Standard Code | Standard Title | Standard Class | Order |
SN/T 5500.1-2023 |
Technical requirements for inspection of IMported construction machinery Part 1: Emissions from concrete mixers {译} 进口工程机械检验技术要求 第1部分:混凝土搅拌机的排放 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 5498-2023 |
Rules for inspection and identification of IMported light cycle oil {译} 进口轻质循环油检验鉴别规程 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 5497-2023 |
General Technical Specifications for IMported Mixed Rubber {译} 进口混合橡胶通用技术规范 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 5493-2023 |
Determination of 29 Fentanyls in Solid and Liquid Samples by Liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole/TIMe-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry {译} 固体和液体样品中29种芬太尼的测定 液相色谱-四级杆/飞行时间质谱法 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 5326.5-2023 |
Guidelines for Validation of Professional Analytical Methods for IMport and Export of Food and Cosmetics Part 5: Immunological Methods {译} 进出口食品化妆品专业分析方法验证指南 第5部分:免疫学方法 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 4656.9-2023 |
Biosafety inspection methods for IMport and export textiles - Part 9: Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 {译} 进出口纺织品生物安全检验方法 第9部分:肠出血性大肠杆菌O157:H7 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 2953-2023 |
Determination of silicon, chromium, manganese, phosphorus, molybdenum, nickel, titanium, vanadium, tungsten, copper, aluminum, antIMony in pig iron by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry {译} 生铁中硅、铬、锰、磷、钼、镍、钛、钒、钨、铜、铝、锑的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 2108-2023 |
Determination of Barbiturates in IMported and Exported Cosmetics {译} 进出口化妆品中巴比妥类的测定 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 1781-2023 |
Determination of Caffeine in IMported and Exported Cosmetics {译} 进出口化妆品中咖啡因的测定 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 1631.3-2023 |
Inspection regulations for IMported machine tool products Part 3: Grinding machines {译} 进口机床产品检验规程 第3部分:磨床 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 1537-2023 |
Rules for radioactive inspection of IMported mineral products {译} 进口矿产品放射性检验规程 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 1429.1-2023 |
Inspection Regulations for IMported Information Technology Equipment Part 1: General Requirements {译} 进口信息技术设备检验规程 第1部分:通用要求 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 0570-2023 |
Regulations for the Inspection of Radioactive Contamination of IMported Recycled Raw Materials {译} 进口再生原料放射性污染检验规程 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SN/T 5489-2023 |
Basic requirements for risk classification of IMported and exported industrial products {译} 进出口工业产品风险分级基本要求 |
China Import&Export Inspection Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SC/T 3061-2023 |
Technical regulations for frozen shrIMp processing {译} 冻虾加工技术规程 |
China Aquaculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SC/T 3060-2023 |
Identification of cod species by real-tIMe fluorescent PCR method {译} 鳕鱼品种的鉴定 实时荧光PCR法 |
China Aquaculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SC/T 3059-2023 |
Operating procedures for refrigerated and frozen storage onboard shrIMp fishing boats {译} 海捕虾船上冷藏、冻藏操作规程 |
China Aquaculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4380.1-2023 |
General techniques for agricultural remote sensing surveys Technical specifications for crop yield estIMation and monitoring Part 1: Potatoes {译} 农业遥感调查通用技术 农作物估产监测技术规范 第1部分:马铃薯 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 11236-2023 |
Air source carbon dioxide heat pump heating units for commercial or industrial use and sIMilar purposes {译} 商用或工业用及类似用途空气源二氧化碳热泵供暖机组 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4308-2023 |
Technical requirements for video communication capabilities based on browser real-tIMe communication (WebRTC) {译} 基于浏览器实时通信(WebRTC)的视频通信能力技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4294-2023 |
Nanosecond GNSS Relative TIMing Technical Requirements and Test Methods {译} 纳秒级GNSS相对授时技术要求和测试方法 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4274-2023 |
Design requirements for single-phase IMmersion liquid-cooled data centers {译} 单相浸没式液冷数据中心设计要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4270-2023 |
Technical requirements for IP network traffic optIMization based on Border Gateway Protocol flow rules (BGP FlowSpec) {译} IP网络基于边界网关协议流规则(BGP FlowSpec)的流量调优技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4268-2023 |
Information Interface Technical Requirements of IP Network Routing SIMulation System {译} IP网络路由仿真系统的信息接口技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4243-2023 |
Guidelines for the IMplementation of Telecommunications Network and Internet Data Asset Identification and Carding Technology {译} 电信网和互联网数据资产识别与梳理技术实施指南 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4241-2023 |
