China National Standards

China HG Industry Standards Eglish List

  •  China "HG" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    HG/T 6119-2022 Green Design Product Evaluation Technical Specification Sodium Percarbonate{译}
    绿色设计产品评价技术规范 过氧碳酸钠
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6117-2022 Determination of copper, nickel, lead, zinc and cadmium in high-salt wastewater by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry{译}
    高盐废水中铜、镍、铅、锌、镉含量测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6116-2022 Determination of sulfur, fluorine and chlorine in waste chemicals Oxygen bomb combustion Ion chromatography{译}
    废弃化学品中硫、氟、氯含量测定 氧弹燃烧 离子色谱法
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6115-2022 Treatment and disposal method of waste sulfuric acid produced in the process of producing titanium dioxide (titanium dioxide){译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6114-2022 Rapid detection method of heavy metals in waste acid energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry{译}
    废酸中重金属快速检测方法 能量-色散X射线荧光光谱法
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6113-2022 Technical specification for chemical process organic waste gas treatment device{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6112-2022 Treatment and disposal method of carbon steel pickling waste liquid{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6111-2022 Treatment and disposal method of steel wire rope pickling waste liquid{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6110-2022 Determination method of calcium and magnesium ions in waste sulfuric acid{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6109-2022 Determination method of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in waste sulfuric acid{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6108-2022 Determination method of chloride ion content in waste sulfuric acid{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6107-2022 Determination method of sodium ion in waste sulfuric acid{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6106-2022 Regenerated tin stripping solution{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6043-2022 Water intake quota Carbon black{译}
    取水定额 炭黑
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6032-2022 Technical specifications for energy-saving diagnosis of fine chemical enterprises{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6031-2022 Technical specifications for energy-saving diagnosis of calcium carbide enterprises{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6030-2022 Chlor-alkali enterprise energy-saving diagnosis technical specification{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6029-2022 Technical specifications for energy-saving diagnosis of coal chemical enterprises{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6028-2022 Technical specification for energy-saving diagnosis of chemical fertilizer enterprises{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6027-2022 Technical Specifications for Energy Saving Diagnosis of Oil Refining Enterprises{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6026-2022 Green Design Product Evaluation Technical Specifications Organic Fertilizers{译}
    绿色设计产品评价技术规范 有机类肥料
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6024-2022 Green Design Product Evaluation Technical Specifications Liquid Fertilizer{译}
    绿色设计产品评价技术规范 液体肥料
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6025-2022 Green Design Product Evaluation Technical Specification Urea{译}
    绿色设计产品评价技术规范 尿素
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6023-2022 Green Design Product Evaluation Technical Specification Disperse Dyes{译}
    绿色设计产品评价技术规范 分散染料
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6128-2022 o-Nitrophenol{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6102-2022 General Purpose Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Film Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape{译}
    通用型双向拉伸聚丙烯 膜压敏胶粘带
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6098-2022 Coal-based Fischer-Tropsch synthetic kerosene component oil{译}
    煤基费托合成 煤油组分油
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6097-2022 Coal-based Fischer-Tropsch soft wax{译}
    煤基费托合成 软蜡
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6096-2022 Coal-based Fischer-Tropsch synthetic lubricant base oil{译}
    煤基费托合成 滑润油基础油
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4358-2022 digital color photo paper{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4005-2022 Medical blue x-ray film{译}
    医用感蓝 X 射线胶片
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6086-2022 Determination of phenol and bisphenol A in textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4451-2022 Auxiliaries for textile dyeing and finishing - Determination of oxidative properties of liquid products{译}
    纺织染整助剂 液体产品氧化性的测定
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4452-2022 Auxiliaries for textile dyeing and finishing - Determination of the flammability of liquid products{译}
    纺织染整助剂 液体产品易燃性的测定
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6085-2022 C.I. Solvent Black 7 (oil soluble aniline black){译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6084-2022 C.I. Solvent Black 5 (alcohol-soluble aniline black){译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4197-2022 Nickel sulfamate for industrial use{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 2785-2022 Ammonium bisulfite for industrial use{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6078-2022 Industrial guanidine sulfamate{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6077-2022 Industrial Bismuth Methanesulfonate{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T4134-2022 Industrial Polyethylene Glycol (PEG){译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4108-2022 Phosphorus pentachloride for industrial use{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 2970-2022 Phosphorus trichloride for industrial use{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6072-2022 Determination of Thiocyanate Content in Coking Wastewater{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4538-2022 Water treatment agent Ferrous chloride{译}
    水处理剂 氯化亚铁
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4672-2022 Water treatment agent polyferric chloride{译}
    水处理剂 聚氯化铁
