China National Standards

China YY Industry Standards Eglish List

  •  China "YY" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    YY/T 0749-2009 Ultrasonics. Hand-held probe Doppler foetal heartbeat detectors. Performance requirements and methods of measurement and reporting
    超声 手持探头式多普勒胎儿心率检测仪 性能要求及测量和报告方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0748.1-2009 Ultrasonics. Pulse-echo scanner. Part 1: Techniques for calibrating spatial measurement systems and measurement of system point-spread function response
    超声脉冲回波扫描仪 第1部分:校准空间测量系统和系统点扩展函数响应测量的技术方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0747-2009 XZ1-4/250 Therapy X-ray tube
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0746-2009 particular specification for X-ray equipment installed on the vehicle
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0745-2009 particular specification for remote control radioscopy X-ray equipment
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0744-2009 particular specification for mobile C-arm X-ray equipment
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0743-2009 particular specification for X-ray gastrointestinal diagnostic table
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0742-2009 particular specification for gastrointestinal diagnostic X-ray equipment
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0741-2009 General specification for digital medical X-ray radiography system
    数字化医用x射线摄影系统 专用技术条件
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0740-2009 particular specification for medical X-ray angiography equipment
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    YY/T 0739-2009 particular specification for wall stand of medical X-ray equipment
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    YY/T 0737-2009 particular specification for medical X-ray radiographic table
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0736-2009 Medical electrical equipment. Guidelines for implementation of DICOM in radiotherapy
    医用电气设备 dicom在放射治疗中的应用指南
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0735.1-2009 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment. Heat and moisture exchangers (HMEs) for humidifying respired gases in humans. Part 1: HMEs for use with minimum tidal volumes of 250 mL
    麻醉和呼吸设备 湿化人体呼吸气体的热湿交换器(hme) 第1部分:用于最小潮气量为250ml的hme
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0734.3-2009 Washer-disinfector. Part 3: Requirements and tests for washer-disinfectors employing thermal disinfection for human waste containers
    清洗消毒器 第3部分:对人体废弃物容器进行湿热消毒的清洗消毒器 要求和试验
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0734.2-2009 Washer-disinfectors. Part 2: Requirements and tests for washer-disinfectors employing thermal disinfection for surgical instruments, anaestetic equipment, etc
    清洗消毒器 第2部分:对外科和麻醉器械等进行湿热消毒的清洗消毒器 要求和试验
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0734.1-2009 Washer-disinfectors. Part 1: General requirements, terms and definitions and tests
    清洗消毒器 第1部分:通用要求、术语定义和试验
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0727.3-2009 Implants for surgery. Metal intramedullary nailing systems. Part 3: Connection devices and reamer diameter measurements
    外科植入物 金属髓内钉系统 第3部分:连接器械及髓腔扩大器直径的测量
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0727.2-2009 Implants for surgery. Metal intramedullary nailing systems. Part 2: Locking components
    外科植入物 金属髓内钉系统 第2部分:锁定部件
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0727.1-2009 Implants for surgery. Metal intramedullary nailing systems. Part 1: Intramedullary nails
    外科植入物 金属髓内钉系统 第1部分:髓内钉
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0708-2009 Medical electrical equipment. Part 1-4:General requirements for safety. Collateral standard:Programmable electrical medical systems
    医用电气设备 第1-4部分:安全通用要求:可编程医用电气系统
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0273-2009 Dental amalgamators
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 1090-2009 Ultrasonic physiotherapy equipment
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    YY 0460-2009 Ultrasonics dental descaler equipment
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    YY 0448-2009 Ultrasonic Doppler foetal heartbeat detector
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0055.2-2009 Dentistry. Powered polymerization activators. Part 2: Light-emitting diode (LED) lamps
    牙科·光固化机 第2部分:发光二极管(led)灯
