Standard Code | Standard Title | Standard Class | Order |
NB/T 25018-2023 |
Guidelines for Reliability Data Management of Conventional Islands and Auxiliary Facilities of Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂常规岛与辅助配套设施可靠性数据管理导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 11295-2023 |
Technical regulations for reinforced concrete pipes covered with glass fiber reinforced plastics for Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂用玻璃纤维增强塑料外包覆钢筋混凝土管道技术规程 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 11234—2023 |
Guidelines for the supervision and management of pressure piping in conventional islands of pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants {译} 压水堆核电厂常规岛压力管道监督管理导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 10600—2021 |
Specifications for maintenance of steam turbines in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂汽轮机保养规范 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20587-2021 |
Design criteria for passive containment heat removal system in pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants {译} 压水堆核电厂非能动安全壳热量导出系统设计准则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20445.3-2021 |
Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment Applied to Nuclear power plants Part 3: Internal Events in Low Power and Shutdown Conditions {译} 应用于核电厂的二级概率安全评价 第3部分:低功率和停堆工况内部事件 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20624-2021 |
Underground Waterproof Technical Regulations for Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear power plants {译} 压水堆核电厂地下防水技术规程 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20601-2021 |
Design and qualification of isolation devices for safety-important instrumentation and control systems in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂安全重要仪表和控制系统隔离装置的设计和鉴定 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 10916—2021 |
Technical requirements for on-line leak detection system for condensers in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂凝汽器在线检漏系统技术要求 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 10915—2021 |
Technical specifications for regenerative adsorption hydrogen dryers in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂再生吸附式氢气干燥器技术条件 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
JB/T 14313-2022 |
Technical specifications for proportional spray valves for regulators in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂用稳压器比例喷雾阀 技术规范 |
China Machinery Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20608-2021 |
Technical specification for automatic voltage control of Nuclear power plants{译} {译} 核电厂自动电压控制技术规范 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB 10666 |
Technical requirements for grounding and shielding of instrumentation and control equipment in pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants{译} {译} 压水堆核电厂仪表和控制设备的接地和屏蔽技术要求 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 10603—2021 |
Commissioning guidelines for electric main feedwater pumps in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂电动主给水泵调试导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB 10598-2021 |
Specifications for low-voltage switchgear and control equipment for conventional islands in pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants{译} {译} 压水堆核电厂常规岛低压成套开关设备和控制设备技术条件 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
HJ1128-2020 |
Technical Specification for Environmental Emergency Monitoring of Nuclear Accidents in Nuclear power plants {译} 核动力厂核事故环境应急监测技术规范 |
China Environment Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25116-2020 |
Guidelines for non-nuclear steam flushing tests in pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants {译} 压水堆核电厂非核蒸汽冲转试验导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25115-2020 |
Specifications for construction of thermomechanical repair workshops in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂热机修车间建设规范 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25113-2020 |
Specifications for the design and installation of hydrogen double-wall pipes in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂氢气双壁管设计及安装技术规定 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25112-2020 |
Technical Guidelines for Commissioning of Seawater Chlorine Production System in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂海水制氯系统调试技术导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25111-2020 |
Technical Guidelines for Commissioning of Desalinated Water Stations of Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂除盐水站调试技术导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25110-2020 |
Technical guidelines for commissioning of combustible gas monitoring and control systems in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂可燃气体监测与控制系统调试技术导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25108-2020 |
Technical Guidelines for Commissioning of Circulating Water Filtration System in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂循环水过滤系统调试技术导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25106-2020 |
Technical guidelines for commissioning of inverters and voltage regulating transformers in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂逆变器和调压变压器调试技术导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20577—2019 |
Technical regulations for the installation and acceptance of shielded main coolant pumps in pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants {译} 压水堆核电厂屏蔽主冷却剂泵安装及验收技术规程 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25099-2019 |
