China National Standards

China NA GB Standards English PDF List

GB standards are the China national standards; Prefix code GB are Mandatory standards, GB/T are Recommended standards; All products or service must be compliance with GB standards; If you want to export products or services to huge Chinese market, need ensure they are meet the requirements of GB china national standards;  We provide Chinese GB standards and English version GB standards  Lookup, Translate, Download, Imported Commodity GB standards Testing and Compliance review services.
  •  China "NA" GB Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    GB/T 23364.1-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of high purity indium oxide - Part 1: Determination of arsenic content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
    高纯氧化铟化学分析方法 第1部分:砷量的测定 原子荧光光谱法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23362.6-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of high purity indium hydroxide - Part 6: Determination of the loss on ignition - Gravimetric analysis
    高纯氢氧化铟化学分析方法 第6部分:灼减量的测定 称量法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23362.5-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of high purity indium hydroxide - Part 5: Determination of chlorine content - Mercuric sulfocyanide spectrophotometry
    高纯氢氧化铟化学分析方法 第5部分:氯量的测定 硫氰酸汞分光光度法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23362.4-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of high purity indium hydroxide - Part 4: Determination of aluminum, iron, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead and thallium content - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
    高纯氢氧化铟化学分析方法 第4部分:铝、铁、铜、锌、镉、铅和铊量的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23362.3-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of high purity indium hydroxide - Part 3: Determination of antimony content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
    高纯氢氧化铟化学分析方法 第3部分:锑量的测定 原子荧光光谱法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23362.2-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of high purity indium hydroxide - Part 2: Determination of tin content - Phenylfluorone spectrophotometry
    高纯氢氧化铟化学分析方法 第2部分:锡量的测定 苯基荧光酮分光光度法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23362.1-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of high purity indium hydroxide - Part 1: Determination of arsenic content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
    高纯氢氧化铟化学分析方法 第1部分:砷量的测定 原子荧光光谱法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23329-2009 Textiles - DetermiNAtion of drapability of fabrics
    纺织品 织物悬垂性的测定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23325-2009 Textiles - DetermiNAtion of surfactant - Linear alkylbenzene sulfonates
    纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 线性烷基苯磺酸盐
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23324-2009 Textiles - DetermiNAtion of surfactant - Distearyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
    纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 二硬脂基二甲基氯化铵
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23323-2009 Textiles - DetermiNAtion of surfactant - Ethylene diamine tetra acetate and diethylene triamine penta acetate
    纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 乙二胺四乙酸盐和二乙烯三胺五乙酸盐
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23322-2009 Textiles - DetermiNAtion of surfactant - Alkylphenol ethoxylates
    纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23320-2009 Textiles - DetermiNAtion of resistance to water absorption - Tumble-jar absorption test
    纺织品 抗吸水性的测定 翻转吸收法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23319.2-2009 Textiles - DetermiNAtion of spirality after laundering - Part 2: Woven and knitted fabrics
    纺织品 洗涤后扭斜的测定 第2部分:机织物和针织物
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23319.1-2009 Textiles - DetermiNAtion of spirality after laundering - Part 1: Percentage of wale spirality change in knitted garments
    纺织品 洗涤后扭斜的测定 第1部分:针织服装纵行扭斜的变化
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23318-2009 Textiles - DetermiNAtion of resistance to puncture
    纺织品 刺破强力的测定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19981.4-2009 Textiles - ProfessioNAl care, drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and garments - Part 4: Procedure for testing performance when cleaning and finishing using simulated wetcleaning
    纺织品 织物和服装的专业维护、干洗和湿洗 第4部分:使用模拟湿清洗和整烫时性能试验的程序
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19981.3-2009 Textiles - ProfessioNAl care, drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and garments - Part 3: Procedure for testing performance when cleaning and finishing using hydrocarbon solvent
    纺织品 织物和服装的专业维护、干洗和湿洗 第3部分:使用烃类溶剂干洗和整烫时性能试验的程序
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4074.8-2009 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 8: Test procedure for the determiNAtion of the temperature index of enamelled winding wires - Quick-Test method
    绕组线试验方法 第8部分:测定漆包绕组线温度指数的试验方法 快速法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4074.7-2009 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 7: Test procedure for the determiNAtion of the temperature index of enamelled winding wires