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0162.1-2009 Medical ultrasound equipment class series. Part 1: B mode ultrasound disgnostic equipment
    医用超声设备档次系列 第1部分:b型超声诊断设备
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0110-2009 Piezoelectric materials for medical ultrasound
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0449-2009 Ultrasonic Doppler fetal monitor
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0272-2009 Dentistry. Zinc oxide/eugenol and zinc oxide/non-eugenol cements
    牙科学 氧化锌/丁香酚水门汀和不含丁香酚的氧化锌水门汀
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0290.6-2009 Intraocular lenses. Part 6: Shelf-life and transport stability
    眼科光学 人工晶状体 第6部分:有效期和运输稳定性
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0729.3-2009 Test methods for bonding properties of tissue adhesives. Part 3: Tension strength
    组织粘合剂粘接性能试验方法 第3部分:拉伸强度
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0729.2-2009 Test methods for bonding properties of tissue adhesives. Part 2: Strength in T-peel by tension loading
    组织粘合剂粘接性能试验方法 第2部分:t-剥离拉伸承载强度
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0698.7-2009 Packaging materials for terminal sterilized medical devices. Part 7: Adhesive coated paper for the manufacture of sealable packs for medical use for sterilization by ethylene oxide or irradiation. Requirements and test methods
    最终灭菌医疗器械包装材料 第7部分:环氧乙烷或辐射灭菌屏障系统生产用可密封涂胶纸 要求和试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0202-2009 Specifications for medical diagnostic X-ray device for tomography
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0127.2-2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices used in dentistry. Part 2: Test method. Acute systemic toxicity:intravenous path
    口腔医疗器械生物学评价 第2单元:试验方法 急性全身毒性试验:静脉途径
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0127.10-2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices used in dentistry. Part 2: Test method. Salmonella typhimurium reverse mutation assay (Ames mutagenicity test)
    口腔医疗器械生物学评价 第2单元:试验方法 鼠伤寒沙门氏杆菌回复突变试验(ames试验)
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0717-2009 Dental root canal sealing materials
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0714.1-2009 Dentistry. Soft lining material for removable dentures. Part 1: Materials for short-term use
    牙科学 活动义齿软衬材料 第1部分:短期使用材料
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0096-2009 Co-60 teletherapy unit
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    YY/T 1148-2009 Spinal needle
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    YY/T 0730-2009 Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs. Requirements for single-use tubing packs for cardiopulmonary bypass and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO)
    心血管外科植入物和人工器官 心肺旁路和体外膜肺氧合(ecmo)使用的一次性使用管道套包的要求
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0729.4-2009 Test methods for bonding properties of tissue adhesives. Part 4: Wound closure strength
    组织粘合剂粘接性能试验方法 第4部分:伤口闭合强度
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0729.1-2009 Test methods for boning properties of tissue adhesives. Part 1: Strength in lap-shear by tension loading
    组织粘合剂粘接性能试验方法 第1部分:搭接-剪切拉伸承载强度
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0728-2009 Implants for surgery. Usage of the terms “valgus” and “varus” in orthopaedic surgery
    外科植入物 术语“外翻”和“内翻”在矫形外科中的用法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0726-2009 Instrumentation for use in association with non-active surgical implants-General requirements
    与无源外科植入物联用的器械 通用要求
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0725-2009 Dental equipment. Connections for supply and waste lines
    牙科设备 给排管路的连接
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0724-2009 Particular specifications for dual energy X-ray bone densitometer
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0723-2009 Medical electrical equipment. Digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM). Radiotherapy objects
    医用电气设备 医学数字影像和通讯(dicom)-放射治疗对象
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0720-2009 Single-use maternity kits, for spontaneous labor
    一次性使用产包 自然分娩用
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0698.9-2009 Packaging materials for terminally sterilized medical devices. Part 9: Uncoated nonwoven materials of polyolefines for use in the manufacture of sealable pouches, reels and lids. Requirements and test methods
