China National Standards

China Machinery GB Standards English PDF List

GB standards are the China national standards; Prefix code GB are Mandatory standards, GB/T are Recommended standards; All products or service must be compliance with GB standards; If you want to export products or services to huge Chinese market, need ensure they are meet the requirements of GB china national standards;  We provide Chinese GB standards and English version GB standards  Lookup, Translate, Download, Imported Commodity GB standards Testing and Compliance review services.
  •  China "Machinery" GB Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    GB/T 19382.2-2012 Textile Machinery and accessories - Cylindrical sliver cans - Part 2:Spring bottoms
    纺织机械与附件 圆柱形条筒 第2部分:弹簧托盘
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19382.1-2012 Textile Machinery and accessories - Cylindrical sliver cans - Part 1: Main dimensions
    纺织机械与附件 圆柱形条筒 第1部分:主要尺寸
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17780.6-2012 Textile Machinery - Safety requirements - Part 6: Fabric manufacturing machinery
    纺织机械 安全要求 第6部分:织造机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 17120-2012 Metalforming Machinery - Safety requirements
    锻压机械 安全技术条件
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28890-2012 Terms of building ceramic Machinery
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17780.7-2012 Textile Machinery - Safety requirements - Part 7: Dyeing and finishing machinery
    纺织机械 安全要求 第7部分:染整机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17780.5-2012 Textile Machinery - Safety requirements - Part 5: Preparatory machinery to weaving and knitting
    纺织机械 安全要求 第5部分:机织和针织准备机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17780.4-2012 Textile Machinery - Safety requirements - Part 4: Yarn processing,cordage and rope manufacturing machinery
    纺织机械 安全要求 第4部分:纱线和绳索加工机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17780.3-2012 Textile Machinery - Safety requirements - Part 3: Nonwoven machinery
    纺织机械 安全要求 第3部分:非织造布机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17780.2-2012 Textile Machinery - Safety requirements - Part 2: Spinning preparatory and spinning machines
    纺织机械 安全要求 第2部分:纺纱准备和纺纱机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17780.1-2012 Textile Machinery - Safety requirements - Part 1: Common requirements
    纺织机械 安全要求 第1部分:通用要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28761-2012 Metalforming Machinery - Method of type designation
    锻压机械 型号编制方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28780-2012 Safety of Machinery - Integral lighting of machines
    机械安全 机器的整体照明
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19876-2012 Safety of Machinery ― Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body
    机械安全 与人体部位接近速度相关的安全防护装置的定位
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 15706-2012 Safety of Machinery — General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk reduction
    机械安全 设计通则 风险评估与风险减小
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17249.3-2012 Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design of low-noise workplaces containing Machinery - Part 3: Sound propagation and noise prediction in workrooms
    声学 低噪声工作场所设计指南 第3部分:工作间内的声传播和噪声预测
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28671-2012 Guidelines for pharmaceutical Machinery validation
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 28670-2012 General rule of pharmaceutical Machinery conforming to good manufacturing practice
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28693-2012 Tractors and Machinery for agricultural and forestry - Requirements of the lighting and light-signalling devices
    农林拖拉机和机械 照明和光信号装置的要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28692-2012 Printing Machinery - Hot glue thermobinder - General test method
    印刷机械 热熔胶订设备 通用试验方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 28526-2012 Electrical safety of Machinery - Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems
    机械电气安全 安全相关电气、电子和可编程电子控制系统的功能安全
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28554-2012 Electrical equipment of industrical machines - Electromagnetic compatibility for the construction Machinery with internal electrical power supply
    工业机械电气设备 内带供电单元的建设机械电磁兼容要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 25749.9-2012 Safety of Machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 9: Decontamination index
    机械安全 空气传播的有害物质排放的评估 第9部分:净化指数
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 25749.8-2012 Safety of Machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 8: Room method for the measurement of the pollutant concentration parameter
    机械安全 空气传播的有害物质排放的评估 第8部分:测量污染物浓度参数的室内法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 25749.7-2012 Safety of Machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 7: Test bench method for the measurement of the pollutant concentration parameter
    机械安全 空气传播的有害物质排放的评估 第7部分:测量污染物浓度参数的试验台法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 25749.6-2012 Safety of Machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 6: Test bench method for the measurement of the separation efficiency by mass of air cleaning systems with ducted outlet
    机械安全 空气传播的有害物质排放的评估 第6部分:测量带导管出口的空气净化系统质量分离效率的试验台法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 25749.5-2012 Safety of Machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 5: Test bench method for the measurement of the separation efficiency by mass of air cleaning systems with unducted outlet
    机械安全 空气传播的有害物质排放的评估 第5部分:测量不带导管出口的空气净化系统质量分离效率的试验台法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28394-2012 Road construction and road maintenance Machinery and equipment - The microwave heating device for asphalt pavement
    道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青路面微波加热装置
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28393-2012 Road construction and road maintenance Machinery and equipment - Synchronous chips seal truck
