China National Standards

China trimmers GB Standards English PDF List

GB standards are the China national standards; Prefix code GB are Mandatory standards, GB/T are Recommended standards; All products or service must be compliance with GB standards; If you want to export products or services to huge Chinese market, need ensure they are meet the requirements of GB china national standards;  We provide Chinese GB standards and English version GB standards  Lookup, Translate, Download, Imported Commodity GB standards Testing and Compliance review services.
  •  China "trimmers" GB Standards English PDF List:
  • Standard  Code Standard Title Standard Class Order
    GB/T 4214.5-2023 Noise test methods for household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for electric shavers, electric hair clippers and hair trimmers
    家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 电动剃须刀、电理发剪及修发器的特殊要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 39505-2020 Method of measuring performances of electric hair clippers or trimmers for household use
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19725.2-2020 Agricultural and forestry machinery — Safety requirements and testing for portable, hand-held ,powered brush-cutters and grass-trimmers — Part 2: Machines for use with back-pack power unit
    农林机械 便携式割灌机和割草机安全要求和试验 第2部分:背负式动力机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19725.1-2020 Agricultural and forestry machinery—Safety requirements and testing for portable,hand-held,powered brush-cutters and grass-trimmers—Part 1:Machines fitted with an integral combustion engine
    农林机械 便携式割灌机和割草机安全要求和试验 第1部分:侧挂式动力机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 3883.403-2017 Safety of motor-operated hand-held, transportable and garden tools―Part 4: Particular requirements for walk-behind and hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers
    手持式、可移式电动工具和园林工具的安全 第4部分:步行式和手持式草坪修整机、草坪修边机的专用要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 19725.2-2014 Agricultural and forestry machinery―Safety requirements and testing for portable hand-held powered brush-cutters and grass-trimmers―Part 2: Machines for use with back-pack power unit
    农林机械 便携式割灌机和割草机安全要求和试验 第2部分:背负式动力机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 19725.1-2014 Agricultural and forestry machinery―Safety requirements and testing for portable,hand-held,powered brush-cutters and grass-trimmers―Part 1: Machines fitted with an integral combustion engine
    农林机械 便携式割灌机和割草机安全要求和试验 第1部分:侧挂式动力机械
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 18961-2012 Forestry machinery - Portable hand-held brush-cutters and grass-trimmers - Vocabulary
    林业机械 便携式割灌机和割草机 词汇
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 14176-2012 Forestry machinery - Gasoline powered portable brush cutters and grass trimmers
    林业机械 以汽油机为动力的便携式割灌机和割草机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 4706.54-2008 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for walk-behind and hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers
    家用和类似用途电器的安全 第2部分:步行式和手持式草坪修整机、草坪修边机的专用要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 3883.15-2007 Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for hedge trimmers
    手持式电动工具的安全 第二部分:修枝剪的专用要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 10395.13-2006 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Technical means for ensuring safety - Part 13: Powered walk-behind and hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers
    农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第13部分:后操纵式和手持式动力草坪修剪机和草坪修边机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 10395.12-2005 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry -- Technical means for ensuring safety -- Part 12: Portable powered hedge-trimmers
    农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第12部分:便携式动力绿篱修剪机
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 3883.17-2005 Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools Part 2:Particular requirements for routers and trimmers
    手持式电动工具的安全 第2部分:木铣和修边机的专用要求
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB/T 19727-2005 Forestry machinery-Backpack power units for brush-cutters,grass-trimmers,pole-cutters and similar appliances-Safety requirements and testing
    林业机械 割灌机、割草机、杆式修枝锯和类似机具的背负式动力装置 安全要求和试验
    China National Standards

    English PDF
    GB 19728-2005 Forestry machinery-Brush-cutters and grass-trimmers with a backpack power unit-Safety requirements and testing
    林业机械 背负式割灌机和割草机 安全要求和试验
    China National Standards

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