China National Standards

China 14: Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China "14:" Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    NB/T 47013.14—2023 Non-destructive testing of pressure equipment Part 14: Radiographic computer-aided imaging testing {译}
    承压设备无损检测 第14部分:射线计算机辅助成像检测
    China Energy Industry Standards

    English PDF
    HB 6167.14-2014(2017) Environmental conditions and test methods for airborne equipment of civil aircraft Part 14: Fire protection and flammability tests {译}
    民用飞机机载设备环境条件和试验方法 第14部分:防火、可燃性试验
    China Aviation Industry Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 846.14—2023 General technical conditions for high voltage testing equipment Part 14: Insulating oil dielectric loss factor and volume resistivity tester {译}
    高电压测试设备通用技术条件 第14部分:绝缘油介质损耗因数及体积电阻率测试仪
    China Electricity Industry Standards

    English PDF
    WS/T 364.14—2023 Health information data element value field code Part 14: Health institutions {译}
    China Hygiene Industry Standards

    English PDF
    WS/T 363.14—2023 Health Information Data Meta Catalog Part 14: Health Institutions {译}
    卫生健康信息数据元目录 第14部分:卫生健康机构
    China Hygiene Industry Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 5516.14-2023 Fluorescence Recombinase-mediated Strand Replacement Nucleic Acid Amplification (RAA) Detection Method for Pathogenic Bacteria in Exported Food Part 14: Clostridium perfringens {译}
    出口食品中致病菌荧光重组酶介导链替换核酸扩增(RAA)检测方法 第14部分:产气荚膜梭菌
    China Import&Export Inspection Industry Standards

    English PDF
    NY/T 1121.14-2023 Soil Testing - Part 14: Determination of Soil Available Sulfur {译}
    土壤检测 第14部分:土壤有效硫的测定
    China Agriculture Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YS/T 536.14-2022 Methods for chemical analysis of bismuth - Part 14: Determination of copper, lead, zinc, iron, silver, arsenic, tellurium and antimony - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry {译}
    铋化学分析方法 第14部分:铜、铅、锌、铁、银、砷、碲和锑含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards

    English PDF
    NY/T 1248.14-2021 Technical Specification for the Identification of Maize Resistance to Diseases and Insects Part 14: Southern Rust {译}
    玉米抗病虫性鉴定技术规范 第14部分:南方锈病
    China Agriculture Industry Standards

    English PDF
    WS/T 790.14—2021 Regional Health Information Platform Interaction Standard Part 14: Document Subscription Publishing Service {译}
    区域卫生信息平台交互标准 第14部分:文档订阅发布服务
    China Hygiene Industry Standards

    English PDF
    YS/T 575.14-2020 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite ores - Part 14: Determination of rare earth oxide content {译}
    铝土矿石化学分析方法 第14部分:稀土氧化物含量的测定
    China Non-ferrous Metal Industry Standards

    English PDF
    NY/T 2667.14-2020 Specification for the approval of tropical crop varieties - Part 14: Sisal {译}
    热带作物品种审定规范 第14部分:剑麻
    China Agriculture Industry Standards

    English PDF
    TB/T 2075.14-2020 Catenary components for electrified railways - Part 14: Spring compensation device {译}
    电气化铁路接触网零部件 第14部分:弹簧补偿装置
    China Railway Transport Industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20442.14-2017 (Guidelines for periodic safety review of nuclear power plants - Part 14: Disaster analysis)
    核电厂定期安全审查指南 第14部分:灾害分析
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 47013.14-2016 (Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 14: X-ray computer-aided imaging testing)
    承压设备无损检测 第14部分:x射线计算机辅助成像检测
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    SJ/T 2658.14-2016 (The semiconductor infrared emitting diodes measuring methods - Part 14: Junction Temperature)
    半导体红外发射二极管测量方法 第14部分:结温
    China Electronics Standards

    English PDF
    SJ/T 11666.14-2016 (Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) specification - Part 14: Rubber products industry manufacturing execution system software functions)
    制造执行系统(mes)规范 第14部分:橡胶制品行业制造执行系统软件功能
    China Electronics Standards

