China National Standards

China YD Industry Standards Eglish List

  •  China "YD" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    YD/T 2539-2013 Supplementary technical requirements and test method for the quality of service of peer to peer short message interworking between networks
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2538-2013 Test method of the transact flow for number portability
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2537-2013 Test method for number portability service
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2536-2013 Test specification of CSMS of number portability
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2535-2013 Internetwork number portability centralized business management systems and business systems interface protocol testing methods accepted
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2534-2013 Test method for the protocol of the Interface between CSMS and LSMS for number protabality
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2533-2013 Technical requirements for the protocol of the interface between CSMS an SOA/LSMS for number portabality
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2532-2013 Technical requirement of CSMS of number portability
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2531-2013 900MHz/1800MHz TDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network digital repeater network management interface technical requirements
    900mhz/1800mhz tdma数字蜂窝移动通信网数字直放站设备网管接口技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2530-2013 Test mothods for 900MHz/1800MHz TDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network digital repeater network management interface
    900mhz/1800mhz tdma数字蜂窝移动通信网数字直放站设备网管接口测试方法
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2529-2013 Technical requirements and test methods for digital microwave telecommunication equipments and systems of synchronous digital hierarchy(SDH)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2528-2013 Technical requirements and test methods for digital microwave telecommunication equipments and systems using spread spectrum modulation techniques
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2527-2013 Test methods for digital cellular mobile telecommunication network web gateway
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2526-2013 Technical requirements for digital cellular mobile telecommunication network web gateway
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2468-2013 General service platform technical requirements for 2GHz TD-SCDMA cellular network based service in rural areas
    面向农业的基于2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网通用服务平台技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2466.1-2013 Technical specification of general function for communication resource management system. Part 1: network and service resource management
    通信资源管理系统功能技术要求 第1部分:网络与业务资源管理
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2465-2013 Based on Representational State Transfer (REST) ??technology business capabilities open application program interface (API) microblogging service
    基于表述性状态转移(rest)技术的业务能力开放应用程序接口(api) 微博业务
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2464-2013 RESTful based service capability open API-search
    基于表述性状态转移(REST)技术的业务能力开放应用程序接口(API) 搜索业务
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2463-2013 Technical requirements of unified IMS network for supporting IPv6
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2462-2013 Technical requirements of sottswitch network for supporting IPv6
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2460-2013 Test method of services based on the Unified IMS multimedia ring back tone(Release 1)
    基于统一ims的业务测试方法 多媒体彩铃业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2459-2013 Test method of services based on the Unified IMS. IP Centrex service
    基于统一ims的业务测试方法 ip centrex业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2458-2013 Test method of services based on the unified IMS customized multimedia ringing (Release 1)
    基于统一IMS的业务测试方法 个性化振铃音业务(第一阶段)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2457.1-2013 Test method of services based on the unified IMS multimedia telephony service (release 1). Part 1: basic services and required supplementary services
    基于统一ims的业务测试方法 多媒体电话业务(第一阶段) 第1部分:基本业务和必选补充业务
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2456-2013 Ubiquitous of M2M applications. video surveillance Application architecture and general technical requirements for intelligent analysis and sensor overlay
    电信网视频监控系统 智能分析及传感器叠加应用架构和总体技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2455.6-2013 Visual surveillance system over telecommunication networks. Part 6: QoS requirements
    电信网视频监控系统 第6部分:服务质量要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2455.2-2013 Visual surveillance system over telecommunication networks. Part 2: General technical requirements
    +电信网视频监控系统 第2部分:总体技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2455.1-2013 Visual surveillance system over telecommunication network. Part 1: service requirements
    电信网视频监控系统 第1部分:业务需求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2525-2013 CDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network UICC-ME interface technical requirement. Characteristics of the CSIM application supporting OMH
    cdma数字蜂窝移动通信网通用集成电路卡(uicc)与终端间接口技术要求 支持omh功能的csim应用特性
