China National Standards

China HJ Industry Standards Eglish List

  •  China "HJ" GB Standards List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    HJ 782-2016 Waste solid. Extraction of organic compounds. Pressurized fluid extraction (PFE)
    固体废物 有机物的提取 加压流体萃取法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 781-2016 Solid waste. Determination of 22 metal elements. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
    固体废物 22种金属元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 610-2016 Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment. Groundwater environment
    环境影响评价技术导则 地下水环境
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 274-2015 Standard for national demonstration eco-industrial parks
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 546-2015 Ambient air. Determination of phosphorus pentoxide. Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
    环境空气 五氧化二磷的测定 钼蓝分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 780-2015 Soil and sediment. Determination of inorganic element. Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
    土壤和沉积物 无机元素的测定 波长色散x射线荧光光谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 774-2015 Technical guideline for the environmental protection status assessment of the centralized drinking water sources
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 773-2015 Environmental protection technical requirement for standardized construction of the centralized drinking water sources
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 779-2015 Ambient air. Determination of hexavalent chromium(Ⅵ). Ion chromatography with post-column method
    环境空气 六价铬的测定 柱后衍生离子色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 778-2015 Water quality. Determination of iodide. Ion chromatography
    水质 碘化物的测定 离子色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 777-2015 Ambient air and waste gas from stationary sources emission. Determination of metal elements in ambient particle matter. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
    空气和废气 颗粒物中金属元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 776-2015 Water quality. Determination of 32 elements. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
    水质 32种元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 775-2015 Water quality. Ascarid ova determination. Nature sedimentation method
    水质 蛔虫卵的测定 沉淀集卵法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 2050-2015 The guidelines of documentation for environmental engineering design
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 771-2015 (Environmental protection department website construction and maintenance of technical guidelines)
    环境保护主管部门网站 建设与维护技术导则
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 2049-2015 Technical specifications for waste gas control of lead smelting
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 2048-2015 Technical specifications for soft drink production wastewater treatment
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 2047-2015 Technical specifications for hydrolysis and acidification reactor in wastewater treatment
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 772-2015 (Environmental pollution statistics statistical technical specifications)
    环境统计技术规范 污染源统计
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 770-2015 Water quality. Determination of Phenoxy carboxylic acids herbicide by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Tandem Mass Spectrometry
    水质 苯氧羧酸类除草剂的测定 液相色谱/串联质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 769-2015 Determination of total sulfur in coal. Eschka-Ion chromatography method
    煤中全硫的测定 艾士卡-离子色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 768-2015 Solid waste. Determination of organic phosphorous pesticides. Gas chromatography
    固体废物 有机磷农药的测定 气相色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 767-2015 Solid waste. Determination of total barium. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry
    固体废物 钡的测定 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 766-2015 Solid Waste. Determination of metals. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
    固体废物 金属元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 765-2015 Waste solid. Distilling of organic compound. Microwave extraction
    固体废物 有机物的提取 微波萃取法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 539-2015 Ambient air. Determination of lead. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
    环境空气 铅的测定 石墨炉原子 吸收分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 764-2015 Specifications and test procedures for automatic/on-line monitoring of arsenic in water
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 763-2015 Specifications and test procedures for automatic/on-line monitoring of cadmium in Water
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 762-2015 Specifications and test procedures for automatic/on-line monitoring of Lead in Water
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 761-2015 Solid waste. Determination of organic matter. Ignition loss method
    固体废物 有机质的测定 灼烧减量法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 760-2015 Solid waste. Determination of volatile organic compounds. Headspace-gas chromatography method
    固体废物 挥发性有机物的测定 顶空-气相色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 759-2015 Ambient air. Determination of volatile organic compounds. Collected by specially-prepared canistersand analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
    环境空气 挥发性有机物的测定 罐采样/气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 758-2015 Water quality. Determination of haloacetic acids. Gas chromatography
    水质 卤代乙酸类化合物的测定 气相色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 757-2015 Water quality. Determination of chromium. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
    水质 铬的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 756-2015 Water quality. Determination of butyl xanthate. UV spectrophotometric method
    水质 丁基黄原酸的测定 紫外分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 755-2015 Water quality. Determination of total coliforms and fecal coliforms. Paper strip method
    水质 总大肠菌群和粪大肠菌群的测定 纸片快速法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 754-2015 Water quality. Determination of atrazine by Gas chromatography
    水质 阿特拉津的测定 气相色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 753-2015 Water quality. Determination of chlorothalonil and pyrethroid insecticides. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
    水质 百菌清及拟除虫菊酯类农药的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 752-2015 Solid Waste. Determination of Beryllium, Nickel, Molybdenum and Copper. Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
    固体废物 铍 镍 铜和钼的测定 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 751-2015 Solid Waste. Determination of Nickel and Copper. Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
    固体废物 镍和铜的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 750-2015 Solid Waste. Determination of total chromium. Furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
    固体废物 总铬的测定 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 749-2015 Solid Waste. Determination of total chromium. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
    固体废物 总铬的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 748-2015 Water quality. Deterination of Thallium. Graphite furnace absorption Aectrophotometric method
    水质 铊的测定 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 747-2015 Specification on Coding of the Centralized Drinking Water Source
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 746-2015 Soil. Determination of redov potential. Potential method
    土壤 氧化还原电位的测定 电位法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 745-2015 Soil. Determination of cyanide and total cyanide. Spectrometric method
    土壤 氰化物和总氰化物的测定 分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 744-2015 Water quality. Determination of phenols compounds. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
    水质 酚类化合物的测定气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 743-2015 Soil and sediment. Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
    土壤和沉积物 多氯联苯的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 742-2015 Soil and sediment. Determination of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons. Headspace gas chromatography
