China National Standards

China Technical specifications single Industry Standards English PDF List

  •  China "Technical specifications single" Industry Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    NB/T 11283-2023 Shale oil single well evaluation technical specifications {译}
    China Energy Industry Standards
    Technical specifications single

    English PDF
    QB/T 1537-2012 Technical specifications and test methods of single-phase permanent magnet stepper motors for analogue quartz watches
    China Light Industry Standards
    Technical specifications single

    English PDF
    QB/T 1038-2011 Technical specifications and test methods of single-phase permanent magnet stepper motors for analogue quartz clocks
    China Light Industry Standards
    Technical specifications single

    English PDF
    YD/T 1526.3-2009 Technical specifications of single fiber bi-directional triplexer optical transceiver for access network. Part 3: Single fiber bi-directional triplexer optical transceiver for GPON ONU
    接入网用单纤双向三端口光收发一体模块技术条件 第3部分:用于吉比特无源光网络(gpon) 光网络单元(onu)的单纤双向三端口光收发一体模块
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Technical specifications single

    English PDF
    GY/T 229.1-2008 Technical specifications and methods of measurement for digital terrestrial television broadcasting single frequency network adapter
    China Radio, Film & TV Industry Standards
    Technical specifications single

    English PDF
    YD/T 1526.2-2007 Technical Specifications of Single Fiber Bi-Directional Triplexer Optical Transceiver for Access Network. Part 2: Single Fiber Bi-Directional Triplexer Optical Transceiver for EPON ONU
    接入网用单纤双向三端口光收发一体模块技术条件 第2部分:用于基于以太网方式的无源光网络(epon)光网络单元(onu)的单纤双向三端口光收发一体模块
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Technical specifications single

    English PDF
    YD/T 1526.1-2006 Technical specifications of single fiber Bi-Directional Triplexer optical Transceiver for access network. Part 1: single fiber Bi-Directional Triplexer optical Transceiver for BPON ONU
    接入网用单纤双向三端口光收发一体模块技术条件 第1部分:用于宽带无源光网络(bpon)光网络单元(onu)的单纤双向三端口光收发一体模块
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Technical specifications single

    English PDF
    YD/T 1185-2002 Access network technical specifications. Single-pair High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line(SHDSL)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    Technical specifications single

    English PDF

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