China National Standards

China Specifications environmental protection Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China "Specifications environmental protection" Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    HJ 256—2021 Technical Specifications for Acceptance and Acceptance of Environmental Protection Facilities for Completion of Construction Projects Cement Industry{译} {译}
    建设项目竣工环境保护设施验收技术规范 水泥工业
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ 408—2021 Technical Specifications for Acceptance and Acceptance of Environmental Protection Facilities for Completion of Construction Projects Paper Industry{译} {译}
    建设项目竣工环境保护设施验收技术规范 造纸工业
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ 407—2021 Technical Specifications for Acceptance of Environmental Protection Facilities for Completion of Construction Projects Automobile Manufacturing Industry{译} {译}
    建设项目竣工环境保护设施验收技术规范 汽车制造业
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ 405—2021 Technical Specifications for Acceptance of Environmental Protection Facilities for Completion of Construction Projects Petroleum Refinery{译} {译}
    建设项目竣工环境保护设施验收技术规范 石油炼制
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ 404—2021 Technical Specifications for Acceptance and Acceptance of Environmental Protection Facilities for Completion of Construction Projects Iron and Steel Industry{译} {译}
    建设项目竣工环境保护设施验收技术规范 钢铁工业
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ1114-2020 Technical Specifications for Radiation Environmental Protection for Storage of Associated Radioactive Materials and Solid Waste Landfills (Trial) {译}
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ 1152-2020 Technical Specifications for Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects Completion Radio and Television {译}
    建设项目竣工环境保护验收技术规范 广播电视
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ 705-2020 Technical Specifications for Environmental Protection Acceptance for Completion of Construction Projects Power Transmission and Transformation {译}
    建设项目竣工环境保护验收技术规范 输变电
    China Environment Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ 2521-2012 Guideline of specifications for environmental protection product
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 301-2007 Environmental protection technical specifications for pollution treatment of the Chromium residue(on trial)
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ 348-2007 Environmental protection technical specifications for disassembly of end-of-life vehicles
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 337-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Biological contact aeration complete of equipment
    环境保护产品技术要求 生物接触氧化成套装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 336-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Submersible sewage pump
    环境保护产品技术要求 潜水排污泵
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 335-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Integrative sludge thickening and belt-dewatering machine
    环境保护产品技术要求 污泥浓缩带式脱水一体机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 334-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Electrodialysis equipment
    环境保护产品技术要求 电渗析装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 331-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Catalytic converters for petrol vehicles
    环境保护产品技术要求 汽油车用催化转化器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 329-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Rotary reverse bag house
    环境保护产品技术要求 回转反吹袋式除尘器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 328-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Pulse blow bag house
    环境保护产品技术要求 脉冲喷吹类袋式除尘器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 327-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Bag house bag
    环境保护产品技术要求 袋式除尘器滤袋
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 326-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Membrane complex fabric for bag house
    环境保护产品技术要求 袋式除尘器用覆膜滤料
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 325-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Bag frame for bag house
    环境保护产品技术要求 袋式除尘器滤袋框架
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 324-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Fabric for bag house
    环境保护产品技术要求 袋式除尘器用滤料
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 323-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Electrostatic mist eliminator
    环境保护产品技术要求 电除雾器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 322-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Electrical dust precipitator
    环境保护产品技术要求 电除尘器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 321-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Low-voltage control power supply for electrostatic precipitator
    环境保护产品技术要求 电除尘器低压控制电源
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 320-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Rectifying power for high-voltage electrostatic precipitator
    环境保护产品技术要求 电除尘器高压整流电源
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 319-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Granite wet flue-gas desulphurization and precipitator device
    环境保护产品技术要求 花岗石类湿式烟气脱硫除尘装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 288-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Wet flue-gas desulphurization and precipitator device
    环境保护产品技术要求 湿式烟气脱硫除尘装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 287-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Middle little style oil-burning gas-burning boiler
    环境保护产品技术要求 中小型燃油、燃气锅炉
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 286-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Multiple cyclones of industrial boilers
    环境保护产品技术要求 工业锅炉多管旋风除尘器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 285-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Wet dust collector for industrial dust
    环境保护产品技术要求 工业粉尘湿式除尘装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 284-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Solenoid diaphragm valves for bag house
    环境保护产品技术要求 袋式除尘器用电磁脉冲阀
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 283-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Recessed plate filter presses and plate and frame filter presses
    环境保护产品技术要求 厢式压滤机和板框压滤机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 282-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Air floatation device with shallow tank