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2524-2013 CDMA digital cellular mobile communication networks technical requirements for UICC-Terminal interface CCAT functionality
    cdma数字蜂窝移动通信网通用集成电路卡(uicc)与终端间接口技术要求 ccat应用特性
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2523-2013 Test method of CDMA digital cellular mobile communication network for UICC-terminal interace:terminal CCAT functionality
    cdma数字蜂窝移动通信网通用集成电路卡(uicc)与终端间接口测试方法 终端ccat应用特性
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2522-2013 CDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network UICC-MEinterface test method-UICC supporting CSIM application
    cdma数字蜂窝移动通信网通用集成电路卡(uicc)与终端间接口测试方法 支持csim应用的uicc
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2521-2013 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile communication networks-Network compatibility test for high rate packet data air interface (Phase 3)
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备测试方法 高速分组数据(hrpd)(第三阶段)空中接口 网络兼容性
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2520-2013 Technical requirements and testing methods for cdma2000 HRPD(cdma2000)/WCDMA(GSM) dual mode single standby digital mobile station
    cdma2000 hrpd(cdma2000)/wcdma(gsm)双模手动单待数字移动通信终端技术要求与测试方法
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2454-2013 Guideline of XML based MPLS VPN service provisioning management interface definition
    基于xml的mpls vpn业务开通管理接口定义指南
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2453-2013 User requirement and evaluation criteria of multimedia communication for perceptual video quality measurement techniques in the absence of reference
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2452-2013 Technical Specification for MPLS LSP Detection
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2451-2013 Technical speification for pseudowire redundancy
    伪线技术要求 冗余保护
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2450-2013 Technical specification for pseudowire OAM
    伪线技术要求 操作、管理和维护
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2449-2013 Technology specification for BNAS service backup
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2448-2013 IP network reliability. Technical requirements of virtual router redundancy protocol
    公众ip网络可靠性 虚拟路由冗余协议(vrrp)技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2447-2013 IP network reliability. Technical requirements for bidirectional forwarding detection
    公众ip网络可靠性 双向转发检测(bfd)机制技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2446-2013 Technical requirements formulticast in virtual private LAN services
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2445-2013 Technical requirements for interoperability between PMIPv6 and DSMIPv6
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2444-2013 Testing methods for MP-BGP based 4 over 6 technique
    采用边界网关协议多协议扩展(mp-bgp)的基于ipv6骨干网的ipv4网络互联(4 over 6)测试方法
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2443-2013 Energy efficiency parameter and measurement method for firewall equipments
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2442-2013 Technology specification and evaluation methods for occupancy of resources, energy efficiency and emission of IDC
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2441-2013 Glassful technology specification of IDC
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2379.5-2013 Environmental test requirements and test methods for telecommunications equipment. Part 5: storage
    电信设备环境试验要求和试验方法 第5部分:贮存
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2379.3-2013 Environmental test requirements and test Methods for telecommunications equipment. Part 3: telecommunication equipment in non-central room
    电信设备环境试验要求和试验方法 第3部分:非中心机房的电信设备
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2336.4-2013 Technical requirement for packet transport network management. Part 4: EMS-NMS interface common information model
    分组传送网(ptn)网络管理技术要求 第4部分:ems-nms接口通用信息模型
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2511-2013 Technical requirement of Home Node B for 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 家庭基站设备技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2510-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommuniation network Test method of HSPA+RAN
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) 无线接入子系统设备测试方法
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2509-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. Technical requirement of HSPA+ RAN
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) 无线接入子系统设备技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2508-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. Test method for Iub interface in HSPA+ RAN
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) iub接口测试方法
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2507.8-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. HSPA+ -Iub interface technical requirement. Part 8: User plane protocol for DCH data streams
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) iub接口技术要求 第8部分:专用传输信道数据流的用户平面协议
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2507.7-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. HSPA+ -Iub interface technical requirement. Part 7: Data transport & transport signalling for DCH data streams
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) iub接口技术要求 第7部分:专用传输信道数据流的数据传输和传输信令
