China National Standards

China 12: Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China "12:" Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    SN/T 5655.12-2023 Commercial kit detection method Prepackaged food allergen immunoassay method Part 12: Pistachios {译}
    商品化试剂盒检测方法 预包装食品致敏原免疫分析法 第12部分:开心果
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards

    English PDF
    HB 6167.12-2014(2017) Environmental conditions and test methods for airborne equipment of civil aircraft Part 12: Salt spray test {译}
    民用飞机机载设备环境条件和试验方法 第12部分:盐雾试验
    China Aviation Industry Standards

    English PDF
    WS/T 364.12—2023 Health Information Data Element Range Code Part 12: Plans and Interventions {译}
    China Hygiene Industry Standards

    English PDF
    WS/T 363.12—2023 Health Information Data Metacatalog Part 12: Plans and Interventions {译}
    卫生健康信息数据元目录 第12部分:计划与干预
    China Hygiene Industry Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 1385.12-2023 Electronic license for water transport Part 12: Qualification certificate for water transport of hazardous chemicals {译}
    水路运输电子证照 第12部分:危险化学品水路运输从业资格证书
    China Transport Industry Standards

    English PDF
    SY/T 4113.12—2023 Test method for performance of pipeline anti-corrosion coating - Part 12: Resistance to water immersion {译}
    管道防腐层性能试验方法 第12部分:耐水浸泡
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 5516.12-2023 Fluorescence Recombinase-mediated Strand Replacement Nucleic Acid Amplification (RAA) Detection Method for Pathogenic Bacteria in Exported Food Part 12: Pseudomonas aeruginosa {译}
    出口食品中致病菌荧光重组酶介导链替换核酸扩增(RAA)检测方法 第12部分:铜绿假单胞菌
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YS/T 1075.12-2022 Methods for chemical analysis of vanadium-aluminum and molybdenum-aluminum master alloys-Part 12: Determination of phosphorus content-Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method {译}
    钒铝、钼铝中间合金化学分析方法 第12部分:磷含量的测定 钼蓝分光光度法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YD/T 3421.12-2022 Broadband Customer Intelligent Gateway Based on Public Telecommunication Network Part 12: Security Technical Requirements for Home Intelligent Gateway Equipment {译}
    基于公用电信网的宽带客户智能网关 第12部分:家庭用智能网关设备安全技术要求
    China Telecommunication Industry Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 1386.12-2022 Maritime Electronic License Part 12: Vessel Inspection Certificate {译}
    海事电子证照 第12部分:船舶检验证书
    China Transport Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YY/T 0681.12-2022 Test methods for sterile medical device packaging - Part 12: Soft barrier materials rub resistance {译}
    无菌医疗器械包装试验方法 第12部分:软性屏障材料抗揉搓性
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YS/T 1171.12-2021 Methods for chemical analysis of recycled zinc raw materials - Part 12: Determination of indium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry{译} {译}
    再生锌原料化学分析方法 第12部分:铟含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YY 9706.112-2021 Medical electrical equipment Part 1-12: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance Collateral standard: Requirements for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems intended for use in emergency medical services enviro {译}
    医用电气设备 第1-12部分:基本安全和基本性能的通用要求 并列标准:预期在紧急医疗服务环境中使用的医用电气设备和医用电气系统的要求
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YS/T 1467.12-2021 Methods for chemical analysis of hafnium - Part 12: Determination of trace impurity elements{译} {译}
    铪化学分析方法 第12部分:痕量杂质元素的测定
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards

    English PDF
    WS/T 790.12—2021 Interaction Standard for Regional Health Information Platform Part 12: Health Record Collection Service {译}
    区域卫生信息平台交互标准 第12部分:健康档案采集服务
    China Hygiene Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YY/T 0809.12—2020 Surgical implants - Partial and total hip prostheses - Part 12: Test method for acetabular cup deformation {译}
    外科植入物 部分和全髋关节假体 第12部分:髋臼杯形变测试方法
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YS/T 1047.12-2020 Methods for chemical analysis of copper magnetite - Part 12: Determination of sulfur content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    铜磁铁矿化学分析方法 第12部分:硫含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards

    English PDF
    TB/T 2075.12-2020 Catenary components for electrified railways - Part 12: Pulley compensation device {译}
    电气化铁路接触网零部件 第12部分:滑轮补偿装置
    China Railway Transport Industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20442.12-2017 (Guidelines for periodic safety review of nuclear power plants - Part 12: Design)
    核电厂定期安全审查指南 第12部分:设计
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20005.12-2017 (Carbon and low alloy steels for PWR nuclear power plants - Part 12: Main steam systems, main feedwater flow control systems, auxiliary water supply systems and seamless steel tubes for steam turbine bypass systems)
    压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第12部分:主蒸汽系统、主给水流量控制系统、辅助给水系统和汽轮机旁路系统用无缝钢管
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 846.12-2016 (General specification for high - voltage test equipment - Part 12: Electrical capacitance tester)
    高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第12 部分:电力电容测试仪
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 979.12-2016 (Road passenger network ticketing system - Part 12: Self - check ticket terminal technical requirements)
    道路客运联网售票系统 第12部分:自助检票终端技术要求
    China Highway & Transportation Standards