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 2019-2022 Black rain boots (shoes){译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 3082-2022 rubber sole{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6065-2022 Vinyl Chloride for Industrial Use by Ethylene Process{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6057-2022 Test method for activity of fixed-bed palladium-based anthraquinone hydrogenation catalyst{译}
    固定床钯基蒽醌加氢催 化剂活性试验方法
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6056-2022 Catalyst for polyester resin production Monobutyltin oxide{译}
    聚酯树脂生产用催化剂 单丁基氧化锡
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6055-2022 Ruthenium ammonia synthesis catalyst{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6054-2022 Determination of Platinum Content in Reforming Catalysts by Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry{译}
    重整催化剂中铂含量的 测定电感耦合等离子体 发射光谱法
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 2701-2022 Compression Packer Rubber Cartridge{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6136-2022 Non-metallic chemical equipment Basalt fiber reinforced plastic storage tanks{译}
    非金属化工设备 玄武岩纤维增强塑料贮罐
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6135-2022 Non-metallic chemical equipment Basalt fiber reinforced plastic pipes and fittings{译}
    非金属化工设备 玄武岩纤维增强塑料管道及管件
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6134-2022 polypropylene steamer{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6133-2022 Molecular (short path) stills{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6132-2022 Manganese Sulfate Reaction Tower for Manganese Oxide Pulp Flue Gas Desulfurization{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6131-2022 Petroleum hydrocarbon sediment cyclone elution complete set of equipment{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6130-2022 Petroleum hydrocarbon-containing wastewater step-by-step coalescence separation processor{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6129-2022 Extrusion machine for polylactic acid-based composite materials{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6105-2022 Moisture absorption (moisture) test method of flame retardant chemicals phosphorus nitrogen flame retardant chemicals{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6104-2022 Flame Retardant Chemicals Pentaerythritol Phosphate Melamine Salt{译}
    阻燃化学品 季戊四醇磷酸酯三聚氰胺盐
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6103-2022 Test method for phosphorus content of flame retardant chemicals{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6101-2022 Top and bottom adhesive tape for packaging electronic components{译}
    电子元器件包装用上下 胶粘带
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6100-2022 Acrylate-based heat-curing impregnating sealants for metal die castings{译}
    金属压铸件用丙烯酸酯 基热固化浸渗密封胶
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6099-2022 Adhesives for labels{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6095-2022 Test method for microbial retention of flat filter membranes and filters for liquid filtration{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6094-2022 Microbial analysis grid membrane{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6093-2022 bipolar membrane{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 3830-2022 Precoated Coil Coatings{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4346-2022 Chlorinated Rubber Resins for Coatings{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 2006-2022 Thermoset and Thermoplastic Powder Coatings{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6088-2022 Water-permeable road coatings{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6087-2022 C.I. Pigment Yellow 150{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6083-2022 Soil Conditioner Agricultural and Forestry Biomass Ash{译}
    土壤调理剂 农林生物质灰
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6082-2022 Biomass Humic Acid Organic Fertilizer{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6081-2022 Calcium Nitrohumate{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6080-2022 peat substrate{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6079-2022 Humic Acid Moderate Element Fertilizer{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T4309-2022 polypropylene glycol{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6076-2022 Allyl alcohol polyoxypropylene ether{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6071-2022 Potassium monopersulfate compound salt for water treatment agent{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6075-2022 Biological agent for water treatment Desulfurization agent{译}
    水处理用生物药剂 脱硫菌剂
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6074-2022 Water treatment agent monobasic chlorine dioxide generator{译}
    水处理剂 一元二氧化氯发生剂
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6073-2022 Water treatment agent polysulfide aluminum chloride{译}
    水处理剂 聚硫氯化铝
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 2822-2022 Lithium bromide solution for refrigerator{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6070-2022 Crystalline sodium sulfide{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6069-2022 Industrial Copper Chloride Dihydrate{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6068-2022 Sports non-slip basic magnesium carbonate paste{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6067-2022 Sports non-slip basic magnesium carbonate block{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6066-2022 Magnesium Oxide for Mineral Insulated Cables{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 4516-2022 Industrial Sodium Bisulfate{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 2709-2022 Plastics - Determination of the hydroxyl value of polyester polyols used in the production of polyurethanes{译}
    塑料 用于生产聚氨酯的聚酯多元醇羟值的测定
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6064-2022 4,4'-Dicyclohexylmethane diisocyanate{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 6063-2022 Isophorone diisocyanate{译}
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 5899-2022 Mixed gas for fumigation and disinfection Ethylene oxide/carbon dioxide{译}
    熏蒸消毒用混合气体 环氧乙烷/二氧化碳
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 5898-2022 Mixed gas for laser welding CO2-N2/Helium{译}
    激光焊接用混合气体 二氧化碳-氮气/氦气
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HG/T 5897-2022 Mixed gas for welding Hydrogen/Argon{译}
    焊接用混合气体 氢气/氩气
    China Chemistry Industry Standards
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