Technical IMplementation Guide for Telecommunications Network and Internet Data Security Assessment {译} 电信网和互联网数据安全评估技术实施指南 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4238-2023 |
Guidelines for the IMplementation of Sports Event Network Security Based on the Public Telecommunication Network {译} 基于公众电信网的体育赛事网络安全实施指南 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4233-2023 |
Firewall detection specification supporting mIMic defense function {译} 支持拟态防御功能的防火墙检测规范 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4232-2023 |
Technical Requirements for Firewalls Supporting MIMic Defense Functions {译} 支持拟态防御功能的防火墙技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4231-2023 |
Switch detection specification supporting mIMic defense function {译} 支持拟态防御功能的交换机检测规范 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4230-2023 |
Technical requirements for switches supporting the mIMic defense function {译} 支持拟态防御功能的交换机技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4229-2023 |
Domain name server detection specification supporting mIMic defense function {译} 支持拟态防御功能的域名服务器检测规范 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4228-2023 |
Technical Requirements for Domain Name Servers Supporting MIMic Defense Function {译} 支持拟态防御功能的域名服务器技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4227-2023 |
Router Detection Specification Supporting MIMic Defense Function {译} 支持拟态防御功能的路由器检测规范 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4226-2023 |
Technical Requirements for Routers Supporting MIMic Defense Function {译} 支持拟态防御功能的路由器技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4225-2023 |
Web server detection specification supporting mIMic defense function {译} 支持拟态防御功能的Web服务器检测规范 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4224-2023 |
Technical Requirements for Web Servers Supporting MIMic Defense Function {译} 支持拟态防御功能的Web服务器技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4223-2023 |
General Technical Guidelines for Devices Supporting MIMic Defense Functions {译} 支持拟态防御功能设备的总体技术指南 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4222-2023 |
IMplementation requirements for network security protection, planning, construction, and operation {译} 网络安全防护同规划同建设同运行实施要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4221-2023 |
Guidelines for the IMplementation of Sensitive Data Identification on Telecom Big Data Platforms {译} 电信大数据平台敏感数据识别实施指南 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4198-2023 |
Evaluation Algorithm and Parameters of User IMmersion Experience in Virtual Reality (VR) Services {译} 虚拟现实(VR)服务中用户沉浸体验评估算法及参数 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4190-2023 |
OptIMization method for Internet companies' controllable traffic {译} 互联网公司可控流量的优化方法 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4186-2023 |
Technical Requirements for Test and Acceptance of Live Network Interoperability between IMS Networks {译} IMS网间互通现网测试验收技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 3371-2023 |
Test method for interworking gateway equipment between IMS networks of different operators {译} 不同运营商IMS网间互通网关设备测试方法 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 3370-2023 |
Technical requirements for interworking gateway equipment between IMS networks of different operators {译} 不同运营商IMS网间互通网关设备技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4185-2023 |
IMplementation requirements for interworking between IMS networks {译} IMS网间互通实施要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 3369-2023 |
Technical requirements for interworking between IMS networks of different operators {译} 不同运营商IMS网间互通技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 2944-2023 |
Technical requirements for transmission of calling number between IMS networks {译} IMS网间主叫号码传送技术要求 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4177.10-2023 |
MinIMum necessary assessment specifications for the collection and use of personal information by mobile Internet applications (APP) Part 10: Call records {译} 移动互联网应用程序(APP)收集使用个人信息最小必要评估规范 第10部分:通话记录 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4177.8-2023 |
MinIMum necessary assessment specifications for the collection and use of personal information by mobile Internet applications (APP) Part 8: Video information {译} 移动互联网应用程序(APP)收集使用个人信息最小必要评估规范 第8部分:录像信息 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QX/T 670—2023 |
ClIMate resource assessment Climate endowment {译} 气候资源评价 气候禀赋 |
China Meteorology Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QX/T 669—2023 |
ClIMate Resource Assessment Clean Climate {译} 气候资源评价 清新气候 |
China Meteorology Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QX/T 657—2023 |
Technical Guidelines for ClIMate Feasibility Demonstration of Provincial Land Spatial Planning {译} 省级国土空间规划气候可行性论证技术导则 |
China Meteorology Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 20601-2021 |
Design and qualification of isolation devices for safety-IMportant instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂安全重要仪表和控制系统隔离装置的设计和鉴定 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