    English PDF
    YY/T 0988.14-2016 (Coating surgical implants - Part 14: porous coating stereological evaluation methods)
    外科植入物涂层 第14部分:多孔涂层体视学评价方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3701.14-2015 (Import of used machinery and electronic products testing technology requirements - Part 14: Piling Machinery)
    进口旧机电产品检验技术要求 第14部分:桩工机械
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 697.14-2015 (Travel information some basic data elements 14: Urban Passenger Information Infrastructure Data Element)
    交通信息基础数据元 第14部分:城市客运信息基础数据元
    China Highway & Transportation Standards

    English PDF
    YY/T 0606.14-2014 Tissue engineered medical products. Part 14: Standard practice for evaluation of immune responses of substrate and scaffolds products: ELISA tests
    组织工程医疗产品 第14部分:评价基质及支架免疫反应的实验方法--ELISA法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3767.14-2014 Loop-mediated isothermal amplification detection method for genetically modified components in food for export. Part 14:Maize 59122
    出口食品中转基因成分环介导等温扩增(lamp)检测方法 第14部分:玉米59122品系
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    YY/T 0606.14-2014 Tissue-engineered medical products Part 14: Test methods for evaluating the immune response of matrices and scaffolds: ELISA method{译} {译}
    组织工程医疗产品 第14部分:评价基质及支架免疫反应的试验方法:ELISA法
    China Pharmaceutics Industry Standards

    English PDF
    SY/T 5587.14-2013 Codes for conventional workover job. Part 14: Cementing plug and drilling out
    常规修井作业规程 第14部分:注塞、钻塞
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 5461.14-2013 Regulations for content and depth of detailed design documents of fossil-fired power plant. Part 14: Hydraulic structure
    火力发电厂施工图设计文件内容深度规定 第14部分:水工结构
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3694.14-2013 Determination of perfluorinated alkyl compounds in industrial products for import and export. Part 14:Plastic products. LC-MS/MS method
    进出口工业品中全氟烷基化合物测定 第14部分:食品接触材料 液相色谱-串联质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2389.14-2013 Rules for measurement survey on import and export commodities. Part 14:Vertical metal shore tank automatic level gauging
    进出口商品容器计重规程 第14部分:岸上立式金属罐的液位自动测量
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    YD/T 2583.14-2013 Requirements and measurement methods of electromagnetic compatibility for cellular mobile telecommunications equipment. Part 14:LTE user equipment and ancillary equipment
    蜂窝式移动通信设备电磁兼容性要求和测量方法 第14部分:LTE 用户设备及其辅助设备
    China Telecommunication Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20009.14-2013 Welding materials for pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. Part 14: Hard facing welding consumables for class 1, 2, 3 components
    压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第14部分:1、2、3 级设备用硬质合金堆焊焊接材料
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20008.14-2013 Additional materials for Pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. part 14: Nickel-chromium-iron alloy wires of springs
    压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第14部分:镍-铬-铁合金弹簧丝
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1961.14-2013 Detection of allergen components in food for export. Part 14:Real time PCR method for detecting fish components
    出口食品过敏原成分检测 第14部分:实时荧光pcr方法检测鱼成分
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    JR/T 0025.14-2013 China financial integrated circuit card specifications. Part 14: Comprehensive application specification based on contactless low-value payment application
    中国金融集成电路(ic)卡规范 第14部分:非接触式ic卡小额支付扩展应用规范
    China Finance Standards