    最终灭菌医疗器械包装材料 第9部分:可密封组合袋、卷材和盖材生产用无涂胶聚烯烃非织造布材料 要求和试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0698.8-2009 Packaging materials for terminally sterilized medical devices. Part 8: Re-usable sterilization containers for team sterilizers. Requirements and test methods
    最终灭菌医疗器械包装材料 第8部分:蒸汽灭菌器用重复性使用灭菌容器 要求和试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0698.6-2009 Packaging materials for terminal sterilized medical devices. Part 6: Paper for manufacture of sterile barrier systems intended for sterilization by low temperature sterilization processes or irradiation. Requirements and test methods
    最终灭菌医疗器械包装材料 第6部分:用于低温灭菌过程或辐射灭菌的无菌屏障系统生产用纸 要求和试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0698.5-2009 Packaging materials for terminal sterilized medical devices. Part 5: Heat and self-sealable pouches and reels of paper and plastic film construction. Requirements and test methods
    最终灭菌医疗器械包装材料 第5部分:透气材料与塑料膜组成的可密封组合袋和卷材 要求和试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0698.4-2009 Packaging materials for terminal sterilized medical devices. Part 4: Paper bags. Requirements and test methods
    最终灭菌医疗器械包装材料 第4部分:纸袋 要求和试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0698.3-2009 Packaging materials for terminal sterilized medical devices. Part 3: Paper for use in the manufacture of paper bags (specified in YY/T 0698.4) and in the manufacture of pouches and reels (specified in YY/T 0698.5). Requirements and test methods
    最终灭菌医疗器械包装材料 第3部分:纸袋(yy/t 0698.4所规定)、组合带和卷材(yy/t 0698.5所规定)生产用纸 要求和试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0698.2-2009 Packaging materials for terminal sterilized medical devices. Part 2: Sterilization wrap. Requirements and test methods
    最终灭菌医疗器械包装材料 第2部分:灭菌包裹材料 要求和试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0698.10-2009 Packaging materials for terminally sterilized medical devices. Part 10: Adhesive coated nonwoven materials of polyolefines for use in the manufacture of sealable pouches, reels and lids. Requirements and test methods
    最终灭菌医疗器械包装材料 第10部分:可密封组合袋、卷材和盖材生产用涂胶聚烯烃非织造布材料 要求和试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0681.1-2009 Test methods for sterile medical device package. Part 1: Test guide for accelerated aging
    无菌医疗器械包装试验方法 第1部分:加速老化试验指南
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0506.6-2009 Surigical drapes, gowns and clean air suits, used as medical devices, for patients, clinical staff and equipment. Part 6: Test method to determine the resistance to wet bacterial penetration
    病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服 第6部分:阻湿态微生物穿透试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0506.5-2009 Surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits for patients, clinical staff and equipment. Part 5: Test method for resistance to dry microbial penetration
    病人、医护人员和器械用手术单、手术衣和洁净服 第5部分:阻干态微生物穿透试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0282-2009 Syringe needle
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY/T 0127.14-2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices used in dentistry. Part 2: Test method. Acute oral toxicity test
    口腔医疗器械生物学评价 第2单元:试验方法 急性经口全身毒性试验
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0127.13-2009 Biological evaluation of medical devices used in dentistry. Part 2: Tset method. Oral mucous membrane irritation test
    口腔医疗器械生物学评价 第2单元:试验方法 口腔粘膜刺激试验
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0084.2-2009 Strength calculation and relevant regulations of primary pressure containing parts for rectangular pressure steam-heated sterilizer
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY/T 0084.1-2009 Strength calculation and relevant regulations of primary pressure components of cylindrical pressure steam sterilizer
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 1045.1-2009 Dental handpieces. Part 1: High-speed air turbine handpieces
    牙科手机 第1部分:高速气涡轮手机
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0732-2009 Oxygen concentrators for medical use. Safety requirements
    医用氧气浓缩器 安全要求
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0731-2009 Large steam sterilizers. Manual control type
    大型蒸汽灭菌器 手动控制型
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0721-2009 Medical electrical equipment-Safety of radiotherapy record and verify systems
    医用电气设备 放射性治疗记录与验证系统的安全
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0719.5-2009 Ophthalmic optics. Contact lens care products. Part 5: Determination of physical compatibility of contact lens care products with contact lenses