    绕组线试验方法 第7部分:测定漆包绕组线温度指数的试验方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23312.7-2009 ENAmelled round aluminium winding wire - Part 7: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire, class 200
    漆包铝圆绕组线 第7部分:200级聚酯或聚酯亚胺/聚酰胺酰亚胺复合漆包铝圆线
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23312.6-2009 ENAmelled round aluminium winding wire - Part 6: Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide enamelled round aluminium wire, class 180
    漆包铝圆绕组线 第6部分:180级聚酯或聚酯亚胺/聚酰胺复合漆包铝圆线
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23312.5-2009 ENAmelled round aluminium winding wire - Part 5: Polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire,class 180
    漆包铝圆绕组线 第5部分:180级聚酯亚胺漆包铝圆线
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23312.4-2009 ENAmelled round aluminium winding wire - Part 4: Polyester enamelled round aluminium wire, class 155
    漆包铝圆绕组线 第4部分:155级聚酯漆包铝圆线
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23312.3-2009 ENAmelled round aluminium winding wire - Part 3: Polyester enamelled round aluminium wire, class 130
    漆包铝圆绕组线 第3部分:130级聚酯漆包铝圆线
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23312.2-2009 ENAmelled round aluminium winding wire - Part 2: Polyvinyl acetal enamelled round aluminium wire, class 120
    漆包铝圆绕组线 第2部分:120级缩醛漆包铝圆线
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23312.1-2009 ENAmelled round aluminium winding wire - Part 1: General requirements
    漆包铝圆绕组线 第1部分:一般规定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19290.5-2009 Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2-3: SectioNAl specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25mm equipment practice - Extended detail specification - Dimensions for subrack
    发展中的电子设备构体机械结构模数序列 第2-3部分:分规范 25mm设备构体的接口协调尺寸 扩展的详细规范 插箱、机箱、背板、面板和插件的尺寸
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19290.4-2009 Modular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 2: SectioNAl specification - Interface co-ordination dimensions for the 25 mm equipment practice - Section 2: Detail specification - Dimensions for subrac
    发展中的电子设备构体机械结构模数序列 第2-2部分:分规范 25mm设备构体的接口协调尺寸 详细规范 插箱、机箱、背板、面板和插件的尺寸
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17363.1-2009 Nondestructive mensuration of gold content in the gold products - Part 1: Method of electron probe microaNAlysis
    黄金制品金含量无损测定方法 第1部分:电子探针微分析法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 12970.3-2009 Flexible copper stranded conductors for electrical purposes - Part 3: Flexible copper wire for antenNA
    电工软铜绞线 第3部分:软铜天线
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 8190.11-2009 Reciprocating interNAl combustion engines - Exhaust emission measurement - Part 11: Test-bet measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions from engines used in nonroad mobile machinery under transient test conditions
    往复式内燃机 排放测量 第11部分:非道路移动机械用发动机瞬态工况下气体和颗粒排放物的试验台测量
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6809.7-2009 Reciprocating interNAl combustion engines - Vocabulary of components and systems - Part 7: Governing systems
    往复式内燃机 零部件和系统术语 第7部分:调节系统
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6809.6-2009 Reciprocating interNAl combustion engines - Vocabulary of components and systems - Part 6: Lubricating systems
    往复式内燃机 零部件和系统术语 第6部分:润滑系统
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6809.1-2009 Reciprocating interNAl combustion engines - Vocabulary of components and systems - Part 1: Structure and external covers
    往复式内燃机 零部件和系统术语 第1部分:固定件及外部罩盖
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4759-2009 Exhaust silencers for interNAl combustion engines - Measurement procedure
    内燃机排气消声器 测量方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23342-2009 Reciprocal interNAl combustion engines - Recoil starting equipment - General safety requirements
    往复式内燃机 回弹式绳索起动装置 基本安全要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23340-2009 InterNAl combustion engines - Connecting-rods - Specification
    内燃机 连杆 技术条件
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23339-2009 InterNAl combustion engines - Crankshafts - Specification
    内燃机 曲轴 技术条件
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23338-2009 InterNAl combustion engines - Charge air coolers - Specification
    内燃机 增压空气冷却器 技术条件
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23337-2009 InterNAl combustion engines - Intake and exhaust valves - Specification
    内燃机 进、排气门 技术条件
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17804-2009 Reciprocating interNAl combustion engines - Graphical symbols
    往复式内燃机 图形符号
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 786.1-2009 Fluid power systems and components - Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams - Part 1: Graphic symbols for conventioNAl use and data-processing applications
    流体传动系统及元件图形符号和回路图 第1部分:用于常规用途和数据处理的图形符号
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6062-2009 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - NomiNAl characteristic of contact(stylus) instruments