    English PDF
    SJ/T 11666.12-2016 (Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) - Part 12: shipbuilding industry manufacturing execution system software functions)
    制造执行系统(mes)规范 第12部分:造船行业制造执行系统软件功能
    China Electronics Standards

    English PDF
    YY/T 0988.12-2016 (Coating surgical implants - Part 12: calcium phosphate coating and metal coating shear test method)
    外科植入物涂层 第12部分:磷酸钙涂层和金属涂层剪切试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 697.12-2016 (Transport infrastructure data section Element 12: onboard passenger information data base element)
    交通运输基础数据元 第12部分:船载客货信息基础数据元
    China Highway & Transportation Standards

    English PDF
    YY 0605.12-2016 Implants for surgery-Metallic materials - Part 12: Wrought cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy
    外科植入物金属材料 第12部分:锻造钴-铬-钼合金
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards

    English PDF
    SJ/T 2658.12-2015 Measuring method for semiconductor infrared-emitting diode - Part 12: Peak-emission wavelength and spectral radiant bandwidth
    半导体红外发射二极管测量方法 第12部分:峰值发射波长和光谱辐射带宽
    China Electronics Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3981.12-2015 (Import and export of textiles quality textile materials conformity assessment methods - Part 12: Synthetic)
    进出口纺织品质量符合性评价方法 纺织原料 第12部分:合成纤维
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 0400.12-2015 (Import and export of canned test procedures - Part 12: Port Inspection)
    进出口罐头检验规程 第12部分:口岸检验
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20358.12-2015 (Nuclear power plant construction project budget quota - Part 12: Conventional Island Thermal Equipment Installation Engineering)
    核电厂建设工程预算定额 第12部分:常规岛热力设备安装工程
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 47013.12-2015 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 12: Magnetic fiux leakage testing
    承压设备无损检测 第12部分:漏磁检测
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3701.12-2015 (Imported products inspection techniques used mechanical and electrical requirements of Part 12: Hydraulic Excavator)
    进口旧机电产品检验技术要求 第12部分:液压挖掘机
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    YY/T 0681.12-2014 Test methods for sterile medical device package. Part 12: Flex durability of flexible barrier films
    无菌医疗器械包装试验方法 第12部分:软性屏障膜抗揉搓性
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2206.12-2014 (Cosmetic microbiological test methods - Part 12: Pseudomonas aeruginosa PCR method)
    化妆品微生物检验方法 第12部分:绿脓杆菌 pcr法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1731.12-2014 (Exports of fireworks with pyrotechnic safety performance test methods - Part 12: Time - Pressure test methods)
    出口烟花爆竹用烟火药剂安全性能检验方法 第12部分:时间-压力试验方法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3767.12-2014 (Export genetically modified foods loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) detection methods - Part 12: Corn T-25 strain)
    出口食品中转基因成分环介导等温扩增(lamp)检测方法 第12部分:玉米t-25品系
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1657.12-2014 (Inspection of import and export electric tools - Part 12: Portable Saw)
    进出口电动工具检验规程 第12部分:可移式圆锯
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    YY/T 0681.12-2014 Test methods for packaging of sterile medical devices - Part 12: Scrub resistance of soft barrier films{译} {译}
    无菌医疗器械包装试验方法 第12部分:软性屏障膜抗揉搓性
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 5461.12-2013 Regulations for content and depth of detailed design documents of fossil-fired power plant. Part 12: HVAC
    火力发电厂施工图设计文件内容深度规定 第12部分:采暖通风及空气调节
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3694.12-2013 Determination of perfluorinated alkyl compounds in industrial products for import and export》 Part 12: Glazing agent. LC-MS/MS method
    进出口工业品中全氟烷基化合物测定 第12部分:上光剂 液相色谱-串联质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1588.12-2013 Rules for the inspection of luminaires for import and export. Part 12: Screw lampholds
    进口灯具检验规程 第12部分:螺口灯座
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1732.12-2013 Pyrotechnic composition used for fireworks and firecracker. Part 12: Determination of red-phosphorus content
    烟花爆竹用烟火药剂 第12部分:红磷含量的测定
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 25016.12-2013 Surveillance guide for conventional island equipment in nuclear power plants. Part 12: Lifting equipment
    核电厂常规岛设备监造技术导则 第12部分:起吊设备
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20009.12-2013 Welding materials for pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. Part 12: Nickel-based alloy strip cladding with flux for class 1 components
    压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第12部分:1级设备镍基合金堆焊用焊带和焊剂
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20007.12-2013 Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant. Part 12: Class 1, 2 and 3 austenitic stainless steel fittings welded with the addition of filler metal
    压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第12部分:用填充金属焊接的1、2、3级奥氏体对焊不锈钢管件
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1961.12-2013 Detection of allergen components in food forexport. Part 12: Real time PCR method for detecting sesame components
    出口食品过敏原成分检测 第12部分:实时荧光pcr方法检测芝麻成分
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    JR/T 0025.12-2013 China financial integrated circuit card specifications. Part 12: Contactless integrated circuit card payment specification
    中国金融集成电路(ic)卡规范 第12部分:非接触式ic卡支付规范
    China Finance Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 732.12-2013 (Pyrotechnic with fireworks Part 12: Determination of red phosphorus content)
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    HG/T 4335.12-2012 Treatment and disposal method for acids spill. Part 12: Hydrobromic acid
    酸类物质泄漏的处理处置方法 第12部分:氢溴酸