    眼科光学 接触镜护理产品 第5部分:接触镜和接触镜护理产品物力相容性的测定
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0719.4-2009 Ophthalmic optics-contact lens care products. Part 4: Antimicrobial preservative efficacy testing and determining discard date
    眼科光学 接触镜护理产品 第4部分:抗微生物防腐有效性试验及测定抛弃日期指南
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0719.3-2009 Ophthalmic optics. Contact lens care products. Part 3: Microbiological requirements and test methods for products and regiments for hygienic managements of contact
    眼科光学 接触镜护理产品 第3部分:微生物要求和试验方法及接触镜护理系统
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0719.2-2009 Ophthalmic optics. Contact lens care products. Part 2: Fundamental requirements
    眼科光学 接触镜护理产品 第2部分:基本要求
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0719.1-2009 Ophthalmic optics. Contact lens care products. Part 1: Vocabulary
    眼科光学 接触镜护理产品 第1部分:术语
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0718-2009 Opthalmic instruments. Retinoscopes
    眼科仪器 检影镜
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    YY 0716-2009 Dental-Ceramic
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    YY 0715-2009 Dentistry. Amalgam capsules
    牙科学 银汞合金胶囊
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    YY 0711-2009 Dental absorbent points
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0710-2009 Dentistry. Polymer-based crown and bridge materials
    牙科学 聚合物基冠桥材料
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    YY 0671.1-2009 Sleep apnoea breathing therapy. Prat 1:Sleep apnoea breathing therapy devices
    睡眠呼吸暂停治疗 第1部分:睡眠呼吸暂停治疗设备
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0635.4-2009 Inhalational anaesthesia systems. Part 4: Requirements for anaesthetic ventilators
    吸入式麻醉系统 第4部分:麻醉呼吸机
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0635.3-2009 Inhalational anaesthesia systems. Part 3: Anaesthetic vapour delivery devices
    吸入式麻醉系统 第3部分:麻醉气体输送装置
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0635.2-2009 Inhalational anaesthesia systems. Part 2: Anaesthetic gas scavenging systems transfer and receiving systems
    吸入式麻醉系统 第2部分:麻醉气体净化系统 传递和收集系统
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0465-2009 Disposable membrane plasmaseparator
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    YY 0464-2009 Disposable hemoperfutor
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    YY 0339-2009 Suction catheter for use in the respiratory tract
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    YY 0329-2009 Leukocyte reduction filters for single use
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    YY 0321.3-2009 Single-use filter for anaesthesia
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0321.2-2009 Single-use needle for anaesthesia
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    YY 0321.1-2009 Single-use puncture set local anaesthesia
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    YY 0290.2-2009 Ophthalmic implants. Intraocular lenses. Part 2: Optical properties and test methods
    眼科光学 人工晶状体 第2部分:光学性能及试验方法
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0290.10-2009 Intraocular lenses. Part 10: Phakic intraocular lenses
    眼科光学 人工晶状体 第10部分:有晶体眼人工晶状体
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0286.6-2009 Special infusion sets. Part 6: Flow rate-setting and adjustable infusion sets for single use
    专用输液器 第6部分:一次性使用流量设定微调式输液器
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0055.1-2009 Dentisitry. Powered polymerization activators. Part 1: Quartz tungsten halogen lamps
    牙科-光固化机 第1部分:石英钨卤素灯
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 0300-2009 Dentistry. Artificial teeth for dental prostheses
    牙科学 修复用人工牙
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 1040.2-2008 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment. Conical connectors. Part 2: Screw-threaded weight-bearing connectors
    麻醉和呼吸设备 圆锥接头 第2部分:螺纹承重接头
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
    English PDF
    YY 1028-2008 Upper gastro intestinal fiberscope
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    YY 0678-2008 Standard performance and safety specification for cryosurgical medical instruments
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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    YY 0677-2008 Liquid nitrogen cryosurgical equipment
    China Medicine & Medical Device Standards
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