    产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 接触(触针)式仪器的标称特性
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23252-2009 Pneumatic fluid power - Cylinders - FiNAl examination and acceptance criteria
    气缸 成品检验及验收
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 9109.5-2009 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Calculation of oil quantities - DyNAmic measurement
    石油和液体石油产品油量计算 动态计量
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23258-2009 Standard practice controlling interNAl corrosion in steel pipelines
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 21412.6-2009 Petroleum and NAtural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 6: Subsea production control systems
    石油天然气工业 水下生产系统的设计与操作 第6部分:水下生产控制系统
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 21412.3-2009 Petroleum and NAtural gas industries - Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 3: Through flowline (TFL) systems
    石油天然气工业 水下生产系统的设计与操作 第3部分:过出油管(TFL)系统
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 11146-2009 Crude petroleum - DetermiNAtion of water - Coulometric Karl Fischer titration method
    原油水含量测定 卡尔?费休库仑滴定法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 14726-2009 Medical and functioNAl classification for disabled athletes
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 14191.1-2009 Prosthetics and orthotics-vocabulary - Part 1: General terms for exterNAl limb prostheses and external orthoses
    假肢学和矫形器学术语 第1部分:体外肢体假肢和体外矫形器的基本术语
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23373-2009 DetermiNAtion of butylated hydroxyl anisole(BHA)、dibutylated hydroxyl toluene(BHT)and tertiary butyl hydroquinone(TBHQ) in foods
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23372-2009 DetermiNAtion of inorganic-arsenic in foods - Liquid chromatography - Inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometer
    食品中无机砷的测定 液相色谱 电感耦合等离子体质谱法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23286.1-2009 Document maNAgement - Electronic document file format for long-term preservation - Part 1: Use of PDF 1.4(PDF/A-1)
    文献管理 长期保存的电子文档文件格式 第1部分:PDF1.4(PDF/A-1)的使用
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 16679-2009 Industrial systems,installations and equipment and industrial products - DesigNAtion of signals
    工业系统、装置与设备以及工业产品 信号代号
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 14588-2009 Technical regulations for environmental maNAgement of reactor decommissioning
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 4880.3-2009 Codes for the representation of NAmes of languages - Part 3: Alpha-3 code for comprehensive coverage of languages
    语种名称代码 第3部分:所有语种的3字母代码
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18437.1-2009 The technical criterion of refitting for vehicle by using gas - Part 1: Compressed NAtural gas automobile
    燃气汽车改装技术要求 第1部分:压缩天然气汽车
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23263-2009 DetermiNAtion of asbestos in products
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18570.2-2009 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 2: Laboratory determiNAtion of chloride on cleaned surfaces
    涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第2部分:清理过的表面上氯化物的实验室测定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18570.11-2009 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 11: Field method for the turbidimetric determiNAtion of water-soluble sulfate
    涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第11部分:水溶性硫酸盐的现场浊度测定法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 16305-2009 TorsioNAl vibration absorbers
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 13288.5-2009 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 5: Replica tape method for the determiNAtion of the surface profile
    涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理后的钢材表面粗糙度特性 第5部分:表面粗糙度的测定方法 复制带法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 13288.3-2009 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 3: Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the determiNAtion of su
    涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理后的钢材表面粗糙度特性 第3部分:ISO表面粗糙度比较样块的校准和表面粗糙度的测定方法 显微镜调焦法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 11700-2009 Small craft - Marine propulsion reciprocating interNAl combustion engines - Power measurements and declarations
    小艇 船用推进往复式内燃机 功率的测定和标定
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17823-2009 VeteriNAry requirements of prevention and control of diseases for intensive pig farm
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 21956.4-2009 The strength testing method and accepting condition of protective structures on NArrow-track wheeled agricultural and forestry tractors - Part 4: Dynamic testing method of rear mounted ROPS
    农林窄轮距轮式拖拉机防护装置强度试验方法和验收条件 第4部分:后置式动态试验方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 50486-2009 Code for design of industrial furNAces in iron & steel works
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 6043-2009 Method for determiNAtion of pH value of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23232-2009 Fast growing and high yield plantation of pinus banksiaNA lamb
