学产品制造工业
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 442.8-2020 Technical Specifications for Environmental Monitoring in Offshore Sea Areas Part VIII Monitoring of Pollution Sources Directly Draining into the Sea and Its Impact on the Water Environment of Offshore Sea Areas {译}
    近岸海域环境监测技术规范 第八部分 直排海污染源及对近岸海域水环境影响监测
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    NY/T 3824-2020 Technical specifications for monitoring agricultural non-point source pollution in watersheds {译}
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    NY/T 3823-2020 Technical specifications for the coordinated prevention and control of farmland non-point source pollution in Tiangoutang {译}
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    NY/T 3822-2020 Technical specifications for the prevention and control of non-point source pollution in paddy fields Rice-crab symbiosis {译}
    稻田面源污染防控技术规范 稻蟹共生
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 355-2019 Technical specifications for the operation of online monitoring systems for water pollution sources (CODCr, NH3-N, etc.) {译}
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 772-2015 (Environmental pollution statistics statistical technical specifications)
    环境统计技术规范 污染源统计
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 607-2011 Technical Specifications for Pollution Control of Used Mineral Oil Recovery, Recycle and Reuse
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 574-2010 Technical specifications of domestic pollution control for town and village
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 527-2010 Technical specifications of pollution control for processing waste electrical and electronic equipment
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 519-2009 Technical specifications of pollution control for treatment of Lead-acid Battery
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ 497-2009 Technical specifications for pollution treatment projects of livestock and poultry farms
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ/T 393-2007 Technical specifications for urban fugitive dust pollution prevention and control
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ/T 373-2007 Technical specifications of quality assurance and quality control for monitoring of stationary pollution source(on trial)
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ/T 364-2007 Technical specifications for pollution control during collection and recycle of waste plastics
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ/T 352-2007 Technical specifications of data exchange of environmental pollution emission auto monitoring information (on trial)
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    HJ/T 301-2007 Environmental protection technical specifications for pollution treatment of the Chromium residue(on trial)
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    NY/T 5285-2004 Pollution-free food - Technical specifications for shrimp farming {译}
    无公害食品 青虾养殖技术规范
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    NY/T 5277-2004 Pollution-free food - Technical specifications for the culture of Scylla serrata {译}
    无公害食品 锯缘青蟹养殖技术规范
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF
    NY/T 5264-2004 Pollution-free food - Technical specifications for feeding and management of meat ducks {译}
    无公害食品 肉鸭饲养管理技术规范
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Technical specifications pollution

    English PDF

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