General technical specifications for non-safety relay protection and automation equipment cabinets (screens) of Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂非安全级继电保护及自动化设备柜(屏)通用技术条件 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/Z 20541—2019 |
Guidelines for Hazard Analysis of Software Important to Safety in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂安全重要软件危害性分析指南 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20574—2019 |
Terminology for Commissioning of PWR Nuclear power plants {译} 压水堆核电厂调试术语 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20573—2019 |
Technical guidelines for commissioning of main steam isolation valves in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂主蒸汽隔离阀调试技术导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20572—2019 |
Technical guidelines for commissioning of restrictor orifice plates in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂限流孔板调试技术导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20550—2019 |
Technical guidelines for commissioning of safety-level digital control systems in pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants {译} 压水堆核电厂安全级数字化控制系统调试技术导则 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20548—2019 |
Technical specification for the design of anchor bolts in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂地脚螺栓设计技术规程 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20545—2019 |
Technical requirements for on-site transfer devices of radioactive wet waste in Nuclear power plants {译} 核电厂放射性湿废物场内转运装置技术要求 |
China Energy Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
HJ 842-2017 |
Emergency-Related Parameters for Presurrized Water Reactor Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂应急相关参数 |
China Environmental Protection Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20474-2017 |
(Code for design of gas control system for Nuclear power plants) 核电厂控制用气系统设计准则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20469-2017 |
(Technical Guidelines for Loss of Power Supply Tests in PWR Nuclear power plants) 压水堆核电厂失去厂外电源试验技术导则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20468-2017 |
(Technical Guidelines for Load Rejection Tests for PWR Nuclear power plants) 压水堆核电厂甩负荷试验技术导则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20465-2017 |
(Guidance on the management of phase - out of Nuclear power plants) 核电厂淘汰品管理指南 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20455-2017 |
(Guidelines for Performance Evaluation of Nuclear power plants) 核电厂运行绩效评估准则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20445.2-2017 |
(Two - level probabilistic safety assessment for Nuclear power plants - Part 2: Power - running internal events) 应用于核电厂的二级概率安全评价 第2部分:功率运行内部事件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20445.1-2017 |
(Two - stage probabilistic safety assessment for Nuclear power plants - Part 1: General requirements) 应用于核电厂的二级概率安全评价 第1部分:总体要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.9-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 9: Deterministic safety analysis) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第9部分:确定论安全分析 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.8-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 8: Aging) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第8部分:老化 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.7-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 7: Experience feedback) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第7部分:经验反馈 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.6-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 6: Actual status of structures, systems and components) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第6部分:构筑物、系统和部件的实际状态 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.5-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 5: Probabilistic safety analysis) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第5部分:概率安全分析 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.4-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 4: Radiation environmental impacts) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第4部分:辐射环境影响 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.3-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 3: Procedures) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第3部分:程序 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.2-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 2: Safety performance) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第2部分:安全性能 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.15-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 15: Organization and administration) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第15部分:组织机构和行政管理 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.14-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 14: Disaster analysis) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第14部分:灾害分析 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.13-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 13: Contingency plans) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第13部分:应急计划 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.12-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 12: Design) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第12部分:设计 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.11-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 11: Qualification of equipment) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第11部分:设备合格鉴定 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20442.10-2017 |