GM/T 0123-2022 |
TIMestamp server password detection specification {译} 时间戳服务器密码检测规范 |
China Crypto industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
GM/T 0120-2022 |
Technical IMplementation Guidelines for Cloud Computing-Based Electronic Signature Services {译} 基于云计算的电子签名服务技术实施指南 |
China Crypto industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LY/T 2274-2022 |
China Forest Certification Review Guidelines for Non-tIMber Forest Product Management Certification {译} 中国森林认证 非木质林产品经营认证审核导则 |
China Forestry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LY/T 3333-2022 |
Technical regulations for IMproving the effectiveness of forestry schistosomiasis control and suppression of molluscs {译} 林业血防抑螺成效提升技术规程 |
China Forestry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LY/T 1078-2022 |
Inspection method of fast-growing and high-yielding tIMber forest {译} 速生丰产用材林检验方法 |
China Forestry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LY/T 1068-2022 |
Kiln drying process specification for sawn tIMber {译} 锯材窑干工艺规程 |
China Forestry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LY/T 1069-2022 |
Sawn tIMber air drying process regulations {译} 锯材气干工艺规程 |
China Forestry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LY/T 3300-2022 |
Dried sawn tIMber for furniture {译} 家具用干燥锯材 |
China Forestry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LY/T 3299-2022 |
Regulations on the management of IMported coniferous timber {译} 进境针叶材的管理规范 |
China Forestry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LY/T 3295-2022 |
General technical requirements for moist heat treatment of sawn tIMber pests {译} 锯材有害生物湿热处理通用技术要求 |
China Forestry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LY/T 2073-2022 |
Comprehensive energy consumption of IMpregnated paper laminated wood flooring production {译} 浸渍纸层压木质地板生产综合能耗 |
China Forestry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HJ 1290-2023 |
Soil and SedIMent Determination of Toxaphene Gas Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry {译} 土壤和沉积物 毒杀芬的测定 气相色谱-三重四极杆质谱法 |
China Environment Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HJ 1289-2023 |
Soil and SedIMent Determination of 15 Ketones and 6 Ethers Headspace/Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry {译} 土壤和沉积物 15种酮类和6种醚类化合物的测定 顶空/气相色谱-质谱法 |
China Environment Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LS/T 6143-2023 |
Inspection of Grain and Oil - Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Grain - TIMe-resolved Fluorescence Immunochromatographic Quantitative Method {译} 粮油检验 谷物中黄曲霉毒素B1的测定 时间分辨荧光免疫层析定量法 |
China Cereal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
LS/T 1232-2023 |
Grain and Oil Storage SIMple Warehouse Storage Grain Ventilation Technical Regulations {译} 粮油储藏 简易仓囤储粮通风技术规程 |
China Cereal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 10737-2021 |
Calculation Method of Drying Strength of Coal SlIMe Drying System {译} 煤泥干燥系统干燥强度计算方法 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 10736-2021 |
Test method for energy consumption of coal slIMe drying process system {译} 煤泥干燥工艺系统能耗测试方法 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
JC/T 2658-2022 |
Test method for three-dIMensional shape deviation of curved glass - laser scanning method {译} 曲面玻璃三维形状偏差测试方法 激光扫描法 |
China Building Material Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
JC/T 1013-2022 |
IMpact sand making machine {译} 冲击式制砂机 |
China Building Material Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QB/T 5783-2022 |
Determination of water-soluble prIMary and secondary amines in surfactants {译} 表面活性剂中水溶性伯胺仲胺的测定 |
China Light Industry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QB/T 5768-2022 |
Shoemaking machinery leather outsole trIMming machine {译} 制鞋机械 真皮大底削尾机 |
China Light Industry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QB/T 5681-2022 |
Green Design Product Evaluation Technical Specification Alkaline Zinc-Manganese Dioxide PrIMary Battery {译} 绿色设计产品评价技术规范碱性锌-二氧化锰原电池 |
China Light Industry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QB/T 5678-2022 |
Classification evaluation of standby power of household and sIMilar electrical appliances {译} 家用和类似用途电器待机功率分级评价 |
China Light Industry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QB/T 5633.6-2022 |
Amino acids, amino acid salts and their analogs - Part 6: TrIMethylglycine and its hydrochloride {译} 氨基酸、氨基酸盐及其类似物 第6部分:三甲基甘氨酸及其盐酸盐 |
China Light Industry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 10969-2022 |
Technical specification for hydropower project sedIMent monitoring system {译} 水电工程泥沙监测系统技术规范 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 54135—2022 |
AntIMony-free polyester drawn yarn (FDY) {译} 无锑涤纶牵伸丝(FDY) |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 54134—2022 |
