China National Standards

China SN Industry Standards Eglish List

  •  China "SN" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    SN/T 0125-2010 Determination of trichlorfon resdus in meat and meat products for import and export. LC-MS method
    进出口食品中敌百虫残留量检测方法 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 0123-2010 Determination of organophosphorus multiresidues in foodstuffs of animal origin for import and export. GC-MS method
    进出口动物源食品中有机磷农药残留量检测方法 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 0063-2010 Import and export of stretch nylon filament inspection procedures
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    SN/T 3009-2011 Identification of seawater corrosion on metallic surface by SEM
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    SN/T 2640-2010 Quantitative analysis of textiles containing hollow fibers. Percentage of number
    中空纤维定量分析方法 根数比法
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    SN/T 2639-2010 Standard practice for conversion of kinematic viscosity to saybolt universal viscosity
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    SN/T 2638.2-2010 Determination of iron,aluminum,magnesium,calcium,titanium,phosphorus,nickel,copper,zinc in manganese oers for import and export. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
    进出口锰矿石中铁、铝、镁、钙、钛、磷、镍、铜、锌的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2638.1-2010 Determination of manganse,iron,silicon,aluminum,calcium,magnesium,titanium,potassium and phosphorus in manganese ores for import and export. Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
    进出口锰矿石中锰、铁、硅、铝、钙、镁、钛、钾和磷元素的测定 波长色散x射线荧光光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 2637-2010 Detection and identification of Arhopalus syriacus (Reitter)
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    SN/T 2636-2010 Detection and identification of bulb mites (Rhizoglyphus spp.)
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    SN/T 2635-2010 Detection and identification of rice gall dwarf virus
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    SN/T 2634-2010 Rules of quarantine management of citrus orchard for export
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 2633-2010 Code on quality and safety control of nuts and kernels for export
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    SN/T 2632-2010 Technical codes for routine microbial culture collection
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    SN/T 2631-2010 Testing methods of appearance of coloured mulberry silk yarn for import and export
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    SN/T 2630-2010 Rules for inspection of coloured thrown silk for import and export
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    SN/T 2629-2010 Method for the inspection of textile raw materials conditioned weight for import and export
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    SN/T 2628-2010 Determination of short fiber index and neps for import and export cotton fibers. HVI test method
    进出口棉花短纤维指数及棉结的测定 hvi法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2627-2010 Detection and identification of potato leafroll virus for quarantine
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    SN/T 2626-2010 Detection of noroviruses at frontier port
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    SN/T 2625-2010 Quarantine protocol for viral encephalopathy and retinopathy
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    SN/T 2624-2010 Determination of basic veterinary drugs residues in foodstuffs of animal origin for import and export. HPLC-MS/MS method
    动物源性食品中多种碱性药物残留量的检测方法 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2623-2010 Determination of pyriproxyfen residues in foodstuffs for import and export. HPLC-MS/MS method
    进出口食品中吡丙醚残留量的检测方法 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2622-2010 Detection and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.citri
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    SN/T 2621-2010 Acid-grade and ceramic-grade fluorspar. Determination of flotation agents
    酸级和陶瓷级氟石 浮选剂含量的测定
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 2620-2010 Codes for emergency control for aircraft containning rat
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    SN/T 2619-2010 Determination of aluminum,antimony,asenic,bismuth,copper,iron,lead,silicon,tin contents in chromium metal. Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometric method
    金属铬中铝、锑、砷、铋、铜、铁、铅、硅、锡杂质元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法
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    SN/T 2618-2010 Inspection and identification of Cryphonectria cubensis (Bruner) Hodges
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    SN/T 2617-2010 Detection and identification of Phytophthora hibernalis Carne
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    SN/T 2616-2010 Rapid detection of Yersinia pestis and Hantavirus on rodents at frontier port
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    SN/T 2615-2010 Detection and identification of Phialophora malorum (Kidd & Beaumont) McColloch
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 2614-2010 Detection and identification of Greeneria uvicola (Berk.&Curtis) Punithalingam
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 2613-2010 Detection and identification of Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess)
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    SN/T 2612-2010 Detection and identification for germplasm resources in plant. Oryza L.
