China National Standards

China DC power Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China " DC power" Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    JB/T 11074-2023 Power frequency constant current high voltage DC power supply for electrostatic precipitator JB/T 11074-2011 {译}
    China Machinery Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 2602—2023 Guidelines for selection and testing of protective appliances for power DC power systems {译}
    China Electricity Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 2566—2022 Technical Supervision Regulations for DC Systems of Hydropower Plants {译}
    China Electricity Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD/T 4175-2022 Electrical safety technical requirements and test methods for communication equipment powered by 240V/336V DC {译}
    China Telecommunication Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD/T 4151-2022 Small integrated AC and DC uninterruptible power supply {译}
    China Telecommunication Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    JB/T 14253-2022 Technical specification for power source for inspection of DC watt-hour meters {译}
    China Machinery Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD/T 4006-2022 10kV AC Input DC Uninterruptible Power Supply System for Information Communication {译}
    China Telecommunication Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    SN/T 5434-2022 Inspection and identification method of imported DC stabilized power supply Performance{译} {译}
    进口直流稳压电源检验鉴定方法 性能
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    NB/T 10606—2021 Code for design of DC power supply system in hydroelectric power plants {译}
    China Energy Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    NB/T 10647-2021 Offshore wind farms - DC circuit breakers for direct current access to power systems - Technical specification{译} {译}
    海上风电场 直流接入电力系统用直流断路器 技术规范
    China Energy Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD/T 2555-2021 240V/336V DC power supply system power distribution equipment for communication {译}
    China Telecommunication Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    NB/T 10462-2020 AC-DC switching power supply - Technical specifications for near-field radio frequency electromagnetic field immunity test {译}
    交流-直流开关电源 近场射频电磁场抗扰度试验技术规范
    China Energy Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    NB/T 10461-2020 AC-DC switching power supply - abnormal simulation test of electronic components - technical specification {译}
    交流-直流开关电源 电子组件异常模拟试验 技术规范
    China Energy Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    NB/T 10458-2029 AC-DC switching power supply Test method for semi-anechoic indoor air noise{译} {译}
    交流-直流开关电源 半消声室内空气噪声测试方法
    China Energy Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    NB/T 10457-2028 AC-DC switching power supply Cooling fan air volume and air pressure Test method{译} {译}
    交流-直流开关电源 散热风扇风量风压 测试方法
    China Energy Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    NB/T 10456-2028 AC-DC switching power supply - Technical specification for drop reliability test{译} {译}
    交流-直流开关电源 跌落可靠性试验技术规范
    China Energy Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    JJF 1597-2016 (DC stabilized power supply calibration specification)
    China Metrological Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD/T 3091-2016 (Communication with 240V / 336V DC power supply system evaluation requirements and methods of running)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD/T 3089-2016 (Communication with 336V DC power Supply System)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    TB/T 2993.6-2016 (Railway Communication Power - Part 6: DC power distribution equipment)
    China Railway & Train Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 860.801-2016 (Power automation communication networks and systems - Part 80-1: Application of DL / T - 634.5101 or DL ​​/ T - 634.5104 exchange data model based on CDC guidelines for information)
    电力自动化通信网络和系统 第80-1部分:应用dl/t 634.5101或dl/t 634.5104交换基于cdc的数据模型信息导则
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1541-2016 Specifications of power transformer neutral point DC limit (isolation) devices
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1572.3-2016 (Substations and power plants DC auxiliary power system short-circuit current Part 3: study)
    变电站和发电厂直流辅助电源系统短路电流 第3部分:算例
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1572.2-2016 (Substations and power plants DC auxiliary power system short circuit currents - Part 2: Calculation of effects)
    变电站和发电厂直流辅助电源系统短路电流 第2部分:效应计算
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1572.1-2016 (Substations and power plants DC auxiliary power system short-circuit current Part 1: Short-circuit current calculation)
    变电站和发电厂直流辅助电源系统短路电流 第1部分:短路电流计算
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 5044-2014 Technical code for designing DC system of power projects
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1397.7-2014 General specification for DC power system test equipments of electric power system. Part 7: Battery monomer activation instrument
    电力直流电源系统用测试设备通用技术条件 第7部分:蓄电池单体活化仪
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1397.6-2014 General specification for DC power system test equipments of electric power system. Part 6: Portable grounding detection apparatus
    电力直流电源系统用测试设备通用技术条件 第6部分:便携式接地巡测仪
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1397.5-2014 General specification for DC power system test equipments of electric power system. Part 5: Battery internal resistance tester
    电力直流电源系统用测试设备通用技术条件 第5部分:蓄电池内阻测试仪
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1397.4-2014 General specification for DC power system test equipments of electric power system. Part 4: Testing system of DC circuit breaker operating characteristics
    电力直流电源系统用测试设备通用技术条件 第4部分:直流断路器动作特性测试系统
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1397.3-2014 General specification for DC power system test equipments of electric power system. Part 3: Testing system of the charging device characteristics
    电力直流电源系统用测试设备通用技术条件 第3部分:充电装置特性测试系统
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1397.2-2014 General specification for DC power system test equipments of electric power system. Part 2: Battery capacity discharge tester
    电力直流电源系统用测试设备通用技术条件 第2部分:蓄电池容量放电测试仪
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1397.1-2014 General specification for DC power system test equipments of electric power system. Part 1: Battery voltage inspection apparatus
    电力直流电源系统用测试设备通用技术条件 第1部分:蓄电池电压巡检仪
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1392-2014 Technical specification of insulation monitoring devices for DC power system
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    NB/T 42039-2014 Wide voltage input and regulated output isolated DC-DC model power supply
    China Energy industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD 5210-2014 (240V DC power systems engineering and technical specifications)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    GY/T 273-2013 Technical requirements and measurement methods of low power SW multifrequency broadcasting transmitters
    China Radio, Film & TV Industry Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 989-2013 Reliability evaluation code for DC power transmission system
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1301-2013 Guideline of DC withstand test for submarine oil-filled power cable
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    SJ/T 11432-2012 General specification of stabilized power supplies, DC output
    China Electronics Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD/T 2306-2011 Technical requirements and test methods for DC power adapter used in vehicles and interface for mobile telecommunication terminal equipment
    China Telecommunication Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD/T 1970.3-2010 Maintenance requirements of power supply for telecommunication stations/sits. Part 3: DC power system
    通信局(站)电源系统维护技术要求 第3部分:直流系统
    China Telecommunication Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    YD/T 1817-2008 DC Remote Feeding Power System for Telecommunication Equipment
    China Telecommunication Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    TB/T 3186-2007 Technical specification of testing experiment for power convertor dynamic loading of AC-DC electric locomotive
    China Railway & Train Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 1074-2007 Integrated uninterruptible power supply equipment of DC and AC for power system
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 5365-2006 Rules of content depth for electDC power data communication network project preliminary design
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 856-2004 DC electrical source supervisor for electric power
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    DL/T 724-2000 Specification of operation and maintenance of battery DC power supply equipment for electric power system
    China Electricity & Power Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    SJ 20772-2000 Specification for DC. power supply of military equipment
    China Electronics Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    TB/T 2892-1998 (Railway electrification rate used in nickel-cadmium batteries DC power supply unit)
    China Railway & Train Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    JJG(QJ)6-1984 (DC power supply test procedures)
    China Metrological Standards
    DC power

    English PDF
    JJG(QJ)5-1984 (DC standard power test procedures)
    China Metrological Standards
    DC power

    English PDF

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