AntIMony-free polyester low stretch yarn (DTY) {译} 无锑涤纶低弹丝(DTY) |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 54133—2022 |
AntIMony-free polyester pre-oriented yarn (POY) {译} 无锑涤纶预取向丝(POY) |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 51022—2022 |
Fiber grade antIMony-free polyethylene terephthalate (PET) chips {译} 纤维级无锑聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)切片 |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 50057—2022 |
Determination of total antIMony content in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) fibers {译} 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)纤维中总锑含量的测定 |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 01160—2022 |
Textiles - Quantitative analysis of mixtures of polyphenylene sulfide fibers and polytetrafluoroethylene fibers - Differential scanning calorIMetry (DSC) {译} 纺织品 聚苯硫醚纤维与聚四氟乙烯纤维混合物定量分析 差示扫描量热法(DSC) |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 73073—2022 |
Three-dIMensional molded knitted sock upper {译} 立体成型针织袜子型鞋面 |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 60047—2022 |
Test method for dIMensional change of garment interlinings after washing {译} 服装衬布水洗尺寸变化试验方法 |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 60035—2022 |
Test method for appearance and dIMensional change of fusible interlining garment after dyeing {译} 粘合衬成衣染色后的外观及尺寸变化试验方法 |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
FZ/T 01159—2022 |
Textiles - quantitative chemical analysis - mixture of silk and wool or other anIMal hair fibers (hydrochloric acid method) {译} 纺织品 定量化学分析 蚕丝与羊毛或其他动物毛纤维的混合物(盐酸法) |
China Textile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SC/T 9441-2023 |
Determination of malachite green, crystal violet and their metabolite residues in aquaculture environment (water body, sedIMent) by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry {译} 水产养殖环境(水体、底泥)中孔雀石绿、结晶紫及其代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 |
China Aquaculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4321-2023 |
Specifications for the construction of multi-layer three-dIMensional large-scale pig farms {译} 多层立体规模化猪场建设规范 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4311-2023 |
Determination of polysaccharide content in anIMal bones - Liquid chromatography {译} 动物骨中多糖含量的测定 液相色谱法 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4309-2023 |
Test method for crIMp properties of wool fiber {译} 羊毛纤维卷曲性能试验方法 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4305-2023 |
Determination of 2,6-dIMethoxy-4-vinylphenol in vegetable oil by high performance liquid chromatography {译} 植物油中2,6-二甲氧基-4-乙烯基苯酚的测定 高效液相色谱法 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4303-2023 |
Diagnosis Techniques for Geta Virus Infection in AnIMals {译} 动物盖塔病毒感染诊断技术 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4302-2023 |
Standards for file management of anIMal disease diagnostic laboratory {译} 动物疫病诊断实验室档案管理规范 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4300-2023 |
ClIMate-smart agriculture: monitoring and accounting specifications for carbon sequestration and emission reduction in crop production {译} 气候智慧型农业 作物生产固碳减排监测与核算规范 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4299-2023 |
ClIMate-smart agriculture Technical specifications for wheat-maize production {译} 气候智慧型农业 小麦-玉米生产技术规范 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4298-2023 |
ClIMate-smart agriculture Technical specifications for wheat-rice production {译} 气候智慧型农业 小麦-水稻生产技术规范 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4295-2023 |
Technical Specifications for IMprovement of Degraded Grassland Alpine Grassland {译} 退化草地改良技术规范 高寒草地 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1305—2015 |
Guidelines for Clinical Trials of Titanium and Titanium Alloy Dental IMplants {译} 钛及钛合金牙种植体临床试验指南 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1304.2—2015 |
TIMe-resolved fluorescence immunoassay system Part 2: Time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay quantitative assay reagent (box) {译} 时间分辨荧光免疫检测系统 第2部分:时间分辨荧光免疫分析定量测定试剂(盒) |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1304.1—2015 |
TIMe-resolved fluorescent immunoassay system Part 1: Semi-automatic time-resolved fluorescent immunoassay analyzer {译} 时间分辨荧光免疫检测系统 第1部分:半自动时间分辨荧光免疫分析仪 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1294.2—2015 |
Surgical IMplants - Ceramic materials - Part 2: Zirconia toughened high purity alumina matrix composites {译} 外科植入物 陶瓷材料 第2部分:氧化锆增韧高纯氧化铝基复合材料 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1281—2015 |
Dentistry IMplants Clinical performance of manual torque instruments {译} 牙科学 种植体 手动扭矩器械的临床性能 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1279—2015 |
Three-dIMensional ultrasound imaging performance test method {译} 三维超声成像性能试验方法 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1262—2015 |
Neuron-specific enolase quantitative labeling IMmunoassay kit {译} 神经元特异性烯醇化酶定量标记免疫分析试剂盒 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1260—2015 |