    植物种质资源鉴定方法 稻属植物的鉴定
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2611-2010 Determination of free formaldehyde in woodworks of food contact materials. Gas chromatography
    食品接触材料 木制品中游离甲醛的测定 气相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2610-2010 Detection methods for biological high-risk factors on site. Immunochromatographic test
    可疑样品中生物高风险因子现场排查方法 免疫层析法
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    SN/T 2609-2010 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of influenza virus,parainfluenza virus,respiratory syncytial virus
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    SN/T 2608-2010 Detection methods for abrin at frontiber ports
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    SN/T 2607-2010 Identification of Cochliom yia macellaria (Fabricius,1775)
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    SN/T 2606-2010 Guideline for simple evaluation of food additive intake for import and export
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    SN/T 2605-2010 Identification of Pythium splendens Braun
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    SN/T 2604-2010 Codes of issuing ship sanitation control exemption certificate/ship sanitation control certificate
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    SN/T 2603-2010 Detection of drug for entry-exit personnel
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    SN/T 2602-2010 Detection and identification of Agrobacterium tume faciens (Smith et townsend 1907) Conn 1942
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    SN/T 2601-2010 Criterion for detection of phytopathogenic bacteria
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    SN/T 2600-2010 Methods for rapid identification of Metasequoia glptostroboides genetic resources for export
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 2599-2010 Detection and identification of Dendroctonus valens LeConte
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    SN/T 2598-2010 Test method of wool colour
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    SN/T 2597-2010 Determination of lead,cadmium,chromium,arsenic,antimony,germanium migration quantity in polymer for food contact materials. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry method
    食品接触材料 高分子材料 铅、镉、铬、砷、锑、锗迁移量的测定
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2596-2010 Detection and identification of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato(Okabe) Young et al. 1978
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    SN/T 2595-2010 Rules for inspection of food contact materials. Cork,wood and bamboo articles
    食品接触材料检验规程 软木、木、竹制品类
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2594-2010 Food contact materials. Determination of lead,cadmium,chromium,and arsenic in cork stoppers by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
    食品接触材料 软木塞中铅、镉、铬、砷的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2593.1-2010 Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in electrical and electronic equipment. Part 1: High performance liquid chromatography
    电子电气产品中多环芳烃的测定 第1部分:高效液相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2592.3-2010 Determination of organotin compounds in electrical and electronic equipment. Part 3: Screening by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
    电子电气产品中有机锡化合物的测定 第3部分:电感耦合等离子体质谱筛选法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2592.2-2010 Determination of organotin compounds in electrical and electronic equipment. Part 2: Screening by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry
    电子电气产品中有机锡化合物的测定 第2部分:傅立叶变换红外光谱筛选法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2592.1-2010 Determination of organotin compounds in electrical and electronic equipment. Part 1: Gas chromatography
    电子电气产品中有机锡化合物的测定 第1部分:气相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2591.2-2010 Determination of phthalates in electrical and electronic equipment. Part 2: Gas chromatography-mass spectrum
    电子电气产品中邻苯二甲酸酯类物质的测定 第2部分:气相色谱-质谱联用法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2591.1-2010 Determination of phthalates in electrical and electronic equipment. Part 1: Gas chromatography
    电子电气产品中邻苯二甲酸酯类物质的测定 第1部分:气相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2590-2010 Technical elements for dis-infestation of fruit flies (Anastrepha spp.)
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    SN/T 2589-2010 Criterion for detection and identification of plant pathogenic fungi
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    SN/T 2588-2010 Detection and identification of Quadrastichus erythrinae Kim
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    SN/T 2587-2010 Technical standard of quarantine treatment for erythrinal gall wasp,Quadratichus erythrinae Kim
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    SN/T 2586-2010 Quarantine rule on import and export seedlings in tissue culture
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    SN/T 2558.1-2010 Rules for inspection on import and export functional textiles. Part 1: Solar ultraviolet radiation protective properties
    进出口功能性纺织品性能检验方法 第1部分:防紫外线性能
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2557-2010 Detection of qualitation of bovine ingredient in meat product. Real time PCR method
    畜肉食品中牛成分定性检测方法 实时荧光pcr法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2556-2010 Rules for vapor heat treatment of litchi for export
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    SN/T 2555-2010 Rules for the inspection and quarantine of vegetable seeds for export
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    SN/T 2554-2010 Determination of free formaldehyde in adhesives used in building for import and export
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    SN/T 2553-2010 Determination of benzene,toluene,xylene isomers,free toluene diisocynate and phthalate plasticizers in adhesives used in building for import and export
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    SN/T 2552.9-2010 Microbiological examination method for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 9: Detection of Klebsiella spp.
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第9部分:克雷伯氏菌检验
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.8-2010 Microbiological examination for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 8: Detection of Proteus vulgaris and Proteus mirabilis
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第8部分:普通变形杆菌和奇异变形杆菌检验
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.7-2010 Microbiological examination for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 7: Detection of Enterobacter cloacae
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第7部分:阴沟肠杆菌检验
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.6-2010 Microbiological examination method for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 6: Detection of Citrobacter spp.