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2507.6-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. HSPA+ -Iub interface technical requirement. Part 6: User plane protocols for CCH data streams
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) iub接口技术要求 第6部分:公共传输信道数据流的用户平面协议
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2507.5-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. HSPA+ -Iub interface technical requirement. Part5:Data transport & transport signalling for CCH data streams
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) iub接口技术要求 第5部分:公共传输信道数据流的数据传输和传输信令
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2507.4-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network-HSPA+ -Iub interface technical requirement. Part 4: NBAP signalling
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) iub接口技术要求 第4部分:nbap信令
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2507.3-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. HSPA+ -Iub interface technical requirement. Part 3: sgnalling transport
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) iub接口技术要求 第3部分:信令传输
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2336.3-2013 Technical requirements for packet transport network management. Part 3: EMS-NMS interface function
    分组传送网(ptn)网络管理技术要求 第3部分:ems-nms接口功能
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2191.8-2013 Installation and Mitigation Guidelines of Electromagnetic. Compatibility for telecommunication equipments. Part 8: HEMP immunity guide for telecommunication centres
    电信设备安装的电磁兼容及缓和措施 第8部分:电信中心的hemp防护
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2151.2-2013 Fiber gratings dispersion compensation module. Part 2: Tunable dispersion compensation module
    光纤光栅色散补偿模块 第2部分:可调色散补偿模块
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1996.3-2013 Technical requirements for access network. Very high speed digital subscriber line 2(VDSL2). Part 3: impulse noise protection
    接入网技术要求 第二代甚高速数字用户线(vdsl2) 第3部分:脉冲噪声保护
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1951-2013 Technical requirements for access network DSL line testing
    接入网技术要求 数字用户线(dsl)线路测试
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1680-2013 Test method for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile telecommunication network equipment-High data rate packet data (Phase 2). Access terminal
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备测试方法 高速分组数据(hrpd)(第二阶段)接入终端(at)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1679-2013 Technical requirement for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile communication network equipment. High rate packet data (Phase 2). Access terminal
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备技术要求 高速分组数据(hrpd)(第二阶段)接入终端(at)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1585.3-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cell mobile communications network management interface technical specification (Phase II). Part 3: CORBA-based information model design
    2ghz td-scdma 数字蜂窝移动通信网网络管理接口技术要求(第二阶段)第3部分:基于corba技术的信息模型设计
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1585.2-2013 Technical specification for 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile communications network management interface (Phase 11). Part 2: performance measurement data
    2GHz TD-SCDMA 数字蜂窝移动通信网网络管理接口技术要求(第二阶段)第2部分:性能测量数据
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1585.1-2013 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cell mobile communications network management interface technical specification (Phase II). Part 1 network resource model
    2ghz td-scdma 数字蜂窝移动通信网网络管理接口技术要求(第二阶段)第1部分:网络资源模型
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1576.3-2013 Test method of mobile station (including non uim mobile station) for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. Part 3: network compatibility test
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备测试方法 移动台(含机卡一体)第3部分:网络兼容性
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1576.23-2013 Test method of mobile station (including non UIM mobile station) for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. Part 23:Protocol conformance test/data service signaling
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备测试方法 移动台(含机卡一体) 第23部分:协议一致性 数据业务信令
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1576.22-2013 Test method of mobile station (including non UIM mobile station) for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. Part 22:protocol conformance test. SMS signaling
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备测试方法 移动台(含机卡一体) 第22部分:协议一致性 短消息信令
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1576.21-2013 Test method of mobile station (including non UIM mobile station) for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. Part 21:protocol conformance test. Essential signalling
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备测试方法 移动台(含机卡一体) 第21部分:协议一致性 基本信令
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1576.1-2013 Test method of mobile station for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile telecommunication network. Part 1: Minimum standard, function and performance
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备测试方法 移动台(含机卡一体) 第1部分:基本无线指标、功能和性能
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1567-2013 Test method for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobiletelecommunication network equipment high rate packet data (Phasel) Access Terminal