Hepatitis E virus IgM antibody detection kit (enzyme-linked IMmunosorbent assay) {译} 戊型肝炎病毒IgM抗体检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附法) |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1259—2015 |
Hepatitis E virus IgG antibody detection kit (enzyme-linked IMmunosorbent assay) {译} 戊型肝炎病毒IgG抗体检测试剂盒(酶联免疫吸附法) |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1257—2015 |
Free human chorionic gonadotropin β subunit quantitative labeling IMmunoassay kit {译} 游离人绒毛膜促性腺激素β亚单位定量标记免疫分析试剂盒 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1255—2015 |
IMmunoturbidimetric detection reagent (box) (transmission method) {译} 免疫比浊法检测试剂(盒)(透射法) |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1252—2015 |
Total IgE Quantitative Labeled IMmunoassay Kit {译} 总IgE定量标记免疫分析试剂盒 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 0996—2015 |
Urine Formed Components Analyzer (Digital IMaging Automatic Identification) {译} 尿液有形成分分析仪(数字成像自动识别) |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 0994—2015 |
magnetic stIMulation device {译} 磁刺激设备 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 0954—2015 |
Passive Surgical IMplants - Type I Collagen Implants {译} 无源外科植入物-I型胶原蛋白植入剂 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 0771.4—2015 |
Medical devices of anIMal origin - Part 4: Principles for the removal and/or inactivation of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agents and their process validation analysis {译} 动物源医疗器械 第4部分:传播性海绵状脑病(TSE)因子的去除和/或灭活及其过程确认分析的原则 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY 0605.9—2015 |
Surgical IMplants - Metallic materials - Part 9: Wrought high nitrogen stainless steel {译} 外科植入物 金属材料 第9部分:锻造高氮不锈钢 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY 0603—2015 |
Cardiovascular IMplants and Prosthetics Cardiac Surgical Hard Cases Reservoir/Vinous Reservoir Systems (with or without Filters) and Venous Reservoir Bags {译} 心血管植入物及人工器官 心脏手术硬壳 贮血器/静脉贮血器系统(带或不带过滤器)和静脉贮血软袋 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY 0599—2015 |
Laser Therapy Equipment ExcIMer Laser Corneal Refractive Therapy Machine {译} 激光治疗设备 准分子激光角膜屈光治疗机 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1882-2023 |
Treponema pallidum antibody detection kit (luminescent IMmunoassay) {译} 梅毒螺旋体抗体检测试剂盒(发光免疫分析法) |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1874-2023 |
Active IMplantable Medical Devices - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Rules for Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers, Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators and Cardiac Resynchronization Devices {译} 有源植入式医疗器械 电磁兼容 植入式心脏起搏器、植入式心律转复除颤器和心脏再同步器械的电磁兼容测试细则 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY 9706.279-2023 |
Medical Electrical Equipment Part 2-79: Particular Requirements for Basic Safety and Essential Performance of Respiratory Support Equipment for Respiratory IMpairments {译} 医用电气设备 第2-79部分:用于呼吸功能障碍的呼吸支持设备的基本安全和基本性能专用要求 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY 0970-2023 |
Sterilization of healthcare products - Liquid chemical sterilants for single-use medical devices of anIMal origin - Requirements for the characterization, development, validation and routine control of medical device sterilization processes {译} 医疗保健产品灭菌 一次性使用动物源性医疗器械的液体化学灭菌剂 医疗器械灭菌过程的特征、开发、确认和常规控制的要求 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1512.10-2022 |
Methods for chemical analysis of copper smelting dust - Part 10: Determination of copper, lead, zinc, bismuth, arsenic, indium, silver, cadmium, antIMony, calcium, magnesium and iron - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译} 铜冶炼烟尘化学分析方法 第10部分:铜、铅、锌、铋、砷、铟、银、镉、锑、钙、镁和铁含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1543-2022 |
Lithium metal energy consumption lIMit per unit product {译} 金属锂单位产品能源消耗限额 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1585.2-2022 |
Methods for chemical analysis of silver-tungsten alloys - Part 2: Determination of tungsten content - Cinchonine gravIMetric method {译} 银钨合金化学分析方法 第2部分:钨含量的测定 辛可宁重量法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1582.3-2022 |
Methods for chemical analysis of crude antIMony - Part 3: Determination of arsenic, lead, copper, selenium and iron content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译} 粗锑化学分析方法 第3部分:砷、铅、铜、硒和铁含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1582.2-2022 |
Methods for chemical analysis of crude antIMony - Part 2: Determination of gold content - Fire test gold gravimetric method {译} 粗锑化学分析方法 第2部分:金含量的测定 火试金重量法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1582.1-2022 |
Methods for chemical analysis of crude antIMony - Part 1: Determination of antimony content - Cerium sulfate titration method {译} 粗锑化学分析方法 第1部分:锑含量的测定 硫酸铈滴定法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 536.14-2022 |