(Guidelines for periodic safety review of Nuclear power plants - Part 10: Human factors) 核电厂定期安全审查指南 第10部分:人因 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20433-2017 |
(Requirements for continuous monitoring of gaseous effluent (radioactive) activity in Nuclear power plants) 核电厂气态排出流(放射性)活度连续监测设备要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20427-2017 |
(Nuclear power plants prevent human error management) 核电厂防止人因失误管理 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20037.7-2017 |
(Safety assessment of primary probabilities used in Nuclear power plants - Part 7: Power running strong winds) rk应用于核电厂的一级概率安全评价 第7部分:功率运行强风 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20037.6-2017 |
(Safety Assessment of First Class Probability for Nuclear power plants Part 6: Power Operation Other External Event Screening and Conservative Analysis) rk应用于核电厂的一级概率安全评价 第6部分:功率运行其他外部事件筛选和保守分析 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20037.1-2017 |
(First - level probabilistic safety assessment for use in Nuclear power plants - Part 1: General requirements) rk应用于核电厂的一级概率安全评价 第1部分:总体要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.33-2017 |
(Other materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 33: Control rod drive mechanism GH5605 alloy rods) 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第33部分:控制棒驱动机构用gh5605合金棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.32-2017 |
(Other materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 32: NS3306 alloy sheet and strip for control rod drive mechanism) 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第32部分:控制棒驱动机构用ns3306合金板材及带材 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.8-2017 |
(Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 8: 1, 2, 3 grade austenitic stainless steel seamless steel tubes) 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第8部分:1、2、3级奥氏体不锈钢无缝钢管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.48-2017 |
(Stainless steel for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 48: Safety grade equipment - Stainless steel rods for fasteners) 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第48部分:安全级设备紧固件用不锈钢棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20006.39-2017 |
(Steel alloys for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 39: Steel rods for integrated jack - up assemblies) 压水堆核电厂用合金钢 第39部分:一体化堆顶组件用钢棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.9-2017 |
(Carbon steel and low alloy steels for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 9: Class 2,3 seamless steel tubes) 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第9部分:2、3级无缝钢管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.7-2017 |
(Carbon steel and low alloy steels for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 7: Steel grades 1, 2 and 3) 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第7部分:1、2、3级钢板 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.38-2017 |
(Carbon steel and low alloy steels for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 38: 15MnHR welded steel pipes for containment) 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第38部分:安全壳机械贯穿件用15mnhr焊接钢管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.12-2017 |
(Carbon and low alloy steels for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 12: Main steam systems, main feedwater flow control systems, auxiliary water supply systems and seamless steel tubes for steam turbine bypass systems) 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第12部分:主蒸汽系统、主给水流量控制系统、辅助给水系统和汽轮机旁路系统用无缝钢管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25075-2017 |
(Code for construction and acceptance of power transformers, oil - immersed reactors, transformers for Nuclear power plants) 核电厂电力变压器、油浸电抗器、互感器施工及验收规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25072-2017 |
(Specification for conventional island and BOP coating for Nuclear power plants) 核电厂常规岛和bop涂装技术规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25071-2017 |
(Guidelines for Corrosion Management in Construction Stage of Conventional Island and BOP Machinery and Equipment for Nuclear power plants) 核电厂常规岛及bop机械设备工程建设阶段腐蚀管理导则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25069-2017 |
(Technical requirements for inverters of conventional islands and auxiliary facilities for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants) 压水堆核电厂常规岛及辅助配套设施逆变器技术要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25066-2017 |
(Management requirements for non - nuclear grade equipment for Nuclear power plants) 核电厂非核级设备维修管理要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20423-2017 |
(Technical Guidelines for Commissioning of Mobile Emergency Diesel Generating Sets in Nuclear power plants) 核电厂移动式应急柴油发电机组调试技术导则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20421.4-2017 |
(Nuclear power plants - Safety critical cable monitoring methods - Part 4: Oxidation induction technology) 核电厂安全重要电缆状态监测方法 第4部分:氧化诱导技术 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20421.3-2017 |
(Nuclear power plants - Safety critical cable monitoring methods - Part 3: Elongation at break) 核电厂安全重要电缆状态监测方法 第3部分:断裂伸长率 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20421.2-2017 |
(Nuclear power plants - Safety critical cable monitoring methods - Part 2: Indentation modulus) 核电厂安全重要电缆状态监测方法 第2部分:压痕模量 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20421.1-2017 |
(Nuclear power plants - Safety critical cable monitoring methods - Part 1: General) 核电厂安全重要电缆状态监测方法 第1部分:总则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20417-2017 |