    China Chemical Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YD/T 1312.12-2012 Requirements and measurement methods of electromagnetic compatibility for radio communication equipment. Part 12: fixed broadband wireless access system basestation and its ancillary equipment
    无线通信设备电磁兼容性要求和测量方法 第12部分:固定宽带无线接入系统 基站及其辅助设备
    China Telecommunication Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1429.12-2012 Rules for the inspection of information technology equipment for import and export. Part 12: Facsimile equipment
    进出口信息技术设备检验规程 第12部分:传真机
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2389.12-2012 Rules for the measurement survey of import and export commodities. Part 12: Static measurement of asphaltum on board
    进出口商品容器计重规程 第12部分:沥青船舱静态计重
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1589.12-2012 Rules for the inspection of household and similar electrical appliances for import and export. Part 12: Far infrared heat appliance
    进出口家用和类似用途电器检验规程 第15部分:远红外加热产品
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 1151.12-2012 Analytical methods of scale and corrosion products in power plants. Part 12: Determination of phosphoric anhydride
    火力发电厂垢和腐蚀产物分析方法 第12部分:磷酸酐的测定
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3082.12-2012 Specifications for the inspection of export fireworks and firecracker. Part 12: Shells
    出口烟花爆竹产品检验规范 第12部分:礼花弹类
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 825.12-2012 IC card license for road transportation. Part 12: Specification for IC card reader
    IC卡道路运输证件 第12部分:IC卡读写器技术要求
    China Highway & Transportation Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3056.12-2011 Determination of essential parameters of chemical raw materials for use in fireworks and firecrackers. Part 12: Barium nitrate
    烟花爆竹用化工原材料关键指标的测定 第12部分:硝酸钡
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20039.12-2011 Code on nuclear air and gas treatment. Ventilation, air conditioning and air cleaning. Part 12: Iodine adsorber (type Ⅱ)
    核空气和气体处理规范 通风、空调与空气净化 第12部分:碘吸附器(ii 型)
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20006.12-2011 Alloy steel for pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. Part 12: Mn-Ni-Mo steel main flange forgings for pressurized water reactor coolant pumps
    压水堆核电厂用合金钢 第12部分:反应堆冷却剂泵主法兰用锰-镍-钼钢锻件
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 0481.12-2011 Inspection of bauxite for import and export. Part 12: Determination of apparent porosity and water absorption
    进出口矾土检验方法 第12部分:气孔率和吸水率的测定
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2754.12-2011 Loop-mediated isothermal amplification detection method for pathogens in export food. Part 12: Vibrio alginolyticus
    出口食品中致病菌环介导恒温扩增(lamp)检测方法 第12部分:溶藻弧菌
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.12-2010 Microbiological examination for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 12: Detection and enumeration of listeria monocytogenes
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第12部分:单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌检测与计数
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 0801.12-2010 Animal and vegetable oils and fats for import and export. Part 12: Flashpoint limit test using Pensky-Martens closed cup flash tester
    进出口动植物油脂 第12部分:闪点限值试验 宾斯基-马丁闭口杯法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20010.12-2010 PWR nuclear power plant valve. Part 12: Pneumatic actuator
    压水堆核电厂阀门 第12部分:气动装置
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20008.12-2010 Other material for pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. Part 12: Forged or rolled bars for class 1, 2, 3 bolts and nuts
    压水堆核电厂用其它材料 第12部分:1、2、3级设备螺栓、螺母用锻、轧棒
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20005.12-2010 Carbon steel and low alloy steel for pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. Part 12: Seamless steel pipes for use in main steam systems, feedwater flow control systems, auxiliary feedwater systems and turbine bypass systems
    压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第12部分:主蒸汽系统、主给水流量控制系统、辅助给水系统和汽轮机旁路系统用无缝钢管
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2497.12-2010 Test method of import and export dangerous chemicals. Part 12: Single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay
    进出口危险化学品安全试验方法 第12部分:单细胞凝胶电泳分析试验
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    TB/T 3123.12-2009 Rescue equipment for railway accident. Part 12: Rescue tower for accident of railway catenary system
    铁路行车事故救援设备 第12部分:接触网抢险塔架
    China Railway & Train Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2360.12-2009 Rules for the inspection of food additives for import and export. Part 12: Enzyme preparations
    进出口食品添加剂检验规程 第12部分:酶制剂
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1797.12-2008 Technical regulation on safety and sanitation for inspection of iron ore. Part 12: Bulk density for quality evaluation
    铁矿石安全卫生检验技术规范 第12部分:质量评价 体积密度
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    QB/T 2303.12-2008 Paste coated paper separator batteries. Part 12: Determination of infiltration speed
    电池用浆层纸 第12部分:渗透速度的测定
    China Light Industry Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1891.12-2007 Hygienic standard for import and export microwave food containers and packaging materials. Part 12: Products of polyethylene terphthalate
    进出口微波食品包装容器及包装材料卫生标准 第12部分:聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯成型品
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1888.12-2007 Hygienic standard for export and import irradiated food containers and packaging materials. Part 12: Products of glasses
    进出口辐照食品包装容器及材料卫生标准 第12部分:玻璃制品
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 680.12-2007 Technical requirement for the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of marine navigation equipment. Part 12: Ship station antenna and grounding
    船用通信导航设备的安装、使用、维护、修理技术要求 第12部分:船舶电台天线与接地
    China Highway & Transportation Standards