Methods for chemical analysis of bismuth - Part 14: Determination of copper, lead, zinc, iron, silver, arsenic, tellurium and antIMony - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译} 铋化学分析方法 第14部分:铜、铅、锌、铁、银、砷、碲和锑含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1569.1-2022 |
Lithium nickel manganese oxide chemical analysis method - Part 1: Determination of nickel content - Diacetyl diacetyl oxIMe gravimetric method {译} 镍锰酸锂化学分析方法 第1部分:镍含量的测定 丁二酮肟重量法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1563.2-2022 |
Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum-rhenium alloys - Part 2: Determination of molybdenum content - Lead molybdate gravIMetric method {译} 钼铼合金化学分析方法 第2部分:钼含量的测定 钼酸铅重量法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1562.2-2022 |
Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten-copper alloys - Part 2: Determination of tungsten content - Cinchonine gravIMetric method {译} 钨铜合金化学分析方法 第2部分:钨含量的测定 辛可宁重量法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YS/T 1530-2022 |
High purity tin chemical analysis method - Determination of IMpurity element content - Glow discharge mass spectrometry {译} 高纯锡化学分析方法 杂质元素含量的测定 辉光放电质谱法 |
China Non-ferrous Metal Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
JT/T 1465-2023 |
ProxIMity Test Method for the Effect of Road on Tire Noise {译} 路面对轮胎噪声影响的近距测试方法 |
China Transport Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
GH/T 1397-2022 |
Detection of lotus-derived components in lotus powder and its products by real-tIMe fluorescent PCR {译} 荷花粉及其制品中荷花源成分检测 实时荧光PCR法 |
China Supply and marketing cooperation Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
GH/T 1396-2022 |
Detection of pine source components in pine pollen and its products by real-tIMe fluorescent PCR method {译} 松花粉及其制品中松源成分检测 实时荧光PCR法 |
China Supply and marketing cooperation Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
AQ/T 1122—2023 |
IMplementation Rules for Safety Status Evaluation of Coalbed Methane Surface Mining Enterprises {译} 煤层气地面开采企业安全现状评价实施细则 |
China Safety Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
AQ/T 1121—2023 |
IMplementation Rules for Coal Mine Safety Status Evaluation {译} 煤矿安全现状评价实施细则 |
China Safety Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
AQ/T 1120—2023 |
IMplementation Rules for Safety Acceptance Evaluation of Coalbed Methane Surface Mining Construction Projects {译} 煤层气地面开采建设项目安全验收评价实施细则 |
China Safety Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SC/T 7028-2022 |
Specifications for investigation of bacterial resistance in aquaculture anIMals - general rules {译} 水产养殖动物细菌耐药性调查规范 通则 |
China Aquaculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SC/T 7018-2022 |
Specifications for Epidemiological Investigation of Aquatic AnIMal Diseases {译} 水生动物疫病流行病学调查规范 |
China Aquaculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SC/T 7015-2022 |
Standards for harmless treatment of dead aquatic anIMals and diseased aquatic animal products {译} 病死水生动物及病害水生动物产品无害化处理规范 |
China Aquaculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SC/T 5109-2022 |
Farm conditions for ornamental aquatic anIMals Marine crustaceans {译} 观赏性水生动物养殖场条件 海洋甲壳动物 |
China Aquaculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4195.8-2022 |
Cultivation of biological test material for environmental IMpact test of pesticide registration - Part 8: Eisenia chinensis {译} 农药登记环境影响试验生物试材培养 第8部分:赤子爱胜蚓 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4195.7-2022 |
Cultivation of biological test material for environmental IMpact test of pesticide registration - Part 7: Duckweed {译} 农药登记环境影响试验生物试材培养 第7部分:浮萍 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4195.6-2022 |
Cultivation of biological test materials for environmental IMpact test of pesticide registration - Part 6: Axymocystis paracephalus {译} 农药登记环境影响试验生物试材培养 第6部分:近头状尖胞藻 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4195.5-2022 |
Cultivation of biological test material for environmental IMpact test of pesticide registration - Part 5: Daphnia magna {译} 农药登记环境影响试验生物试材培养 第5部分:大型溞 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4195.4-2022 |
Cultivation of biological test material for environmental IMpact test of pesticide registration - Part 4: Silkworm {译} 农药登记环境影响试验生物试材培养 第4部分:家蚕 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4195.3-2022 |
Cultivation of biological test materials for environmental IMpact test of pesticide registration Part 3: Zebrafish {译} 农药登记环境影响试验生物试材培养 第3部分:斑马鱼 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4195.2-2022 |
Cultivation of biological test material for environmental IMpact test of pesticide registration Part 2: Japanese quail {译} 农药登记环境影响试验生物试材培养 第2部分:日本鹌鹑 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4195.1-2022 |
Cultivation of biological test material for environmental IMpact test of pesticide registration Part 1: Bees {译} 农药登记环境影响试验生物试材培养 第1部分:蜜蜂 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4193-2022 |