    环境保护产品技术要求 浅池气浮装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 281-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Dispersed aerator
    环境保护产品技术要求 散流式曝气器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 280-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Rotary disc aerator
    环境保护产品技术要求 转盘曝气装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 279-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product -- Pusher submersible agitator
    环境保护产品技术要求 推流式潜水搅拌机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 278-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product -- Single stage and high speed aeration centrifugal blower
    环境保护产品技术要求 单级高速曝气离心鼓风机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 277-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Rotary decanter
    环境保护产品技术要求 旋转式滗水器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 272-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Chlorine dioxide disinfectant generator by chemical method
    环境保护产品技术要求 化学法二氧化氯消毒剂发生器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 271-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Ultrafiltration equipment
    环境保护产品技术要求 超滤装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 270-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Reverse osmosis water treatment equipment
    环境保护产品技术要求 反渗透水处理装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 269-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Screen filter with automatic cleaning
    环境保护产品技术要求 自动清洗网式过滤器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 268-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Neutralization equipment
    环境保护产品技术要求 中和装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 267-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Electric coagulating equipment
    环境保护产品技术要求 电凝聚处理设备
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 266-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Suction dredge
    环境保护产品技术要求 吸泥机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 265-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Sludge scraper
    环境保护产品技术要求 刮泥机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 264-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Ozone generator
    环境保护产品技术要求 臭氧发生器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 263-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Jet aerator
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 262-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Screen machine
    环境保护产品技术要求 格栅除污机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 261-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Pressure dissolved air floatation equipment
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 260-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Blast submerged aerator
    环境保护产品技术要求 鼓风式潜水曝气机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 259-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Rotary brush aerator
    环境保护产品技术要求 转刷曝气装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 258-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Electrolytic sodium hypochlorite generator
    环境保护产品技术要求 电解法次氯酸钠发生器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 257-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Electrolytic chlorine dioxide synergetic disinfectant generator
    环境保护产品技术要求 电解法二氧化氯协同消毒剂发生器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 242-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Filter belt press
    环境保护产品技术要求 污泥脱水用带式压榨过滤机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 253-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Microporous filter
    环境保护产品技术要求 微孔过滤装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 252-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Middle and fine bubble diffusers
    环境保护产品技术要求 中、微孔曝气器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 251-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Roots blower
    环境保护产品技术要求 罗茨鼓风机
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 250-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Rotating fine screen
    环境保护产品技术要求 旋转式细格栅
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 249-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Hydraulic cyclone
    环境保护产品技术要求 水力旋流分离器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 248-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Multi-layer filter
    环境保护产品技术要求 多层滤料过滤器
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 247-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Vertical shaft mechanical surface aerator
    环境保护产品技术要求 竖轴式机械表面曝气装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 246-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Suspended filler
    环境保护产品技术要求 悬浮填料
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 245-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Underslung type filler
    环境保护产品技术要求 悬挂式填料
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 244-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Oil trap with sloping tube (plank)
    环境保护产品技术要求 斜管(板)隔油装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 243-2006 Specifications for environmental protection product. Oil and water separator
    环境保护产品技术要求 油水分离装置
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    SY/T 10047-2003 Specifications for environmental protection design of offshore oil/gas field development
    China Oil & Gas Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 8.5-1994 Specifications for management of environmental protection archives Instrument and equipment for environmental protection
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 8.4-1994 Specifications for management of environmental protection archives Pollution source
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 8.3-1994 Specifications for management of environmental protection archives Management of environmental protection for construction projects
    环境保护档案管理规范 建设项目环境保护管理
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 8.2-1994 Specifications for management of environmental protection archives Environmental monitoring
    环境保护档案管理规范 环境监测
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF
    HJ/T 8.1-1994 Specifications for management of environmental protection archives Scientific research
    环境保护档案管理规范 科学研究
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    Specifications environmental protection

    English PDF

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    China National Standards