(Fire protection valves for ventilation and exhaust systems in Nuclear power plants) 核电厂通风和排烟系统用防火阀门 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20414-2017 |
(Technical specification for post - anchoring of nuclear safety - related concrete structures in Nuclear power plants) 核电厂核安全相关混凝土结构后锚固技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20399-2017 |
(Code for construction and quality acceptance of concrete structures related to nuclear safety in PWR Nuclear power plants) 压水堆核电厂核安全相关的混凝土结构施工及质量验收规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20037.10-2017 |
(First-level probabilistic safety assessment for Nuclear power plants - Part 10: Evaluation of seismic runoff margin) rk应用于核电厂的一级概率安全评价 第10部分:功率运行抗震裕度评价 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.34-2017 |
(Welding materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 34: Safety grade equipment - Nickel-based alloy surfacing welding consumables and fluxes) 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第34部分:安全级设备镍基合金堆焊用焊带和焊剂 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.31-2017 |
(Welding materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 31: Safety grade equipment - Welds and fluxes for stainless steel surfacing) 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第31部分:安全级设备不锈钢堆焊用焊带和焊剂 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.30-2017 |
(Welding materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 30: Safety grade 1 equipment - Low alloy steel welding wire and flux for submerged arc welding) 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第30部分:安全1级设备埋弧焊用低合金钢焊丝和焊剂 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.27-2017 |
(Welding materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 27: Stainless steel wire for safety grade equipment) 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第27部分:安全级设备用不锈钢焊丝 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.23-2017 |
(Welding materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 23: Stainless steel manual arc welding electrodes for safety grade equipment) 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第23部分:安全级设备用不锈钢手工电弧焊焊条 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.31-2017 |
(Other materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 31: NS3105 alloy rods for safety equipment) 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第31部分:安全级设备用ns3105合金棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.30-2017 |
(Other materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 30: NS3105 alloy tubes for safety equipment) 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第30部分:安全级设备用ns3105合金管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.29-2017 |
(Other materials for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 29: NS3105 alloy sheet and strip for safety equipment) 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第29部分:安全级设备用ns3105合金板材及带材 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.28-2017 |
(Other materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 28: NS3105 alloy forgings for safety equipment) 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第28部分:安全级设备用ns3105合金锻件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.27-2017 |
(Other materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 27: ZCoCr29W4.5 castings for control rod drive mechanisms) 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第27部分:控制棒驱动机构用zcocr29w4.5铸件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.26-2017 |
(Other materials for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 26: Ductile iron pieces for control rod drive mechanisms) 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第26部分:控制棒驱动机构用球墨铸铁件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.47-2017 |
(Stainless steel for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 47: 06Cr13Al stainless steel flat steel for steam generators) 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第47部分:蒸汽发生器用06cr13al不锈钢扁钢 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.46-2017 |
(Stainless steel for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 46: Stainless steel plates for 06Cr13Al for steam generators) 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第46部分:蒸汽发生器用06cr13al不锈钢板 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.45-2017 |
(Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 45: Compressed elastic rings with 04Cr13Ni5Mo martensitic stainless steel forgings) 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第45部分:压紧弹性环用04cr13ni5mo马氏体不锈钢锻件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20006.37-2017 |
(Steel alloys for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 37: Reactor pressure vessels Non-core areas with 19MnNiMo forgings) 压水堆核电厂用合金钢 第37部分:反应堆压力容器非堆芯区用19mnnimo锻件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.37-2017 |
(Carbon steel and low alloy steels for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 37: 17Mn forging for steam generators) 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第37部分:蒸汽发生器用17mn锻件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.36-2017 |
(Carbon steel and low alloy steels for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 36: 24Mn steel rods for steam generators) 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第36部分:蒸汽发生器用24mn钢棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.35-2017 |