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23229-2009 Methods for aNAlysis of waterborne wood preservatives
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1943-2009 Method for determiNAtion of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1936.2-2009 Method for determiNAtion of the modulus of elasticity in static bending of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1934.2-2009 Method for determiNAtion of the swelling of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1934.1-2009 Method for determiNAtion of the water absorption of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1933-2009 Method for determiNAtion of the density of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1932-2009 Method for determiNAtion of the shrinkage of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1931-2009 Method for determiNAtion of the moisture content of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 1930-2009 Method for determiNAtion of the annual rings width and latewood rate of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 14018-2009 Method of testing NAil holding power of wood
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 13942.2-2009 Durability of wood - Part 2: Method for field test of NAtural durability
    木材耐久性能 第2部分:天然耐久性野外试验方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 13942.1-2009 Durability of wood - Part 1: Method for laboratory test of NAtural decay resistance
    木材耐久性能 第1部分:天然耐腐性实验室试验方法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23243-2009 DetermiNAtion of perfluorooctane sulfonates (PFOS) in the food packaging material - High performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
    食品包装材料中全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物(PFOS)的测定 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 27342-2009 Hazard aNAlysis and critical control point(HACCP)system - Requirements for dairy processing plant
    危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)体系 乳制品生产企业要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 27341-2009 Hazard aNAlysis and critical control point(HACCP)system - General requirements for food processing plant
    危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)体系 食品生产企业通用要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23295.1-2009 Geographical NAmes information services - Part 1: General principle
    地名信息服务 第1部分:通则
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17693.5-2009 Transformation guidelines of geographical NAmes from foreign languages into Chinese - Spanish
    外语地名汉字译写导则 西班牙语
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17693.4-2009 Transformation guidelines of geographical NAmes from foreign languages into Chinese - Russian
    外语地名汉字译写导则 俄语
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 17693.3-2009 Transformation guidelines of geographical NAmes from foreign languages into Chinese - German
    外语地名汉字译写导则 德语
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23268.1-2009 Specifications for protective equipments for sports - Part 1: DyNAmic mountaineering ropes
    运动保护装备要求 第1部分:登山动力绳
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 12343.3-2009 Compilation specifications for NAtional fundamental scale maps - Part 3: Compilation specifications for 1:500 000 1:1 000 000 topographic maps
    国家基本比例尺地图编绘规范 第3部分:1:500 000 1:1 000 000地形图编绘规范
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 9990-2009 Food nutritioNAl fortification substance - Calcined calcium
    食品营养强化剂 煅烧钙
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 15044-2009 Food additive - carrageeNAn
    食品添加剂 卡拉胶
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23278.8-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of sodium stannate - Part 8: Determination of nitrate content - Ion selective electrode method
    锡酸钠化学分析方法 第8部分:硝酸盐含量的测定 离子选择电极法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23278.7-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of sodium stannate - Part 7: Determination of alkali insoluble matter - Gravimetric analysis
    锡酸钠化学分析方法 第7部分:碱不溶物的测定 重量法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23278.6-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of sodium stannate - Part 6: Determination of free alkali content - Titration
    锡酸钠化学分析方法 第6部分:游离碱的测定 中和滴定法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23278.5-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of sodium stannate - Part 5: Determination of antimony content - Malachite green photometric method
    锡酸钠化学分析方法 第5部分:锑量的测定 孔雀绿分光光度法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23278.4-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of sodium stannate - Part 4: Determination of lead content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
    锡酸钠化学分析方法 第4部分:铅量的测定 原子吸收光谱法
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 23278.3-2009 Methods for chemical aNAlysis of sodium stannate - Part 3: Determination of arsenic content - Molybdoantimonyarsenate blue spectrophotometric method
    锡酸钠化学分析方法 第3部分:砷量的测定 砷锑钼蓝分光光度法
    China National Standards

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