    English PDF
    YD/T 1312.14-2012 Requirements and measurements methods of electromagnetic compatibility for radio communication equipment. Part 14:very small aperture teiminal, satellite interactive earth stations (operated in the frequency ranges between 4GHz and 30GHz in the fixed sate
    无线通信设备电磁兼容性要求和测量方法 第14部分:甚小孔径终端和交互式卫星地球站设备(在卫星固定业务中工作频率范围为4ghz~30 ghz)
    China Telecommunication Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1589.14-2012 Rules for the inspection of household and similar electrical appliances for import and export. Part 14:Cold and hot type drinking-water appliances
    进出口家用和类似用途电器检验规程 第14部分:冷热饮水机
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20005.14-2012 Carbon steel and low alloy steel for pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. Part 14: Class 2 and 3 butt-welding seamless fittings
    压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第14部分:2、3级对焊无缝管件
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 1151.14-2012 Analytical methods of scale and corrosion products in power plants. Part 14: Determination of sulfuric anhydride. Photometric method using barium chromate
    火力发电厂垢和腐蚀产物分析方法 第14部分:硫酸酐的测定 铬酸钡光度法
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3082.14-2012 Specifications for the inspection of export fireworks and firecracker. Part 14:Combination
    出口烟花爆竹产品检验规范 第14部分:组合类
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 3056.14-2011 Determination of essential parameters of chemical raw materials for use in fireworks and firecrackers. Part 14:Bismuth oxide
    烟花爆竹用化工原材料关键指标的测定 第14部分:氧化铋
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 0736.14-2011 Test method of import and export fertilizers. Part 14:Determination of trace inorganic anions by ion chromatography method
    进出口化肥检验方法 第14部分:离子色谱法测定微量无机阴离子
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2754.14-2011 Loop-mediated isothermal amplification detection method for pathogens in export food. Part 14:Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
    出口食品中致病菌环介导恒温扩增(lamp)检测方法 第14部分:假结核耶尔森氏菌
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 0801.14-2011 Animal and vegetable oils and fats for import and export. Part 14:Determination of colour
    进出口动植物油脂 第14部分:色泽检测方法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20010.14-2010 PWR nuclear power plant valve. Part 14: Specification of flexible graphite packing
    压水堆核电厂阀门 第14部分:柔性石墨填料技术条件
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20007.14-2010 Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. Part 14: Class 1, 2, 3 austenitic stainless steel forged or rolled bars
    压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第14部分:1、2、3级奥氏体不锈钢锻、轧棒
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    NB/T 20006.14-2010 Alloy steel for pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants. Part 14: Forged nickel-chromium-molybdenum steel bars with or without vanadium for use in making Class 1 components bolts fastener
    压水堆核电厂用合金钢 第14部分:1级设备螺栓紧固件用含钒或不含钒的镍-铬-钼钢锻棒
    China Energy industry Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2497.14-2010 Test method of import and export dangerous chemicals. Part 14:Determination of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electropheresis
    进出口危险化学品安全试验方法 第14部分:sds-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳试验
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 2360.14-2009 Rules for the inspection of food additives for import and export. Part 14:Flour treatment agents
    进出口食品添加剂检验规程 第14部分:面粉处理剂
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 680.14-2007 Technical requirement for the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of marine navigation equipment. Part 14: 9GHz SART
    船用通信导航设备的安装、使用、维护、修理技术要求 第14部分:9ghz搜救雷达应答器
    China Highway & Transportation Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 502.14-2006 Analytical methods of steam and water in power plants. Part 14: Determination of copper (Spectrometric method using dicyclohexanoneoxalyldihydrazone)
    火力发电厂水汽分析方法 第14部分: 铜的测定(双环己酮草酰二腙分光光度法)
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF
    SN/T 1828.14-2006 Test method of classification for import and export dangerous goods. Part 14:Lithium batteries
    进出口危险货物分类试验方法 第14部分:锂电池组
    China Import Export Inspection Standards

    English PDF
    TB/T 3103.14-2005 Cone-shaped bayonet ring couplings for rolling stock. Part 14:Meter-pipe straight coupling bodies
    机车车辆用锥面卡套式管接头 第14部分:表管直通管接头体
    China Railway & Train Standards

    English PDF
    TB/T 3102.14-2005 Curved-face bayonet ring couplings for rolling stock. Part 14:Insert straight coupling bodies
    机车车辆用曲面卡套式管接头 第14部分:插管直通管接头体
    China Railway & Train Standards

    English PDF
    JT/T 29.14-2004 Profressional technique requirements in the communications industry-Harbor. Part 14: Weigher operators
    交通行业职业技能要求 港口 第14部分 衡器操作工
    China Highway & Transportation Standards

    English PDF
    DL/T 5161.14-2002 Specification for construction quality checkout and evaluation of electric equipment installation. Part 14: Crane
    电气装置安装工程 质量检验及评定规程 第14部分:起重机电气装置施工质量检验
    China Electricity & Power Standards

    English PDF

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