(Carbon steel and low alloy steels for PWR Nuclear power plants - Part 35: Carbon steel pipes for control rod drive mechanisms) 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第35部分:控制棒驱动机构用碳钢钢管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25064-2016 |
(Guidelines for Construction Quality Evaluation of Conventional Island and Auxiliary Facilities in Nuclear power plants) 核电厂常规岛及辅助配套设施建设施工质量评价导则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25044.4-2016 |
(Code for acceptance of construction quality of conventional and auxiliary facilities for Nuclear power plants - Part 4: Thermal instrumentation and control devices) 核电厂常规岛及辅助配套设施建设施工质量验收规程 第 4 部分:热工仪表及控制装置 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25043.6-2016 |
(Technical specifications for construction of conventional and auxiliary facilities for Nuclear power plants - Part 6: Pipelines) 核电厂常规岛及辅助配套设施建设施工技术规范 第 6部分:管道 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25062-2016 |
(Technical conditions for deaerator in Nuclear power plants) 核电厂除氧器技术条件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25059-2016 |
(Technical code for heat treatment of conventional island welding in Nuclear power plants) 核电厂常规岛焊接热处理技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25056-2016 |
(Technical regulation for repair of conventional pressure vessel welding in Nuclear power plants) 核电厂常规压力容器焊接修复技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25044.8-2016 |
(Code for acceptance of construction quality of conventional island and auxiliary facilities in Nuclear power plants - Part 8: Thermal insulation and paints) 核电厂常规岛及辅助配套设施建设施工质量验收规程 第8部分:保温及油漆 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
HJ 808-2016 |
(Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment The format and content of environmental impact reports for Nuclear power plants) 环境影响评价技术导则 核电厂环境影响报告书的格式和内容 |
China Environmental Protection Industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25055-2016 |
The inspection code for welding of turbine shaft in Nuclear power plants 核电厂汽轮机焊接转子检验规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25054-2016 |
Technical specification of high voltage motor in PWR Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂高压电动机技术条件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25053-2016 |
Technical specification of generator circuit-breaker for Nuclear power plants 核电厂发电机出口断路器技术条件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20381-2016 |
(PWR Nuclear power plants Chemical and Volume Control System Design Guidelines) 压水堆核电厂化学和容积控制系统设计准则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20379-2016 |
(Operator operation time of Nuclear power plants safety-related design criteria for response) 核电厂安全相关的操纵员动作时间响应设计准则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.44-2016 |
(PWR Nuclear power plants with a stainless steel Part 44: fluctuations in the reactor coolant pipes 015Cr17Ni12Mo2N austenitic stainless steel pipe) 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第44部分:反应堆冷却剂波动管用015cr17ni12mo2n奥氏体不锈钢管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.43-2016 |
(PWR Nuclear power plants with a stainless steel Part 43: reactor coolant pipes take over the seat with 022Cr17Ni12Mo2N austenitic stainless steel forgings) 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第43部分:反应堆冷却剂管道接管座用022cr17ni12mo2n奥氏体不锈钢锻件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25052-2016 |
(Conventional island of Nuclear power plants Thermal Performance Test Guidelines) 核电厂常规岛热力性能试验导则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25051-2016 |
(PWR Nuclear power plants pump selection dredging conventional island technical conditions) 压水堆核电厂常规岛疏水泵选型技术条件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20364-2015 |
(Nuclear power plants with flexible graphite sheet technical conditions) 核电厂用柔性石墨板技术条件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20197.4-2015 |
Reliability and aging detection for instrumentation and control equipment in Nuclear power plants - Part 4: Circuit Board 核电厂仪表和控制设备可靠性及老化检测 第4部分:电路板 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.33-2015 |
Welding material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 33: Stainless steel wire and fluxes for submerged arc welding of safety-related components 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第33部分:安全级设备埋弧焊用不锈钢焊丝和焊剂 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.28-2015 |
Welding material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 28: Nickel alloy welding electrodes for safety-related components 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第28部分:安全级设备用镍基合金焊丝 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.24-2015 |
Welding material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 24: Nickel alloy covered electrodes for safety-related components 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第24部分:安全级设备用镍基合金手工电弧焊焊条 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.22-2015 |
Welding material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 22: Low alloy covered electrodes for safety-related components 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第22部分:安全级设备用低合金钢手工电弧焊焊条 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.25-2015 |
Other material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 25: GH4169 alloy wires for reactor vessel internals 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第25部分:堆内构件用gh4169合金丝 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.24-2015 |