    道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青碎石同步封层车
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28392-2012 Road construction and road maintenance Machinery and equipment - Hot-air recirculating-type asphalt pavement hot recycling and maintenance machine
    道路施工与养护机械设备 热风式沥青混合料再生修补机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28391-2012 Building construction Machinery and equipment - Manually mobile hydraulic power units
    建筑施工机械与设备 人力移动式液压动力站
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28387.2-2012 Safety requirements for the design and construction of printing and paper converting machines - Part 2: Printing、varnishing machines and pre-press Machinery
    印刷机械和纸加工机械的设计及结构安全规则 第2部分:印刷机、上光机和印前机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28385-2012 Printing Machinery - Drilling and sewing machine
    印刷机械 锁线机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 25676.2-2012 Printing Machinery - Wide format ink-jet printer - Part 2:Plat media wide format ink-jet printer
    印刷机械 宽幅面喷绘机 第2部分:平板型宽幅面喷绘机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 20456-2012 Forestry Machinery - Portable chain-saws - Non-manually actuated chain brake performance
    林业机械 便携式油锯 被动式锯链制动器性能要求及测试方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 20448.1-2012 Self-propelled forestry Machinery - Laboratory tests and performance requirements for Roll-over protective structure - Part 1:General machinery
    自行式林业机械 滚翻保护结构实验室试验和性能要求 第1部分:通用机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19365-2012 Machinery for forestry - Mobile and self-propelled forestry machinery - Terms,definitions and classification
    林业机械 移动式和自行式林业机械 术语、定义和分类
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18961-2012 Forestry Machinery - Portable hand-held brush-cutters and grass-trimmers - Vocabulary
    林业机械 便携式割灌机和割草机 词汇
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18960-2012 Forestry Machinery - Portable hand-held china-saws - Vocabulary
    林业机械 便携式油锯 词汇
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 14176-2012 Forestry Machinery - Gasoline powered portable brush cutters and grass trimmers
    林业机械 以汽油机为动力的便携式割灌机和割草机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 28245-2012 Noise limits for automatic metalforming Machinery
    自动锻压机 噪声限值
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 28244-2012 Automatic metalforming Machinery - Safety requirements
    自动锻压机 安全技术要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28258-2012 Classification and codes for pharmaceutical Machinery products
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 50750-2012 Code for engineering installment acceptance of viscose fiber Machinery
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28187-2011 Textile Machinery - Dyeing and finishing machines - Square bars for winding devices - Dimensions
    纺织机械 染整机器 卷绕装置用方轴尺寸
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 28186-2011 Textile Machinery - Dyeing and finishing machines - Nominal speeds
    纺织机械 染整机器 公称速度
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 27892-2011 Ship and marine technology - Machinery-space flammable oil systems - Prevention of leakage of flammable oil
    船舶与海上技术 机舱易燃油料系统 易燃油料泄漏预防
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 27627-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Disc separator
    粮油机械 碟片精选机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 27626-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Spiral separator
    粮油机械 螺旋精选机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 8420-2011 Earth-moving Machinery - Physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope
    土方机械 司机的身材尺寸与司机的最小活动空间
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26968-2011 Feed Machinery - Editorial nominating method for model designation
    饲料机械 产品型号编制方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 20418-2011 Earth-moving Machinery - Lighting, signalling and marking lights, and reflex-reflector devices
    土方机械 照明、信号和标志灯以及反射器
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26897-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Iron roll rice whitener
    粮油机械 铁辊碾米机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26895-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Gravity grading stoner
    粮油机械 重力分级去石机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26894-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Vibration separator
    粮油机械 振动清理筛
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26893-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Cylindric precleaner
    粮油机械 圆筒初清筛
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26892-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Corn degerminator
    粮油机械 玉米破糁脱胚机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26891-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Twin-screw press
    粮油机械 双螺旋榨油机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26890-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Grinding and fluting machine
    粮油机械 磨辊磨光拉丝机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26889-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Starch flash dryers
    粮油机械 淀粉气流干燥机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26888-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Magnetic separator
    粮油机械 磁选器
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26887-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Desolventizer
    粮油机械 蒸脱机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26886-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Pressure screen
    粮油机械 压力曲筛
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26885-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Sweep auger
    粮油机械 螺旋清仓机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26884-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Extractor
    粮油机械 浸出器
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26883-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Single screw press