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第6部分:柠檬酸杆菌检验
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.5-2010 Microbiological examination method for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 5: Detection of Salmonella spp
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第5部分:沙门氏菌检验
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.4-2010 Microbiological examination of milk and milk products hygiene. Part 4: Colony-count method of psychrotrophic microorganisms
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第4部分:嗜冷微生物菌落计数
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.3-2010 Microbiological examination for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 3: Colony-count method of yeast and moulds
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第3部分:酵母、霉菌菌落计数
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.2-2010 Microbiological examination method for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 2: Preparation of test samples,initial suspensions and decimal dilutions
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第2部分:检验样品的制备与稀释
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.13-2010 Microbiological examination for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 13: Isolation and enumeration of Pseudomonas spp.
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第13部分:假单孢菌属的分离与计数
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.12-2010 Microbiological examination for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 12: Detection and enumeration of listeria monocytogenes
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第12部分:单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌检测与计数
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.1-2010 Microbiological examination method for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 1: Guidance on sampling
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第1部分:取样指南
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2552.11-2010 Microbiological examination for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 11: Isolation and enumeration of Bacillus cereus
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第11部分:蜡样芽胞杆菌的分离与计数
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    SN/T 2552.10-2010 Microbiological examination for milk and milk products hygiene. Part 10: Detection of Enterobacter sakazakii. Fluorescent antibody method
    乳及乳制品卫生微生物学检验方法 第10部分:阪岐肠杆菌检验 免疫荧光方法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2551-2010 Food contact materials. Polymer materials. Determination of 3,3-bis (3-methyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-indoline in food simulants. HPLC method
    食品接触材料 高分子材料 食品模拟物中3,3-双(3-甲基-4-羟苯基)-2-吲哚酮的测定 高效液相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2550-2010 Food contact materials. Polymer materials. Determination of 1,3-benzenedimethanamine in food simulants. HPLC method
    食品接触材料 高分子材料 食品模拟物中1,3-苯二甲胺的测定 高效液相色谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2549-2010 Rules for inspection of materials intended to contact with food. Supplementary materials
    食品接触材料检验规程 辅助材料类
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2548-2010 Rules for the inspection of frozen octopus for export
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    SN/T 2547-2010 Determination of polybromobiphenyls and polybromodiphenyl ethers in plastic. GC/MS method
    塑料中多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
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    SN/T 2546-2010 Rules for the inspection and quarantine of importing cassava tuber flake
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    SN/T 2389.3-2010 Rules for measurement survey on import and export commodities. Part 3: Static measurement of orimusion in vertical metal shore-tank
    进出口商品容器计重规程 第3部分:奥里油岸上立式金属罐静态计重
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
    English PDF
    SN/T 2003.6-2010 Determination of lead,mercury,cadmium and chromium in electrical and electronic equipment. Part 6: Qualitative screening by spark discharge emission spectrometry
    电子电气产品中铅、汞、镉、铬的定性筛选方法 第6部分:火花源发射光谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 1932.10-2010 Rules for inspection on import and export garment. Part 10: Cold protective clothing
    进出口服装检验规程 第10部分:防寒服
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 1850.3-2010 Determination of alkylphenols and alkylphenol polyethoxylates in textiles. Part 3: NP-HPLC and LC-MS/MS methods
    纺织品中烷基酚类及烷基苯酚聚氧乙烯醚类的测定 第3部分:正相高效液相色谱法和液相色谱-串联质谱法
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 1737.6-2010 Determination of herbicide residues. Part 6: Determination of amitrole residues in food by HPLC-MS/MS method
    除草剂残留量检测方法 第6部分:液相色谱-质谱/质谱法测定食品中杀草强残留量
    China Import Export Inspection Standards
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    SN/T 1446-2010 Quarantine protocol for transmissible gastroenteritis of swine
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    SN/T 1345-2010 Fundamental for standards of the entry and exit plant quarantine
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    SN/T 1278-2010 Detection and identification of zabrotes subfasciatus (Boheman)
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    SN/T 1242-2010 Codes of sanitary supervision for entry-exit passengers trains
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    SN/T 1199-2010 Protocol of the polymerase chain reaction for detecting genetically modified components in cotton
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    SN/T 1159-2010 Inspection and identification of Bursaphelenchus cocophilus (Cobb,1919) Baujard 1989
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    SN/T 1146-2010 Detection and identification of tobacco ringspot virus
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