Other material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 24: GH4145 alloy bars for reactor vessel internals 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第24部分:堆内构件用gh4145合金棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.23-2015 |
Other Material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 23: Ni-base-alloy Wires used for CRDM 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第23部分:控制棒驱动机构用镍基合金丝 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.42-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 42: precipitation-hardening stainless steel bars for reactor vessel internals 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第42部分:堆内构件用沉淀硬化不锈钢棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.41-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 41: austenitic stainless steel seamless pipes used for reactor vessel internals 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第41部分:堆内构件用奥氏体不锈钢无缝钢管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.40-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 40: austenitic stainless steel forgings used for reactor vessel internals 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第40部分:堆内构件用奥氏体不锈钢锻件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20353-2015 |
Erection technical regulations for loose parts and vibration monitoring system for PWR Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂松动部件与振动监测系统安装技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20352-2015 |
Erection technical regulations for safety class cable heat-shrinkable accessories in Nuclear power plants 核电厂安全级电缆热缩附件安装技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20349-2015 |
Technical specification for as-cast finish concrete construction of PWR Nuclear power plants 核电厂清水混凝土施工技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20348-2015 |
Technical specification for installation and test of containment instrumentation system of PWR Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂安全壳永久性仪表系统的安装和试验技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20347-2015 |
Technical code for site safety analysis of Nuclear power plants at the feasibility study stage 核电厂可行性研究阶段厂址安全分析技术规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20346-2015 |
The technical specification of fabrication and assemble for polar crane beam in PWR Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂反应堆厂房环形吊车轨道梁制作与安装技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20345-2015 |
Technical specification for installation and test of faulted fuel sipping device in PWR Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂燃料破损啜吸装置安装与试验技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20328.6-2015 |
Another code of non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of Nuclear power plants - Part6: Eddy current testing 核电厂核岛机械设备无损检测另一规范 第6部分:涡流检测 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20328.5-2015 |
Another code of non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of Nuclear power plants - Part5: Magnetic particle testing 核电厂核岛机械设备无损检测另一规范 第5部分:磁粉检测 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20328.4-2015 |
Another code of non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of Nuclear power plants - 7 - Part4: Penetrant testing 核电厂核岛机械设备无损检测另一规范 第4部分:渗透检测 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20328.3-2015 |
Another code of non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of Nuclear power plants - Part3: Radiographic testing 核电厂核岛机械设备无损检测另一规范 第3部分:射线检测 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20328.2-2015 |
Another code of non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of Nuclear power plants - Part2: Ultrasonic testing 核电厂核岛机械设备无损检测另一规范 第2部分:超声检测 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20328.1-2015 |
Another code of non-destructive testing for mechanical components in nuclear island of Nuclear power plants - Part1: General requirements 核电厂核岛机械设备无损检测另一规范 第1部分:通用要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.22-2015 |
Other material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 22: GH4145 alloy bars used for CRDM 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第22部分:控制棒驱动机构用gh4145合金棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20008.21-2015 |
Other material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 21: GH4169 alloy bars used for CRDM 压水堆核电厂用其他材料 第21部分:控制棒驱动机构用gh4169合金棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.39-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 39: Martensitic stainless steel bas used for drive rod of CRDM 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第39部分:控制棒驱动机构驱动杆用马氏体不锈钢棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.38-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 38: Austenitic stainless steel bars used for locking screw of CRDM 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第38部分:控制棒驱动机构锁紧螺钉用奥氏体不锈钢棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.37-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 37: Austenitic stainless steel bars used for non-pressure-retaining components of CRDM 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第37部分:控制棒驱动机构非承压部件用奥氏体不锈钢棒 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.35-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 35: 06Cr18Ni11Ti stainless steel plates used for containment vessel mechanical penetrations 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第35部分:安全壳机械贯穿件用06cr18ni11ti不锈钢板 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.34-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 34: 03Cr22Mn5Ni2MoCuN duplex stainless steel plates for modules 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第34部分:模块用03cr22mn5ni2mocun双相不锈钢板 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.32-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 32: 022Cr19Ni10 stainless steel seamless pipes for containment vessel 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第32部分:安全壳用022cr19ni10不锈钢无缝钢管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.31-2015 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 31: 022Cr19Ni10 stainless steel forgings used for containment vessel 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第31部分:安全壳用022cr19ni10不锈钢锻件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20006.31-2015 |