    粮油机械 单螺旋榨油机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26896-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Combine husker and whitener united rice mill
    粮油机械 砻碾组合米机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 26545-2011 Building construction Machinery and equipment - Safety requirements of drill rigs
    建筑施工机械与设备 钻孔设备安全规范
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26555-2011 Printing Machinery - Screen printing alloy of alumina screen frame
    印刷机械 网版印刷铝合金网框
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26554-2011 Printing Machinery - Web-fed flexo ruling machine
    印刷机械 卷筒纸柔版印线分切机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26553-2011 Printing Machinery - Thermal computer-to-plate plate-setter
    印刷机械 热敏型计算机直接制版机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26552-2011 Livestock Machinery - Fodder model cuber
    畜牧机械 粗饲料压块机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26551-2011 Livestock Machinery - Fodder chopping
    畜牧机械 粗饲料切碎机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26546-2011 Construction Machinery - Guide to reduce environmental burden
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26591-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Husked rice separator
    粮油机械 糙米精选机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26590-2011 Grain and oil Machinery - Gravity paddy separator
    粮油机械 重力谷糙分离机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 50681-2011 Code for design of Machinery building architecture
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 26509-2011 Garden Machinery - Pedestrian-controlled lawnmower with a petrol(diesel)engine - Safety requirements and testing methods
    园林机械 以汽(柴)油机为动力的步进式草坪割草机 安全技术要求和试验方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 26508-2011 Garden Machinery - Ride-on machines with lawn mowers - Safety requirements and testing
    园林机械 坐骑式草坪割草机 安全技术要求和试验方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 26505-2011 Mobile road construction Machinery - Safety requirements for paver-finishers
    移动式道路施工机械 摊铺机安全要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 26504-2011 Mobile road construction Machinery - Common safety requirements
    移动式道路施工机械 通用安全要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26499.4-2011 Machinery - Science data - Part 4: Exchange format
    机械 科学数据 第4部分:交换格式
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26499.3-2011 Machinery - Science data - Part 3: Metadata
    机械 科学数据 第3部分:元数据
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26499.2-2011 Machinery - Science data - Part 2: Data element directory
    机械 科学数据 第2部分:数据元目录
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26499.1-2011 Machinery - Science data - Part 1: Method of grading and classification
    机械 科学数据 第1部分:分级分类方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 50664-2011 Code for installation and quality inspection of cotton textile Machinery
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 18209.3-2010 Electrical safety of Machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 3: Requirements for the location and operation of actuators
    机械电气安全 指示、标志和操作 第3部分:操动器的位置和操作的要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 18209.2-2010 Electrical safety of Machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 2: Requirements for marking
    机械电气安全 指示、标志和操作 第2部分:标志要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 18209.1-2010 Electrical safety of Machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 1: Requirements for visual, acoustic and tactile signals
    机械电气安全 指示、标志和操作 第1部分:关于视觉、听觉和触觉信号的要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/Z 26139-2010 Earth-moving Machinery - Guidelines for assessment of exposure to whole-body vibration of ride-on machines - Use of harmonized data measured by international institutes, organizations and manufacturers
    土方机械 驾乘式机器暴露于全身振动的评价指南 国际协会、组织和制造商所测定协调数据的应用
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/Z 26138-2010 Printing Machinery - Graphical symbols for printing press systems and finishing systems,including related auxiliary equipment
    印刷机械 印刷机系统和印后系统以及相关辅助设备的图形符号
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26118.3-2010 Safety of Machinery - Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery - Part 3: Reduction of radiation by attenuation or screening
    机械安全 机械辐射产生的风险的评价与减小 第3部分:通过衰减或屏蔽减小辐射
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26118.2-2010 Safety of Machinery - Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery - Part 2: Radiation emission measurement procedure
    机械安全 机械辐射产生的风险的评价与减小 第2部分:辐射排放的测量程序
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 26118.1-2010 Safety of Machinery - Assessment and reduction of risks arising from radiation emitted by machinery - Part 1: General principles
    机械安全 机械辐射产生的风险的评价与减小 第1部分:通则
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 25874.2-2010 Textile Machinery and accessories - Strip steel for dents of reeds - Part 2: Hardened strip steel
    纺织机械与附件 筘齿用钢片 第2部分:淬硬钢片
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 25874.1-2010 Textile Machinery and accessories - Strip steel for dents of reeds - Part 1: Cold rolled strip steel
    纺织机械与附件 筘齿用钢片 第1部分:冷轧钢片
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 26133-2010 Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from small spark ignition engines of non-road mobile Machinery
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 25684.9-2010 Earth-moving Machinery - Safety - Part 9: Requirements for pipelayers
    土方机械 安全 第9部分:吊管机的要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 25684.8-2010 Earth-moving Machinery - Safety - Part 8: Requirements for graders
    土方机械 安全 第8部分:平地机的要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 25684.7-2010 Earth-moving Machinery - Safety - Part 7: Requirements for scrapers
    土方机械 安全 第7部分:铲运机的要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF

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