China National Standards

China Unified IMS Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China " Unified IMS" Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    YD/T 4149-2022 Service technical requirements based on Unified IMS (Phase 2) One-number multi-terminal service {译}
    基于统一IMS(第二阶段)的业务技术要求 一号多终端业务
    China Telecommunication Industry Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 4148-2022 Unified IMS network (second stage) and CDMA network short message signaling interworking test method {译}
    China Telecommunication Industry Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2975-2015 (Unified IMS network supports multi-mode single standby voice call continuity of the technical requirements)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

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    YD/T 2887-2015 (Emergency call service test method (first stage) is based on a Unified IMS)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

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    YD/T 2822-2015 (IMS network supports enterprise unified communications business technical requirements)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2541-2013 Technical requirements of emergency sessions services based on the Unified IMS(Release 1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2463-2013 Technical requirements of Unified IMS network for supporting IPv6
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2460-2013 Test method of services based on the Unified IMS multimedia ring back tone(Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务测试方法 多媒体彩铃业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2459-2013 Test method of services based on the Unified IMS. IP Centrex service
    基于统一ims的业务测试方法 ip centrex业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2458-2013 Test method of services based on the Unified IMS customized multimedia ringing (Release 1)
    基于统一IMS的业务测试方法 个性化振铃音业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2457.1-2013 Test method of services based on the Unified IMS multimedia telephony service (release 1). Part 1: basic services and required supplementary services
    基于统一ims的业务测试方法 多媒体电话业务(第一阶段) 第1部分:基本业务和必选补充业务
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2425-2012 Technical requirements of the session border controllerin Unified IMS
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2295-2011 Technical requirements of services based on the Unified IMS. Click to dial service (Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务技术要求 点击拨号业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2294-2011 Testing method of home subscriber server(HSS)of the Unified IMS (Release 1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2293-2011 Testing method of proxy call control function (P-CSCF) of the Unified IMS (Release 1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2292-2011 Test method of interrogating/serving call control function (I-CSCF/S-CSCF) of the Unified IMS (Release 1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2291-2011 Technical requirements of interrogating call session control function/serving call session control function (I-CSCF/S-CSCF) of the Unified IMS (Release 1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2290-2011 Technical requirements for interworking between Unified IMS and softswitch
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2187-2010 Technical requirements for Home Subscriber Server (HSS) of the Unified IMS (Phase 1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2186-2010 Technical requirements for Proxy Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) of the Unified IMS (Phase 1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 1522.6-2010 Technical Requirements for Session Initiation Protocol. Part 6: Interworking between BICC and SIP Based on the Unified IMS
    会话初始协议(sip)技术要求 第6部分:与承载无关的呼叫控制(bicc)协议与统一ims网络sip协议的互通
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 1522.5-2010 Technical requirements for session initiation protocol. Part 5: Session initiation protocol based on the Unified IMS
    会话初始协议(sip)技术要求 第5部分:统一ims网络的sip协议
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2013-2009 Technical requirements of services based on the Unified IMS. Malicious call identification (MCID) and anonymous communication rejection (ACR) service (Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务技术要求 恶意呼叫追踪和匿名呼叫拒绝业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2011-2009 Technical requirements of services based on the Unified IMS. Call waiting (CW) and call HOLD (HOLD) service (Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务技术要求 呼叫等待与呼叫保持业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2010-2009 Technical requirements of services based on the Unified IMS multimedia conferencing service (Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务技术要求 多媒体会议业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2009-2009 Technical requirement of services based on the Unified IMS customized multimedia ringing service (Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务技术要求 个性化振铃音业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2008-2009 Technical requirement for services based on the Unified IMS. Customized multimedia alerting service (Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务技术要求 多媒体彩铃业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 2007-2009 Function and architecture for the Unified IMS (Release 1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 1933-2009 Technical Requirements of Services Based on the Unified IMS IP Centrex Service(Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务技术要求 ip centerex业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 1932-2009 Technical Requirements of Services based on the Unified IMS Identification Presentation and Restriction Service(Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务技术要求 标识显示及限制类业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 1931-2009 Technical Requirements of Services based on the Unified IMS Call Forwarding Service(Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务技术要求 呼叫前转类业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 1930-2009 General Technical Requirements of the Networkingfor the Unified IMS(Release1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

    English PDF
    YD/T 1929-2009 Requirements for the Unified IMS(Phase 1)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Unified IMS

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