China National Standards

China Crop germplasm resource Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China "Crop germplasm resource" Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    NY/T 4263-2023 Operation Technical Regulations for Crop germplasm resource Bank Germplasm Garden {译}
    农作物种质资源库操作技术规程 种质圃
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 1808-2022 Specifications for the description of tropical Crop germplasm resources Mango {译}
    热带作物种质资源描述规范 芒果
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 4152-2022 Crop germplasm resource bank construction standard low-temperature germplasm bank {译}
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 3977-2021 Specifications for the description of tropical Crop germplasm resources Cocoa {译}
    热带作物种质资源描述规范 可可
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 3976-2021 Specifications for the description of germplasm resources of tropical crops Moringa oleifera {译}
    热带作物种质资源描述规范 辣木
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 3812-2020 Specification for the description of tropical Crop germplasm resources Guava {译}
    热带作物种质资源描述规范 番石榴
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 3811-2020 Specification for the description of tropical Crop germplasm resources Carambola {译}
    热带作物种质资源描述规范 杨桃
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 3810-2020 Specification for description of tropical Crop germplasm resources Lianwu {译}
    热带作物种质资源描述规范 莲雾
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 3809-2020 Specification for the description of tropical Crop germplasm resources Papaya {译}
    热带作物种质资源描述规范 番木瓜
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 3759-2020 Standard for the evaluation of excellent Crop germplasm resources Flax {译}
    农作物优异种质资源评价规范 亚麻
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF
    NY/T 3757-2020 Technical specifications for the investigation and collection of Crop germplasm resources {译}
    China Agriculture Industry Standards
    Crop germplasm resource

    English PDF

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