Chemical pesticides - Test guidelines for estIMating soil adsorption coefficients by high performance liquid chromatography {译} 化学农药 高效液相色谱法估算土壤吸附系数试验准则 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4192-2022 |
Chemical pesticides—Guidelines for metabolism tests in water-sedIMent systems {译} 化学农药 水-沉积物系统代谢试验准则 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NY/T 4188-2022 |
Chemical Pesticides - Guidelines for Daphnia magna reproduction experIMent {译} 化学农药 大型溞繁殖试验准则 |
China Agriculture Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
WS/T 404.10—2022 |
Reference intervals for commonly used clinical biochemical test items Part 10: Serum triiodothyronine, thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, free thyroxine, thyroid stIMulating hormone {译} 临床常用生化检验项目参考区间第10部分:血清三碘甲状腺原氨酸、甲状腺素、游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸、游离甲状腺素、促甲状腺激素 |
China Hygiene Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QX/T 555—2022 |
Statistical method of clIMate data Ocean fixed-point observation {译} 气候数据统计方法 海洋定点观测 |
China Meteorology Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QX/T 549—2022 |
Meteorological IMpact Index of Ecosystem Water Conservation Function {译} 生态系统水源涵养功能气象影响指数 |
China Meteorology Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1840-2023 |
General technical requirements for medical magnetic resonance IMaging equipment {译} 医用磁共振成像设备通用技术条件 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1719-2023 |
General technical requirements for positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance IMaging equipment {译} 正电子发射断层成像及磁共振成像设备通用技术要求 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1876-2023 |
Tissue-engineered medical products-Determination of DNA residues in biological materials of anIMal origin: fluorescent staining {译} 组织工程医疗产品 动物源性生物材料DNA残留量测定法:荧光染色法 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1869-2023 |
Detector array dosIMetry system performance and test methods {译} 探测器阵列剂量测量系统 性能和试验方法 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1868-2023 |
Hepatitis B virus core antibody detection kit (luminescence IMmunoassay) {译} 乙型肝炎病毒核心抗体检测试剂盒(发光免疫分析法) |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1867-2023 |
Sports Medicine IMplants Wired Anchor {译} 运动医学植入器械 带线锚钉 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1862-2023 |
Special technical requirements for coronary artery CT IMage processing software {译} 冠状动脉CT影像处理软件专用技术条件 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1861-2023 |
Special technical requirements for medical IMage storage and transmission system software {译} 医学影像存储与传输系统软件专用技术条件 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 1240-2023 |
D-dIMer assay kit (immunoturbidimetric method) {译} D-二聚体测定试剂盒(免疫比浊法) |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 0730-2023 |
Cardiovascular surgical IMplants and artificial organs - Requirements for single-use tubing sets for cardiopulmonary bypass and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) {译} 心血管外科植入物和人工器官 心肺旁路和体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)使用的一次性使用管道套包的要求 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY/T 0606.15-2023 |
Tissue-engineered medical products-Test method for evaluating the IMmune response of matrices and scaffolds: Lymphocyte proliferation assay {译} 组织工程医疗产品 评价基质及支架免疫反应的试验方法:淋巴细胞增殖试验 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YY 9706.261-2023 |
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-61: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of pulse oxIMetry equipment {译} 医用电气设备 第2-61部分:脉搏血氧设备的基本安全和基本性能专用要求 |
China Pharmaceutics Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
JY/T 0540—2022 |
General requirements for sIMple harmonic vibration image teaching aids {译} 简谐振动图像教具通用要求 |
China Education Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
JY/T 0129—2022 |
DIMe tube (Newton tube) {译} 毛钱管(牛顿管) |
China Education Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
QC/T 1016-2022 |
Passenger car door trIM panel assembly {译} 乘用车门内饰板总成 |
China Automobile Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 11029—2022 |
Coal mine gas regenerative oxidation furnace flue gas drying coal slIMe technical specification {译} 煤矿瓦斯蓄热式氧化炉烟气烘干煤泥技术规范 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HG/T 6125-2022 |
Green Factory Evaluation Guidelines for ReclaIMed Rubber Industry {译} 再生胶行业绿色工厂评价导则 |
China Chemistry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HG/T 6131-2022 |
Petroleum hydrocarbon sedIMent cyclone elution complete set of equipment {译} 含石油烃泥沙旋流洗脱成套设备 |
China Chemistry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HG/T 6100-2022 |
Acrylate-based heat-curing IMpregnating sealants for metal die castings {译} 金属压铸件用丙烯酸酯 基热固化浸渗密封胶 |
China Chemistry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HG/T 6018-2022 |
3-ChloroIMinodibenzyl {译} 3-氯亚氨基二苄 |
China Chemistry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HG/T 3136-2022 |
Footwear sIMulation walking (life) testing machine {译} 鞋类模拟行走(寿命)试验机 |