Alloy steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 31: 10MnNiMo steel plates for contaiment vessel 压水堆核电厂用合金钢 第31部分:安全壳用10MnNiMoHR钢板 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.33-2015 |
Carbon steel and low alloy steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 33: 15Mn steel pipes for containment vessel 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第33部分:安全壳用15mn钢管 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.32-2015 |
Carbon steel and low alloy steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 32: 15MnHR steel plates for containment vessel 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第32部分:安全壳用15mnhr钢板 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.31-2015 |
Carbon steel and low alloy steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants - Part 31: 15Mn forgings for containment vessel 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第31部分:安全壳用15mn锻件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20332-2015 |
Construction requirements for prestressed concrete containments for pressure water reator Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂预应力混凝土安全壳建造规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20344-2015 |
Qualification procedure of safety class electronic equipment in Nuclear power plants 核电厂安全级电子设备鉴定规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20343-2015 |
Design and fabrication specification for the thermal insulation of reactor vessel and reactor coolant pipings and equipments of PWR Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂反应堆压力容器及反应堆冷却剂系统管道和设备保温层设计制造规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20342-2015 |
Data communication in system performing category A functions for instrumentation and control systems important to safety in Nuclear power plants 核电厂安全重要仪表和控制系统执行a类功能系统中的数据通信 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20341-2015 |
Technical specification for nuclear island building hole blocking material and caulking material of PWR Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂核岛厂房用孔洞封堵材料和嵌缝材料技术要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20338-2015 |
In situ measurements for response time of resistance temperature detectors important to safety in Nuclear power plants 核电厂安全重要电阻温度计响应时间原位测量 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20337-2015 |
Seismic qualification of class 1E metal-enclosed switchgear assemblies in Nuclear power plants 核电厂安全级金属封闭式开关柜抗震鉴定 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20336-2015 |
Software project life cycle process in Nuclear power plants 核电厂软件项目生命周期过程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20331-2015 |
Technical rule for site parameters of designing Nuclear power plants 核电厂设计厂址参数技术规定 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/Z 20326-2014 |
Analysis methodology for uncertainty of setpoints for instrumentation of safety system in Nuclear power plants 核电厂安全系统仪表触发整定值不确定度的分析方法 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20325.3-2014 |
Prestressing tecbnology specification for safety containments of PWR Nuclear power plants. Part 3: Construction 压水堆核电厂安全壳预应力技术规程 第3部分:施工 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20325.2-2014 |
Prestressing technology specilkation for safety contaloments of PWR nuclear power. plants.Part 2: test 压水堆核电厂安全壳预应力技术规程 第2部分:试验 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20322-2014 |
Commimioning test and operation criteria for cathodic protection system of buried metallic structure applied in Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂埋地金属构筑物阴极保护系统调试运行准则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20321-2014 |
Design and Installation of electric beat tracing system for Nuclear power plants 核电厂电伴热系统设计和安装 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20318-2014 |
Pressure transmitter important to safety in Nuclear power plants 核电厂安全重要仪表 压力变送器 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20316-2014 |
Requirements for hot functional tests before core loading for PWR Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂装料前热态性能试验要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20315-2014 |
Design and fabrication specification for steam generator of pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂蒸汽发生器设计制造规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20314-2014 |
Transient counting for Nuclear power plants 核电厂瞬态统计 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20026-2014 |
General requirements for instrumentation and control systems important to safety in Nuclear power plants 核电厂安全重要仪表和控制系统总体要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.35-2014 |
Welding material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants. Part35: Low alloy steel covered electrodes for containment vessel 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第35部分:钢制安全壳用低合金钢焊条 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.29-2014 |