    English PDF
    YY/T 0606.12-2007 Tissue engineered medical products. Part 12: Guide for processing cells, tissues, and organs
    组织工程医疗产品 第12部分:细胞、组织、器官的加工处理指南
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 502.12-2006 Analytical methods of steam and water in power plants. Part 12: Determination of sulfate (Volumetric method)
    火力发电厂水汽分析方法 第12部分: 硫酸盐的测定(容量法)
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 790.4512-2006 Distribution automation using distrbution line carrier systems. Part 4-512: Data communication protocols. Systems management using profile DL/T 790.51. Management Information Base (MIB)
    采用配电线载波的配电自动化 第4-512部分:数据通信协议 系统管理 采用DL/T790.51协议集的系统管理信息库(MIB)
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 1033.12-2006 Electric power standard thesaurus. Part 12: Electricity market
    电力行业词汇 第12部分:电力市场
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1791.12-2006 Rules for the inspection and quarantine of waste imported as raw material. Part 12: Scrap textiles
    进口可用作原料的废物检验检疫规程 第12部分:纺织品废料
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    TB/T 3103.12-2005 Cone-shaped bayonet ring couplings for rolling stock. Part 12: Intubatton straight coupling bodies
    机车车辆用锥面卡套式管接头 第12部分:插管直通管接头体
    China Railway & Train Standards

    English PDF
    TB/T 3102.12-2005 Curved-face bayonet ring couplings for rolling stock. Part 12: Reducing straight coupling bodies
    机车车辆用曲面卡套式管接头 第12部分:异径直通管接头体
    China Railway & Train Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 29.12-2004 Profressional technique requirements in the communications industry-Harbor. Part 12: Workers for liquid cargo-handling
    交通行业职业技能要求 港口 第12部分 流体装卸操作工
    China Highway & Transportation Standards

    English PDF
    SY/T 5587.12-2004 Codes for conventional workover job. Part 12: Fishing
    常规修井作业规程 第12部分:打捞落物
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 5161.12-2002 Specification for construction quality checkout and evaluation of electric equipment installation. Part 12: Low-voltage apparatus
    电气装置安装工程 质量检验及评定规程 第12部分:低压电器施工质量检验
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 575.12-1999 Ergonomic principles for the design of control centres. Part 12: Visual display terminal workstations
    控制中心人机工程设计导则 第12部分:视觉显示终端(VDT)工作站
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    YD/T 828.312-1996 Measuring method of equipments used in digital microwave wireless transmission system Part 3 Measurement of satellite communication earth stations Section 12: Total system performances
    数字微波传输系统中所用设备的测量方法 第3部分:卫星通信地球站的测量 第12节:总系统性能
    China Telecommunication Standards

    English PDF

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