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备测试方法 高速分组数据(hrpd)(第一阶段)接入终端(at)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1562-2013 Technical requirements for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile telecommunication network equipment high rate packet data (Phase). Access terminal
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备技术要求 高速分组数据(hrpd)(第一阶段)接入终端(at)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1558-2013 Technical requirements of mobile station for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellularmobile telecommunication network
    800mhz/2ghz cdma2000数字蜂窝移动通信网设备技术要求 移动台(含机卡一体)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1527-2013 Technical requirements and test methods for optoelectronic (wavelength/mode) converter
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1522.7-2013 Technical requirements for session initiation protocol. Part 7: SIP supporting presence and instant message service
    会话初始协议(sip)技术要求 第7部分:sip支持呈现和即时消息业务
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1326-2013 Technical requirements of coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1312.15-2013 Requirements and measurements methods of electromagnetic compatibility for radio communication equipment. Part 15:ultra wide band(UWB)communications devices
    无线通信设备电磁兼容性要求和测量方法 第15部分:超宽带(uwb)通信设备
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1312.13-2013 Requirements and measurement methods of electromagnetic compatibility for radio communication equipment. Part 13: power adapter of mobile telecommunication terminal equipment
    无线通信设备电磁兼容性要求和测量方法 第13部分:移动通信终端适配器
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1229.4-2013 Technical requirements for mobile terminal data synchronization service. Part 4: transport bindings protocol
    可移动终端数据同步业务技术要求 第4部分:传输绑定协议
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1229.3-2013 Technical requirements for mobile terminal data synchronization service. Part3: data synchronization representation protocol
    可移动终端数据同步业务技术要求 第3部分:数据同步表示协议
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1229.2-2013 Technical requirements for mobile terminal data synchronization service. Part 2: data synchronization protocol
    可移动终端数据同步业务技术要求 第2部分:数据同步协议
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 1229.1-2013 Technical requirements for mobile terminal data synchronization service. Part 1: general technical requirements
    可移动终端数据同步业务技术要求 第1部分:总体技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2502-2013 Mobile payment security technical equirement for mobile terminal
    手机支付 移动终端安全技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2501-2013 Mobile payment Technical requirements for UICC and embedded security element security
    手机支付 智能卡和内置安全模块安全技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2500-2013 Mobile payment technical requirements for mobile terminal based on 13.56MHz near field communication technology
    手机支付 基于13.56mhz近场通信技术的移动终端技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2499-2013 Mobile payment technical requirements for intellegent card and security element based on 13.56MHz near field communication technology
    手机支付 基于13.56mhz近场通信技术的智能卡和内置安全模块技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2498-2013 Mobile payment technical requirements for contactless point of sale (POS) terminal based on 13.56MHz near field communication technology
    手机支付 基于13.56MHz近场通信技术的非接触式销售点终端技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2497-2013 Mobile payment technical requirements for contactless radio frequency interface based on 13.56MHz near field communication technology
    手机支付 基于13.56MHz近场通信技术的非接触式射频接口技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2519-2013 Technical requirement and test method of WCDMA/GSM (GPRS) dual mode digital user equipment (Phase 5)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2518.2-2013 Test method for user equipment of 2GHz WCDMA digital cellular mobile communication network (Phase 5) of high speed packet access puls-Part 2: Network compatibility test
    2ghz wcdma数字蜂窝移动通信网终端设备测试方法(第五阶段) 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) 第2部分:网络兼容性测试
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2518.1-2013 Test method for 2GHz WCDMA digital cellular mobile commnication network user equipment (Phase 5)of high speed packet access plus. Par 1:Basic functions, services and performance test
    2ghz wcdma数字蜂窝移动通信网终端设备测试方法(第五阶段) 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+) 第1部分:基本功能、业务和性能测试
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2517-2013 Technical requirements for 2GHz WCDMA digital cellular mobile communication network user equipment (Phase 5). High speed packet access plus (HSPA+)
    2ghz wcdma数字蜂窝移动通信网终端设备技术要求(第五阶段) 增强型高速分组接入(hspa+)
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2516-2013 Test method of home NodeB south interface for 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 家庭基站南向接口网管测试方法
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF
    YD/T 2515-2013 Technical requirements of home Node B south interface for 2GHz TD-SCDMA digital cellular mobile telecommunication network
    2ghz td-scdma数字蜂窝移动通信网 家庭基站南向接口网管技术要求
    China Telecommunication Standards
    English PDF

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