Welding material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants. Part 29: Carbon steel wire and fluxes for submerged are welding of safety-related components 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第29部分:安全级设备埋弧焊用碳钢焊丝和焊剂 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.26-2014 |
Welding material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants. Part 26: Carbon steel electrodes for gas shielded an wedding for safety-related compoaenb 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第26部分:安全级设备用碳钢气体保护电弧焊焊丝 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.25-2014 |
Welding material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants. Part 25: Carbon steel electrodes for flux cored arc welding for safety-related components 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第25部分:安全级设备用碳钢气体保护电弧焊药芯焊丝 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20009.21-2014 |
Welding material for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants Part 21: Carbon steel covered electrodes for safety-related components 压水堆核电厂用焊接材料 第21部分:安全级设备用碳钢手工电弧焊焊条 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.29-2014 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants. Part 29: non-pressure-retaining category A, B and C austenltic-ferritic duplex stainless steel castings for pumps 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第29部分:泵用奥氏体-铁素体双相不锈钢a、b、c类非承压铸件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20007.28-2014 |
Stainless steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants. Part 28: Class 3 pressure-retaining austenitic-ferritic (duplex) stainless steel castings for seawater application 压水堆核电厂用不锈钢 第28部分:3级耐海水腐蚀奥氏体-铁素体双相不锈钢承压铸件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20005.17-2014 |
Carbon steel and low alloy steel for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants. Part 17: Pushed formed elbows for use in main steam systems 压水堆核电厂用碳钢和低合金钢 第17部分:主蒸汽系统用推制弯头 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20325.1-2014 |
Prestressing technology specification for safety containments of PWR Nuclear power plants. Part 1: Material 压水堆核电厂安全壳预应力技术规程 第1部分:材料 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/Z 20289-2014 |
Guidelines for software verification and validation plan in Nuclear power plants 核电厂软件验证和确认计划编制指南 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25042-2014 |
The specification of welding safety management for conventional island of Nuclear power plants 核电厂常规岛焊接安全管理技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25041-2014 |
Functional safety requirements of automatic fire alarm system in conventional island of Nuclear power plants 核电厂常规岛火灾自动报警系统功能安全技术要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 25040-2014 |
Non-safety classified digital control system in Nuclear power plants factory acceptance test (FAT), site acceptance test (SAT), and site integration test (SIT) 核电厂非安全级数字化控制系统出厂验收测试(FAT)、现场验收测试(SAT)、现场综合测试(SIT)规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20311-2014 |
Design criteria for containment spray system of pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂安全壳喷淋系统设计准则 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20310-2014 |
Design requirements for structures of ultimate heat sink for pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂最终热阱构筑物设计要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20309-2014 |
General design requirements of pressurized water reactor Nuclear power plants with active safety systems 能动安全系统压水堆核电厂总设计要求 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20308-2014 |
Design code for nuclear safety related plants foundation for pressure water reactor Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂核安全有关厂房地基基础设计规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20307-2014 |
Technical code for environmental impact assessment of cooling tower in Nuclear power plants 核电厂冷却塔环境影响评价技术规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20306-2014 |
Technical code for hydrogeological investigation and evaluation of Nuclear power plants 核电厂水文地质调查与评价技术规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20305-2014 |
Ageing management guideline for feeder pipe of pressurized heavy water Nuclear power plants 重水堆核电厂热传输支管老化管理指南 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20304-2014 |
Technical guideline for installation of reactor protection system of pressured water reactor Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂反应堆保护系统安装技术规程 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20303-2014 |
Design requirements for prestressed concrete containments for pressure water reactor Nuclear power plants 压水堆核电厂预应力混凝土安全壳设计规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20302-2014 |
Specification of safety class low-voltage three-phase asynchronous motors for Nuclear power plants 核电厂安全级低压三相异步电动机技术条件 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20300-2014 |
Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation and control important to safety. Development of HDL. Programmed integrated circuits for systems performing category A functions 核电厂安全重要仪表和控制系统执行 A类功能的 HDL可编程集成电路开发 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
NB/T 20299-2014 |
Technical specification in assessing the environmental impact of thermal discharge for Nuclear power plants 核电厂温排水环境影响评价技术规范 |
China Energy industry
Standards Nuclear power plants |
English PDF |
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