China Chemistry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HG/T 6013-2022 |
AcryloyloxyethyltrIMethylammonium chloride for industrial use {译} 工业用丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵 |
China Chemistry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HG/T 6010-2022 |
Light stabilizer poly{[6-[(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-bis[(2,2,6,6 ,-tetramethyl-piperidinyl)IMino]-1,6-hexadiene[(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl)imino]} {译} 光稳定剂 聚{[6-[(1,1,3,3-四甲基丁基)氨基]-1,3,5-三嗪-2,4-双[(2,2,6,6,-四甲基-哌啶基)亚氨基]-1,6-己二撑[(2,2,6,6-四甲基-4-哌啶基)亚氨基]} |
China Chemistry Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
GH/T 1379-2022 |
Guidelines for the IMplementation of the Environmental Management System of Farmers’ Professional Cooperatives Planting Industry {译} 农民专业合作社环境管理体系实施指南 种植业 |
China Supply and marketing cooperation Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
SY/T 7676-2022 |
Determination of Natural Gas Hydrate Formation Temperature SIMulation Method {译} 天然气 水合物生成温度的测定 模拟法 |
China Oil & Gas Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
HJ 1269-2022 |
Soil and SedIMent Determination of Methylmercury and Ethylmercury Purge and Trap/Gas Chromatography-Cold Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry {译} 土壤和沉积物 甲基汞和乙基汞的测定 吹扫捕集/气相色谱-冷原子荧光光谱法 |
China Environment Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 14002.4-2022 |
Shale gas - Reservoir stIMulation - Part 4: Recommended practices for pumped bridge plug-perforation combined technology in horizontal wells {译} 页岩气 储层改造 第4部分:水平井泵送桥塞-射孔联作技术推荐作法 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 14002.3-2022 |
Shale gas - Reservoir stIMulation - Part 3: Recovery and treatment of fracturing flowback fluid {译} 页岩气 储层改造 第3部分:压裂返排液回收和处理方法 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 14002.1-2022 |
Shale Gas Reservoir StIMulation Part 1: Fracturing Design Specifications {译} 页岩气 储层改造 第1部分:压裂设计规范 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 11047-2022 |
Shale Gas Development Numerical SIMulation Application Technical Specifications {译} 页岩气 开发数值模拟应用技术规范 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
NB/T 10838-2021 |
Recommended practices for optIMal design of cluster perforation parameters for shale gas horizontal wells {译} 页岩气水平井簇式射孔参数优化设计推荐作法 |
China Energy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
MZ/T 196—2023 |
Technical specifications for passenger assistance systems for the visually IMpaired in buses (electric vehicles) {译} 公共汽(电)车视障人士助乘系统技术规范 |
China Civil Affairs Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YB/T 6071-2022 |
Requirements and methods for power quality optIMization in iron and steel enterprises {译} 钢铁企业电能质量优化要求与方法 |
China Metallurgy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YB/T 6061.2-2022 |
Refined steel smelting energy consumption lIMit per unit product Part 2: Electrical steel {译} 精炼钢冶炼单位产品能源消耗限额 第2部分:电工钢 |
China Metallurgy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YB/T 6060-2022 |
Metallurgical lIMe energy consumption limit per unit product {译} 冶金石灰单位产品能源消耗限额 |
China Metallurgy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YB/T 6013.1-2022 |
Sintering flue gas desulfurization ash - Determination of sulfate and sulfite content - Barium sulfate gravIMetric method {译} 烧结烟气脱硫灰 硫酸根和亚硫酸根含量的测定 硫酸钡重量法 |
China Metallurgy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YB/T 6047-2022 |
Borate IMpregnated anti-oxidation graphite electrode {译} 硼酸盐浸渍抗氧化石墨电极 |
China Metallurgy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YB/T 6039-2022 |
Determination method of green burning rate and burning rate of metallurgical lIMe {译} 冶金石灰生烧率和过烧率的测定方法 |
China Metallurgy Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4177.11-2022 |
MinIMum necessary assessment specifications for the collection and use of personal information by mobile Internet applications (APP) Part 11: SMS information {译} 移动互联网应用程序(APP)收集使用个人信息最小必要评估规范 第11部分:短信信息 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4177.3-2022 |
MinIMum necessary assessment specifications for the collection and use of personal information by mobile Internet applications (APP) Part 3: Image information {译} 移动互联网应用程序(APP)收集使用个人信息最小必要评估规范 第3部分:图片信息 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4177.2-2022 |
MinIMum necessary assessment specifications for the collection and use of personal information by mobile Internet applications (APP) Part 2: Location information {译} 移动互联网应用程序(APP)收集使用个人信息最小必要评估规范 第2部分:位置信息 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
YD/T 4177.1-2022 |
MinIMum necessary assessment specifications for the collection and use of personal information by mobile Internet applications (APP) Part 1: General principles {译} 移动互联网应用程序(APP)收集使用个人信息最小必要评估规范 第1部分:总则 |
China Telecommunication Industry
Standards IM |
English PDF |
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