    土壤和沉积物 挥发性芳香烃的测定 顶空/气相色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 741-2015 Soil and sediment. Determination of volatile organic compounds. Headspace gas chromatography
    土壤和沉积物 挥发性有机物的测定 顶空/气相色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 550-2015 Water quality. Determination of cobalt. 5-Cl-PADAB Spectrophotometry
    水质 钴的测定 5-氯-2-(吡啶偶氮)-1,3-二氨基苯分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 192-2015 Technical Criterion for Ecosystem Status Evaluation
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 740-2015 Technical guideline for environmental risk assessment of tailings pond
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 2540-2015 Technical requirement for environmental labeling products. Wood Plastic Composites Products
    环境标志产品技术要求 木塑制品
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 739-2015 Ambient air. Determination of nitroaromatics. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
    环境空气 硝基苯类化合物的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 738-2015 Ambient air. Determination of nitroaromatics. Gas chromatography
    环境空气 硝基苯类化合物的测定 气相色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 737-2015 Soil and sediment. Determination of total beryllium. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry
    土壤和沉积物 铍的测定 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 736-2015 Soil and sediment. Determination of volatile halohydrocarbons. Headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry
    土壤和沉积物 挥发性卤代烃的测定 顶空/气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 735-2015 Soil and sediment. Determination of volatile halohydrocarbons. Purge and trap gas chromatography mass spectrometry
    土壤和沉积物 挥发性卤代烃的测定 吹扫捕集/气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 734-2014 Stationary source emission. Determination of volatile organic compounds. Sorbent adsorption and thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry method
    固定污染源废气 挥发性有机物的测定 固相吸附-热脱附/气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 733-2014 Guideline for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks and Uncovered Liquid Surface Emissions
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 732-2014 Emission from stationary sources. Sampling of volatile organic compounds. Bags method
    固定污染源废气 挥发性有机物的采样 气袋法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 729-2014 Security specification of environmental information system
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 728-2014 Specification for Test and Acceptance of Environmental Information Systems. The software part
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 727-2014 Technical specification for data exchange of environmenal information
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 726-2014 Technical Specification for Exchange of Environmental Spatial Data
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 725-2014 Acceptance specification for environmental information network
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 724-2014 Technical specification for environmental spatial data processing
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 723-2014 Specification for environmental information data dictionary
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 722-2014 Documentation format of environmental dataset
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 721-2014 Environmental datasets processing and collection workflow
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 720-2014 Environment information metadata specification
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 719-2014 Specification for database access interface of environment information system
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 718-2014 Technical specifications for the overall interconnection framework of environmental information sharing platform
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 731-2014 Specification for automated water quality monitoring in coastal area
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 730-2014 Specifications on spot location of monitoring sites related to coastal area environment
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 2046-2014 Technical specification for seawater flue gas desulfrization project of thermal power plant
    火电厂烟气脱硫工程技术规范 海水法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 2045-2014 Technical specifications for petroleum refining industry wastewater treatment
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 717-2014 Soil quality. Determination of total nitrogen. Modified Kjeldahlmethod
    土壤质量 全氮的测定 凯氏法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 716-2014 Water qualiy. Determination of nitroaromatics. Gas chromatography mass spactrometry
    水质 硝基苯类化合物的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 715-2014 Water quality. Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Gas chromatography mass spectrometry
    水质 多氯联苯的测定 气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 714-2014 Solid wastes. Determination of volatile halohydrocarbons. Headspace gas chromatography mass method
    固体废物 挥发性卤代烃的测定 顶空/气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 713-2014 Solid wastes. Determination of volatile halohydrocarbons. Purge and trap gas chromatography mass spectrometry
    固体废物 挥发性卤代烃的测定 吹扫捕集/气相色谱-质谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 712-2014 Solid waste-Determination of total phosphorus. Ammonium metamolybdate spectrophotomtric method
    固体废物 总磷的测定 偏钼酸铵分光光度法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 711-2014 Solid waste-Determination of phenolic compouds. Gas chromatiography
    固体废物 酚类化合物的测定 气相色谱法
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.9-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring butterflies
    生物多样性观测技术导则 蝴蝶
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.8-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates
    生物多样性观测技术导则 淡水底栖大型无脊椎动物
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.7-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring. i nland water fish
    生物多样性观测技术导则 内陆水域鱼类
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.6-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring amphibians
    生物多样性观测技术导则 两栖动物
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.5-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring reptiles
    生物多样性观测技术导则 爬行动物
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.4-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring birds
    生物多样性观测技术导则 鸟类
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.3-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring terrestrial mammals
    生物多样性观测技术导则 陆生哺乳动物
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.2-2014 7ehtdcd puWllhm for biodYvenify sonkorYne lichens and bryophyte
    生物多样性观测技术导则 地衣和苔藓
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.1-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring. terrestrial vascular plants
    生物多样性观测技术导则 陆生维管植物
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.11-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring. macrofungi
    生物多样性观测技术导则 大型真菌
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 710.10-2014 Technical guidelines for biodiversity monitoring. Large-and medium-sized soil animals
    生物多样性观测技术导则 大中型土壤动物
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 709-2014 Technical guidelines for environmental protection in dyeing and finishing of textile industry for check and accept of completed project
    建设项目竣工环境保护验收技术规范 纺织染整
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 708-2014 Technical guideline for environmental impact assessment iron and steel construction projects
    环境影响评价技术导则 钢铁建设项目
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 707-2014 Techniacal specifications for environmental noise monitoring structure-borne indoor noise form associated facilities
    环境噪声监测技术规范 结构传播固定设备室内噪声
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF
    HJ 706-2014 Technical specifications for environmental noise monitoring conrrection for measured noise level
    环境噪声监测技术规范 噪声测量值修正
    China Environmental Protection Industry Standards
    English PDF

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